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NID1033- Salvation of Urantia Discussion.

2019-01-20.  Salvation of Urantia Discussion.


No Idaho #1033


Topic: Salvation of Urantia Discussion
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael
TR: CathyM




Discussion of 11:11 The Salvation of Urantia Dec. 30,2018   Uteah (trinity teacher) by TR Chris Maurus

Question: Is the purification of Urantia inevitable?

Michael. I understand your question to mean a destruction of or reboot of Urantia.  In this there is a basic misunderstanding that needs to be addressed.  I will never set a total reset on this planet.  The Correcting Time plan was designed to bring the error into alignment with the original pattern, our original plan for development of this world and its inhabitants.  I realize that many are expecting pole shifts or cataclysm.  The planet in the past has gone through many shifts and realignments.  When my plan of correction brought frequency into alignment with the Father, we altered the actual structure of the physical world you inhabit.  It may not be noticeable, but the subtle change of frequency will alter all life on Urantia.

This was intended to uplift the spiritual development and begin the move toward Light and Life.  It is intended to make the mortals on this world aware of light and additional opportunities for “being” in relation to Light.  This is why you were encouraged to decide to activate your Light Body.  The enhanced Light Body is intended to be a partial protection in relation to other energy manifestations that are increasing during this time. Fear not.  Stay focused and committed to the will of the Father.  Live in Joy.  This is a development for good and growth.  I am still in control.  As your Father, I intend to give all my children the most opportunity for good.  I still intend for this world to be a jewel and beacon for all lost souls in my Universe.  I am counting on you to live your truth and help in this time of transformation.

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