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NID1061- The Angels of Progress®

2020-07-19.  The Angels of Progress.


North Idaho  July 19, 2020 – NID #1061

Monjoronson, Christ Michael /  TR:  Cathy



Monjoronson. The Angels of Progress are very active at this time in many aspects of life.  They are united in promoting the Correcting Time plan of Michael.  As you observed in the Hackathon 2020, their support enables groups to bring forth solutions to problems in a time of radical change.  As you were told, many additional angels were assigned to Urantia to help through this transition period.  As we move forward in the hope of clearing the negative dysfunction from the past, the angles are actively joining with receptive humans to foster unity and action for truth, goodness,  and beauty.  Be assured they are ready to assist upon your request.  Remember you are all connected with their circuit by your personal guardians and cherubim.  There is a direct connection with all.

Monjoronson, “ During the week take some time to sit with me and try to experience my presence.”

Christ Michael. My children I am pleased as you help my brother Monjoronson.  The mission is in progress and more of you will feel the connection.  You can be a guide to help others in need.  We are pleased with the progress and your participation. My Peace be with you


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