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NID1044- Uplift Spiritual Energy.

2020-02-13.  Uplift Spiritual Energy.


February  13, 2020  N Idaho #1044

Machiventa  TR: Cathy



Machiventa.  As Planetary Prince I have the uplifting of spiritual energy on this world.  Your efforts to enhance this circuit of spirit will prove fruitful.  Spend some time with intention to direct energy into upliftment of spiritual connection as well as the adjuster circuit.  As the population awakens to the adjuster influence, the circuit will be amplified and serve to draw all persons to the Goodness, Love, and Beauty we desire.

This will be the real beginning of our entrance into Light and Life.  As a rebellion world, the process has  been  altered and Christ Michael is working the plan to shift consciousness to Spirit.  I encourage your action to help him.  We will all benefit from this energy flow and shift of consciousness.  I will watch to see the results.

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