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NID673- Time and Eternity-Now

2011-04-10-Time and Eternity-Now

No Idaho #673


1Topic: Time and Eternity: Now
2Group: N. Idaho TeaM
1Teacher: Charles, Elyon
2TR: Henry Z., Mark Rogers


Topic: Time and Eternity: Now

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Charles, Elyon

TR: Henry Z., Mark Rogers



Charles: [Henry] Greetings my friends, it is I Charles here this morning to join within this circle of loving friendship, enjoying your conversation.


It is interesting that on one hand perfection is in infinity and imperfection is in the finite, it is in the moment. It does not exist in the timelessness. Imperfection exists within time and in its moment. From a human standpoint, time is linear and in this respect, time seems to drag its heels to certain human cadences. Yet in the eternal now, in the perfect moment, all things are as they should be and this is the moment in which spirit intends the will of the Father. It intends for the perfected element of imperfection to be resolved because in the end, it all becomes resolved and the wisdom of divinity understands this. The Father understands that you will all be perfect when you come back home.

In a certain sense, as humans endeavoring to do the will of the Father and procuring spiritual tools necessary to rise above the momentary bumpy friction of life, there must be some counterpart which exists, an intention of desire for that which is not correct, for that which is not right, for that which is wrong, to project a greater meaning and value. Many times the value exists in another dimension, it exists beyond the life you are living now for the life you are living now reflects in a spiritual sense, who you are and who you are becoming. The spirit within is constantly driving your mind to understand the difference between seeing something how it exists and seeing how something could exist.

In this bigger picture, you are always building a spiritual counterpart to reality. No matter the consequential outcome of reality, the greater consequence of the spiritual counterpart begins to build into a world of Light and Life, of wisely understanding the greater consequence of thinking that all thought becomes manifest. Either it is manifesting into the perfected will of the Father or it is just rambling on some momentary friction to the spiritual consequence. What you hold in consciousness today reverberates into the harmony of now.

So sing my good souls, sing and rejoice in the spiritual element of reality. In that reality you are all young and healthy and vital. All of your parts are working. The sun is shining, it is a great day, a tremendous moment of inspiration and insight. Don’t ever lose sight of the spiritual counterpart. You will need need these counterparts when you cross over to the other side for gone will be the grim reality of a life in the flesh which gives way to the exposure of a greater spiritual life than the light. This is the direction of all life and it is especially important in these times to remember such a thing, that you may not have the power individually to turn something around yet you can rejoice in the knowing that how you hold this in consciousness can encompass all of the emotion of spirit as well as the paradigm of eternity and Paradise.

By living each moment in a sense of perfected being does not necessarily perfect you in the moment but it is drawing you to where you are going, to a perfected state of nature, an ideal sense. It would be tremendous to have the majority of the population in sequence visualizing the same thing and in that visualization, understand the true nature of peace, the true nature of harmony that each can be individually different yet collectively create something which is tremendously beautiful.

So my friends, whenever you are burdened with the ugliness of human mistakes, shift to the perfection of the understanding in the eternal now and there you will find the meaning, the purpose, the desire, and the value of what the momentary human mistake can only indicate. I thank you this morning for allowing me to come in and share a few thoughts with you in an effort to brighten your day and brighten your way and in all ways, I am your friend Charles. Thank you and good day.

Elyon: [Mark] Hello my friends, it is your old friend Elyon and when I refer to being your old friend I am certainly older than you as you consider time, but I also reference the fact that we have been together in this process, some of us, for almost two of your decades and this may be reckoned to be a long time and thus I may reckon to be an old friend. I recall back when we first met, we were newly introduced to each other and we fumbled around in what was then a new process of developing this avenue of communication between us that has since become referred to as the Teaching Mission and the transmitter/receiver process.

Many years passed as we enjoyed each others company and learned of each others presence and the energy signature that was referred to earlier. And so now it is that we enjoy the comfort of recognition in each others presence. I know you because of how your energy signature feels and you know me likewise. But this interesting concept of the eternal moment of now is quite true and yet almost inconceivable by the creature mind who is bound in time for to you it appears as though it has been twenty long years since we first met and have grown over that long period of time to become friends.

We stand here now at this point together and look back over those twenty years and I call you to witness it feels as though it was yesterday and that no real time has elapsed and yet we have plodded our way for all these years together so we are aware that something has transpired. That is the event you know of as time and you are also aware that as a result of this process, you are growing and becoming more and more aware of the process and of yourselves in the process. As a result you are reaching a point of awareness, when time will cease to dominate your awareness and you will become more and more familiar with your spirit potential and capacity to transcend this condition, that is to go beyond that parameter.

And so it is that we could look forward into our future relationship, since you and I are communicating within the spiritual realm, since we are using our spiritual senses to engage in this activity, we will meet again at some future time and yet we will be the same, you and I. It will just be at another crossroads or stopping point that we join. And so it is that within this very moment of time lies not only our past together, but our future together. This is a concept most difficult to grasp by the human mind so conditioned on this passage of time as a point of reference.

That is good and as it should be at this stage of your growth and evolution, but the more spiritualized you become and the more awareness you possess, the less effect this condition of time may have upon you until ultimately you are able to transcend it at will. This is where you are going and it is only a matter of time before you are there. As you referenced, the Master may be able to see you in perfection because He is able to sidestep the element of time and go to where you are in perfection and He has the ability to grasp that reality in the same moment, you would consider, of appreciating you at any point along the way.

It has been one of my greatest pleasures to have been with you this ‘oh so long period in earthly years,’ in fact just the smallest ripple in your time adventure, but nevertheless, important and valuable and treasured, each and every one. That is the thing about time, it spreads your experience onto a sequential line for you so that you can begin to grasp the significance of each part of it as you pass through it and by it. You are learning that time is valuable, the more valuable, the less of it you may have and in the end, time will not be a factor in your experience but you will still have the appreciation for what it was to experience this condition of time. Truly a glorious plan the Father has for you for a multi-layered experience. Truly one that we should take the time to appreciate and enjoy every aspect we are experiencing as a one in eternity opportunity. So it is and so I am grateful for it.


I now step aside. It has been lovely to co-mingle with you with our energy signatures. I now allow this space for others, farewell.

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