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NID1019- Service Continues®

2018-05-06.  Service Continues.


No Idaho #1,019


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Service Continues
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM, Lightline TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Unknown
o 2.2 TR: Cathy Morris
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson

Topic: Service Continues
Group: N. Idaho TeaM, Lightline TeaM
Teacher: Silver Birch
TR: Cathy Morris




Silver Birch. [Cathy] It is a great pleasure to join you to reaffirm the words from past visits. My world has expanded since those words were shared. The truth still resonates. My service continues and your reception affirms the value of communicating. Each of you are following a path of growth and service. It is my hope that our contribution will lift the world of your birth to a situation of joy and creativity connected with our Creator.

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