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NID596- Monjoronson Q & A Session 57

2009-07-07.  Monjoronson Q & A Session 57

No Idaho #596

Topic: Monjoronson Q & A Session 57

Group: N. Idaho TeaM

Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Mark Rogers

  • Moderator – Mary Rogers


Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, you know the intentions of our hearts as we come together once again to find you in this space we create together to reach out in your direction, to have this space we create with Monjoronson at this time. We come here once again exercising our faith, trusting in you and your goodness and your grace. We have been to this well before and we have tasted the nourishment that you bring and we would return for more, and we bring our trust and our faith in the knowledge that you will bring more too. Once again we come to the well. Thank you.

Mary: This moment I would offer my prayer for the clarity of connection that our Divine Parents allow us to have. The three of us here come to the well with the intention of seeking and finding.


Question #1: [Morontia]

Mary: Monjoronson, this questions says that according to the Urantia Book there are large amphitheaters on the mansion worlds and that these are capable of accommodating billions of beings and spirit beings. This questioner says that in order to house all these beings within a designated location on a mansion world, they conjecture that morontia beings must interact and move through space in a manner that is different from how we move and interact with space on Urantia. Would you care to comment on the differences please.

Monjoronson: I am Monjoronson here to welcome your questions. This question relating to the extrapolation of information provided in the Urantia Book provides me with an example to use for you ask if this is so, then can that be so and how is this so and please describe what this is like. You are resident on this world having an experience in this life. Your personal spiritual growth is what is of primary importance and you occupy the station of an agondonter, one who has a unique set of experiences of growing into spiritual realization in the absence of concrete proof or certainty. This whole experience hinges on you developing your faith and using this faith to find your way through the as yet unknown passages of spirit.

So if you are here to grow your soul and develop your faith, how fitting is it for me to attempt description of episodes beyond this current one you are engaged in. It is fine to speculate and to dream and to wonder about what is upcoming in your journey forward but it is distinctly impossible for anyone to provide you with a highly accurate description of what your experience will be as you move forward In no small part because you are one of the ones creating your experience and in large part, in charge of your perceptions and reactions to your experience. I do not see it as useful to attempt to follow your thought train and piece together for you some imagery of something just outside your range of awareness, rather I would have you find this experience for yourself and not be told how the book ends or the story unfolds.

You should be eager to have these experiences for yourself and make these determinations along the way. While it may be a fond exercise to try to extrapolate from information given to arenas where no information is provided and see if this reality continues on into that one. I assure you there is a continuum but the reality most certainly shifts and any words I might use in description right now would not be sufficient when you personally experience a new dimension which must be redefined in terms you can appreciate at the level of your experience. Thank you for your question.

Mary: Thank you for your reply Monjoronson. I know that many of us, when we read a book like the Urantia Book can’t help but have our curiosity aroused and this beautiful mind that we have been gifted with in this life can’t help but ask questions. But it is true that there is only a certain amount we’re going to get told ahead of time and I appreciate your perspective that when we actually experience it, we will understand it and until then it is kind of difficult to understand.

Question #2: [Planetary Model]

At what point does a planetary prince initiate a world government on Urantia? What would it be like?

Monjoronson: Once again, the curious mind is aroused to speculate what conditions must be necessary for such a world government to be initiated and appropriate. You have been told that there are many significant milestones which must be achieved to bring any planet under one rule and as you witness there are many stages that must be traversed before this world is close to aligning itself with a single vibration. That in essence is what you are referring to, when a planet can come under one vibration of awareness and understanding and function with the unity and harmony that is present when all the participants are tuned in to the same wavelengths.

We have miles and miles to go before we are anywhere close to a time when we will share this common awareness and understanding but we are in a slow steady march toward that point. You will most likely, from a human perspective, be disappointed in how long this journey takes but you are not mindful of how long has already transpired and how long it has already taken to get to this point. Truly in the scope of the total journey of a world such as Urantia from its inception to the stages of Light and Life wherein planetary rule may be completely established, when considered in the scope of the entire project, we are in fact quite near the end of this journey.

But we talk in two different time frames; universal scale and personal individual scale. Your life spans are deemed quite short and so in any one life you can only expect to see a modest shift in the direction of Light and Life but from our perspective we witness the greater scope of the project and understand that these are exciting times to be this close to our desired state. I hope this answer provides you some reference to the question that you ask.

Question #3: [Competition and Debunking]

Is there competition in daily life on the mansion worlds and if possible can you give us some examples?

Monjoronson: Thank you for this question. Once again we find ourselves extrapolating our human tendencies, that of competition being a normal and natural human trait and so we project it out ahead to what we have been told is our next stop or station in the process and we project that we will carry this trait with us as we migrate along. In fact, you do carry traits with you as you move through the mansion world experiences. You refer to this trait as competition and as such it may have negative connotations at times on such a world as this, the main distinction being that the desire to play is present everywhere and if the negative elements of competition are eliminated you are left with joyful play.

You could ask is this the same thing, modified? Yes, perhaps, so is it the same phenomenon? Yes, and no. Once again we run into the problem of translation between what you consider what competition to be and how you look at this phenomenon and how you may approach the same phenomenon with a different spiritual perspective thereby changing the very nature of it and yet maintaining the very spirit of it. Thank you.

Question #4: [Melchizedek helpers]

The next questioner states that they understand that Machiventa may accompany you at the time of your incarnation and they would like to know if there are any other Melchizedeks who will also be coming with you?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. This questioner fails to discern that my mission as it is stated is in no way separate or distinct from the mission we are all engaged in designed by the First Source and Center and executed by His Son. We all work together in this process. There is not a one of us who is separate and unto themselves or have a separate objective or goal or mission. All things work together for the good under one gigantic plan for the benefit of all forever and always. If you could truly grasp the significance of this reality, you would immediately realize that there is nothing out there that isn’t part of this grand scheme, that isn’t under the direct supervision and control of Michael and the many others, some who you know by name and many you do not.

You can assume that all these individuals that you’ve become aware of are all part of this movement you refer to as the Correcting Time. Nobody functions outside of the parameters that are established by Michael and His jurisdiction. All function with the awareness and approval of Michael in this process. There are many of us who have our specific assignment and who have had authority delegated to them for specific purposes and we are ever sincere in our efforts to execute our assignments and so it may appear at times as though this personality is in charge of this and another personality in charge of something altogether different but both are working together on the grand team. All hands are on deck at all times and nothing that you can contact will be unattached to this great web that is established. I hope you can rest more secure in the awareness that this is so. Thank you.

Question #5: [Can you give more details of the Transition Era?]

What is happening in the world which may weaken powerful nations and force their withdrawal from their geo-political obligations? Can you provide more than has already been answered concerning these things?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. Once again it points to the desire to be told what’s around the next bend? What’s over the next horizon? What’s the next chapter in this book? This human desire to have a heads up is quite common because it makes you feel as though you have some control by virtue of the fact that you have some knowledge. The questions that you ask have all been well answered. All you need to do is look at your news, be aware of your surroundings and the answers to your questions are all present. You have many potential issues for your status quo lifestyle. Your finances will be a problem, you have global temperature issues, you have fossil fuel issues, you have basic issues of fairness and equity which run exceedingly deep, you have food issues arising.

There are many circumstances which are well within your sphere of awareness that all may come to play in your days, weeks, months and years ahead. But you fail to grasp that this is not done to you. None of this has been arranged for you. You are where you are as a result of your choices, individually and collectively. These choices have brought you the situations and circumstances that surround you and now it will require of you further choices and actions for you to make a way through some of these challenges and turn them into opportunities. These situations are not our doings or the doings of the Father, they are the result of allowing free will choice to reign supreme and free will choice is what will be required to solve the very problems thus created. Therefore I cannot, and would not if I could, describe in painstaking detail what will happen every step of the way as you make these choices because you haven’t made them yet; they are not matters of record at this time.

They must be engaged and activated by your choosing and then we will all see what transpires as a result but you are not the helpless victims at the far end of the spectrum; you are the ones creating the storm and choosing the direction of its passing. So when you ask me what is to come? I am amused and feel I should turn the question around and ask you what is to come? Because you are the ones with feet on the ground, hands on the steering wheel and making daily choices which are far more significant in the outcome of what is to happen than anything we should think or do. This is your world to decide the answers to all the questions that you ask. Thank you.

Question #6: [Why isn’t the veil being lifted?]

This next questioner referred to mankind’s struggle with accepting death and they would like to know, since we have a hard time accepting death, why isn’t the veil being lifted? If our celestial brothers want us to believe in an afterlife then why not make such a reality evident to all mankind?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. I think I can understand the frustration which prompts such a question but once again, I must reflect on the fact that you’re asking me to take away the experience of the journey when you say, “Lift the veil.” This entire experience is yours by design and if, as you say, the “Veil were lifted” this experience would be deprived of you. There is a plan and it does work quite well. Your fear and apprehension of death is a personal obstacle which needs to be examined and embraced. This event of death is nothing more than a transition through a portal into a greater dimension. It is a joyful experience. It is a release from unknowing into certainty, it is a transition of grace [which] is made especially sweet by the experience you are granted just prior to it, of not knowing, of uncertainty, of doubt, even of fear for these must be wrestled with in the middle of this doubt and unknowingness.

There is the greatest crucible for the development of your faith. There conditions are most ripe for you to turn to that part of you which is unseen and yet which can be felt and provide you with the security that you are seeking when you’re confronted with your fear of ending this life. In fact, this life is but the springboard for many wonderful lives and while you don’t currently understand this portal of transition, it is not to be feared for it is natural in its design, as natural as the love and grace that you feel from those who have given you all life.

While it may be easy for me to say all this, in the final analysis, all these are just words. They attempt to point to the reality but nothing short of your own realization and conviction of this truth will bring you the necessary peace that you seek around this issue of death and feeling as though it is somehow unjust or unrighteous. I assure you that after you have passed through this portal, you will reflect on your previous feeling about death with some shock based upon your understandable lack of awareness as a mortal of the realm. It is nothing like you think because you have no way of thinking in terms of how magnificent it is to be re-birthed as a more spiritual version of yourself, with greater awareness and greater connection to that eternal aspect of yourself. Trust that this part of the plan is as well graceful as all the other parts of the plan are. Thank you.

Question #7: [Prayer]

This next questioner says that they don’t know how to differentiate a communication directed to you or to God, to their angel or to their teacher. It all seems to like prayer to them. They ask if that is a good thing or is there something they should be doing differently if they want to contact you directly to offer their services to your mission?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. It is refreshing to receive a question about personal spiritual growth issues. I welcome your observation that when engaged in thinking about other personalities and sending good thoughts and intentions, it all seems to feel like the same thing. It all seems to feel like a prayer because it is all using the same tone or wavelength of gratitude, of sincerity, of purity, of love, of peace, of grace. When you’re functioning on this wavelength whether you are petitioning for insight or anything in particular or whether you are sending out your good intentions toward another, it all utilizes this same band of prayerful worship and as such it is not overly important to have great distinction between your focus and perception of individuals or even times or places or circumstances.

All these differences are as one when they are brought into this carrier wave of worship and prayer. Oftentimes you may consider that as your question infers, its possible to err in such a process but I tell you plainly that if you are engaged in a prayerful, worshipful state, then your intentions and sincerity and purpose are being well noted and they are being distributed as they may be most beneficial. It is possible to bring some focus to the process and direct your intention towards a specific individual, a specific circumstance and if enough attention is focused in that direction, then it is routinely possible to develop a sort of connection with the individual involved.

So while you may consider it useful at times to bring some focus to the process and attempt a specific application of this intention, I would also encourage you that there is no real wrong way to go about it. Everything from a mindless stillness to a focused intention or connection with another are all worthy pursuits in the spiritual realm and all are beneficial to those involved for they bring a dimension of spiritual experience which is also required throughout this ascension career. Thank you for your question.

Question #8: [About the world teacher]

Is Maitrya a part of the reclamation of Urantia through the Magisterial Mission or the Correcting Time?

Monjoronson: Thank you for your question. I perceive an effort to solicit my contribution to either validate or invalidate a specific individual and I decline to do so. I would refer you back to my previous answer and turn the question around. Who present here today on Urantia is not part of the gigantic movement underway? Are any outside left out of this gigantic plan? I have said this evening, there are none left outside, there are no renegades. There are innumerable numbers of approaches that may be used therefore there are innumerable opportunities, innumerable teachers, innumerable circumstances, innumerable paths that may be used and all will be used to the glory of the Father. All will be turned to the good.

Such a question “Is so and so a part?” shows the lack of awareness that we are all in this together and connected throughout this process. None are separate and not part of what is going on. I hope this perspective can be applied across the board to all such questions. It will do you no good to come to one such as myself to request validation of this or that or the other thing. If they are present in your experience they are valid and real to the degree that you embrace them. Truly we are all in this together, you who are formulating the questions and we who have offered this conduit to be used to help you with your sincere questions.

It is my hope that this forum will be used to address personal spiritual growth issues or issues that matter to the spiritual growth because that is what this classroom is here for, that is what this forum has been opened up for and we will attempt to foster this arena where we may explore the spiritual dimension of who you are and your spiritual questions that arise. Make every attempt to apply your questions to matters of spiritual significance and concern and not so much curiosity about what is around the bend? What is in the future? What’s just up ahead? How it is when you wake up on the mansion worlds? How the story ends or the chapter turns? These are not things which we are prepared to take away from your experience. Many of these questions will be duly answered in time through experience and serve no purpose in flipping to the next chapter and seeing how it turns out ahead of time.


I hope this may provide some food for thought about the nature and purpose of questions in this forum. Thank you all for your participation tonight. I now draw this meeting to a close, farewell.

Mary: Thank you Monjoronson, farewell.

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