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NID28- Contact

No Idaho #28


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Contact
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Elyon, LinEl, Malvantra
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers, Jonathan
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
 3.2.1 Socialization
 3.2.2 Change, Urantia
o 3.3 Dialogue
 3.3.1 Doubt
 3.3.2 Teaching
 3.3.3 Teaching Mission
 3.3.4 Microcosm, Correcting Time, the Supreme

Topic: Contact
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, LinEl, Malvantra
TR: Mark Rogers, Jonathan

ELYON: (Mark TR): Warm greetings to you, my friends. This is Elyon. Today I would speak on contact.


ELYON: This concept of contact has many different levels and many different effects. For sometime now you and I have enjoyed a different level of contact than either of us had ever experienced before. This contact we have between us serves on many different levels to strengthen awareness, to inspire growth and action, to refresh and support each other with confirmation of our ideals. All these expressions of our contact and many more are instigated by the contact we have with each other.

If you would, now for a moment step back and realize that the contact you share with each other and with your brothers and sisters around you has the very same potential for growth, for support. This service you can provide to those with whom you come in contact. Every contact is latent with potential for a variety of positive effects. If you would view your daily contacts with each other and with those around you as having the same potential as the contact we share here today, you might gain awareness that potential for the same benefits exists.

Contact is unique in that it is pursued and desired by the individuals involved. There is an underlying commitment when any contact occurs between the individuals involved. This is the first step , the opening of the door, towards trust and acceptance of the benefits of this two-way communion. You very admirably pursue our weekly contact and your individual contacts with the stillness. In future you may come to realize that all contact is beneficial to all parties concerned.

This is easily exemplified by the fact that individuals who lack contact with other individuals or any force outside of themselves often wither and starve for this contact. To deprive a human of this contact is considered punishment in your culture. You are social creatures, and therefore it is a basic requirement to interact with those of your kind. I would encourage you to elevate this level of contact in your minds to a more spiritual level, more like the level you devote to the contact you share with me and with the rest of the teachers. In doing this you elevate those around you to a more spiritual focus even if the words you use at any given time do not necessarily reflect a spiritual cause. Your attitude, if spiritually attuned, prevails no matter what exchange you may have.

Change, Urantia

ELYON: I would also offer comment on your previous discussion of changes. As has been stated before, changes are indeed impending. If you could picture the development of your planet as a sine wave, you would interpret times of great change and upheaval as being the peaks and times of long stagnation as being the troughs. We are at a point in this sine wave of climbing to an apex of peak where potentials are brought to the surface and extra energy is provided as the impetus to propel forward. This is, again, nothing to be alarmed about.

This is simply the status as viewed from the outside. This is, in fact, a glorious time to be witness to the unfolding of potentials on your developing planet. This upcoming season is why we as teachers have uniformly attempted to prepare our students to have steady foundations on which to ride out possible shifts in attitude. It is why we have had the lesson plans that we have had. We have attempted to prepare you as individuals to weather the seeming storm. This may add slightly to your apprehension of events to unfold, but we have made every effort to dispel fear and doubt and provide you with the substitutes of hope and faith.

It is quite alright for you to feel uncertainty; we have not attempted to displace this, as uncertainty can provide the impetus for further growth. But fear and doubt are stifling to growth, and therefore I hope our lessons have conveyed to you a positive tone, a forward-looking approach and acceptance. The faith in you has been our goal to foster and build so that you may be at your most effective in having a stabilizing effect on those around you whose uncertainty has cast them into fear and doubt.

There will come a time when you look back on the sine wave of events to happen in your short existence here on this planet, and you will smile to think how you thought at the time and how you reacted at the time of these various transformations. Your perspective in the future will provide you with the wisdom and insight to dispense with fears and doubts in favor of anticipation and faith.

It is a difficult task, at the same time, to attempt to prepare you for upcoming changes and simultaneously play down the effect of impending situations. I am hopeful that our lessons to date have done more to build on your positive tendencies than to illuminate any potentially distressing aspects. You all are in possession of great amounts of faith, and I request that you reside there and in times of question or uncertainty that you return to your safe house of faith, that you return to your stillness, to your attitude of the desiring of wisdom and that by doing so you will appear to those around you to be a stable isle in contrast to the seeming changing sea around you.

I am not worried or unduly concerned for any individual in this group. I have every confidence and faith in you that, whatever gets thrown at you in this life, you will triumph, you will prevail. You are more and more aligning your attitude and your soul with the Father’s will. That alone is all that is required of you.

I give you all my love and my respect and look forward to this joyous time we have before us. The fruits will seem to ripen; the colors will seem to be brighter; the opportunities will be more for the taking, and we will all go through this together and experience this growthful time together. That is the conclusion of my remarks for today. I am with you as always as are others to be called upon. We all welcome your questions, comments, observations.

Jonathan: In the past years you have mentioned that, in relation to faith, doubt can be good as a stimulus to growth. Now you mention doubt in relation to fear as stifling growth. Could you comment on both the usefulness and the drawbacks to doubt?

ELYON: Indeed, the doubt card can be played in two directions. In preliminary stages of development, doubt is absolutely normal and can indeed be a stimulant to enhance or increase faith. It is also true that from time to time throughout your development this doubt may rise to the surface. However, it is infallibly true that, as you spiritually progress in your ascension, doubt inevitably becomes less and less of a factor as you give yourself over more and more to faith and the will of the Father and your progression.

The more you whole-heartedly devote your being to your ascension, the will of the Father, the less room is left for any doubt. So that a fully developed spiritualized being does not grapple with doubt as a factor; they are fully devoted to their faith in which there is literally no room left for doubt.

Doubt has by its very nature a stifling, halting effect on forward progression and movement. In the beginning stages of spiritual development this doubt challenges the individual to further increase their faith. So the doubt is seen as an obstacle or a challenge to go around or to overcome, and therefore it is useful. At some point it is no longer a necessary element in your spiritual development and can be released or let go from your spiritually progressive path. Does this illuminate any further the dual nature of doubt?

Jonathan: As you were speaking I was playing with the metaphor of water. I see that if someone has an ocean to cross, doubting one’s ability to build a worthy vessel to cross this ocean, in faith utilizes that doubt to research and develop a seaworthy vessel. That would be a good growth stimulus. But at full sail at sea, that is not the time to doubt one’s effective construction and pull in the sails and climb in the berth and cringe in fear. That’s where doubt has its negative effect. As we progress, our assured-ness of the care and provision of the Father and our abilities to work His will should overcome those doubts.

ELYON: My friend, you have done an excellent job of stating the truths, rearranging in your concept frame and explaining perhaps even better than I did the places where doubt exists and the consequences therein. Well done.

Jonathan: It was team work, you and me.

ELYON: Speaking the way you just did is an example I would point to that we have suggested in lessons lately of a message being so clearly and profoundly delivered from your person, from your personality, not from some hidden voice or some different source other than yourself. The job you did personally in expressing those truths goes to illuminate the point that has been made recently of the value of lessons and ideals and truths delivered by yourselves.

Each one of you in this room is entirely capable of delivering profound and meaningful messages from your own stores of information and your own self. This is something you all should attempt to be aware of and perhaps develop more, this confidence in the fact that you are quite able to do this. You are not required to be in a group setting or in a transmitter/receiver capacity, you are simply empowered to present ideals and ideas to elevate those around you, even if it simply comes from you, yourself.

Teaching Mission
LINEL: (Jonathan): Greetings, northwest neighbors, I am Linel. I have managed to get Jonathan to speak.

It is heartwarming to all teachers to witness the widespread growth throughout this teaching mission to experience with you your reach for higher ground, deeper understanding, and a broader embrace of one another. This is a teacher’s mission and, as Elyon has pointed out, you have a vast reserve of educational material within yourselves, great stores of inspirational messages of hope and of healing to be shared. I greet you warmly. This exchange, this contact, with your race of humans is an exciting adventure. Planet 606 is having its coming out party.

Take your big step of faith forward; leave behind the wounds of the past . Crippling experiences can only become strength when your faith and trust are applied toward understanding the greater context, the peaks and valleys, which an individual as well as a planet undergoes. I share the love of Christ Michael this day and thank you for this receptivity.

Evelyn: It won’t be long before we start planning our regional get-together for next summer. Since you work with the Oregon people, do you have any suggestions at this early phase to promote such that our gathering would be more meaningful?

LINEL: I would suggest emphasizing a deeper commitment to family, the mission family, to apply as much attention upon your needs with each other. The outreach you long to give in ministry is best supported by close and intimate interpersonal love. Strengthen the bonds; this will enlarge your ability to function individually through the expansiveness of a team.

Events such as conferences are huddle circles. It is good to develop the next play within the huddle. This is where the camaraderie is amplified and the synchronous action is coordinated to bring about the desired goals in outreach. I give two words: bonding and, in this bonding, building. Drawing together and coordinating with each other. Specific functions are left to your creative approaches. That is all.

Evelyn: Thank you.

Tom: Could you address the questions we had earlier about last week’s lesson, expanding from the group to the whole?

Microcosm, Correcting Time, the Supreme
MALVANTRA:  I am Malvantra; I will take this question. Urantia is leaving quarantine. Governmental structures existent on your planet have been run under isolation. Now begins the integration into the overall systematic operation of worlds. Each individual on this planet likewise will need to work to break the isolation of self from others and enact the brotherhood of man. Just as your planetary supervisors are now making decisions considering the entire system, so likewise will you make personal decisions considering the entire world. This is an aspect of the Father’s business, for your freewill gives you liberty to do your business as an individual.

Within the whole the Supreme will of the Father becomes your task. It requires a degree of surrender and acceptance, a surrender of your own desire and an acceptance of a greater will. Some of this enlarged view of living causes the individual to release agenda – those long lists of what could be right and what is wrong that each carries – in order to allow the unfoldment of the evolutionary process which is not clear cut in its forward process. Thus, often understanding the unfoldment only leads to vague glimpses; this is where your intuitive functions come into play in order to properly place yourself in the big picture.

Methods for improving this world are valuable. The effort of each individual is a contribution to the greater team. Therefore, it is not always clear how your individual efforts will contribute or conflict unless you develop the view of the whole wherein even your failures are part of the growth of the entire civilization. Remember always the presence of the Supreme.

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