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NID731- Fatherhood, Health, Mind, Opportunity

2012-06-24-Fatherhood, Health, Mind, Opportunity

No Idaho #731


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Fatherhood, Health, Opportunity
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Michael, Unknown, LIGHT
o 2.2 TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
 3.1.1 Fatherhood
 3.1.2 Health, Mind
 3.1.3 Opportunity
o 3.2 Closing

Topic: Fatherhood, Health, Opportunity
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Michael, Unknown, LIGHT
TR: Cathy Morris, Henry Z.



Michael: [Cathy – Father’s Day Message] On this day of fathers, we honor all fathers who guide the young minds and form an example of Our Father’s love. This model was important in my time with my earthly family. It was a most useful way to learn of the challenges and rewards in the nurturing of souls. At times I felt the weight of the responsibility for the welfare of my brothers and sisters. I looked to our Heavenly Father for the pattern and the wisdom to use as I grew into the role. My message later reflected the wisdom gained from the daily action in my family on earth.

It is good that we lift up the example of a father’s love as this planet has been bereft of a visible father figure that was to be provided by the Adamic Mission. The default left much uncertainty that would not have existed had the mission been successfully executed as planned. I attempted during my bestowal to provide some of the missing concepts but a living example in the form of the planet’s Adam would have been of great benefit. As part of our Correcting Time, a renewed vision of the family and fatherhood is needed and will be supplied. The concept of a father’s love has been eroded from the ideal and must be renewed to enhance the understanding of the Father of All. As your Father/brother, I hold you all in love and in my care always. Together we join in bringing the ideal of the Universal Father to a world view. Go in my peace and love.

Health, Mind

Unknown: [Henry] Greetings this morning, in this circle of friendship, this circle of light and in this circle I share your intimacy and the intimacy of spirit. Life is interesting in the sense that once life initiated, it grows. There are complex electro-chemical reactions within the intricate components of life which go on and repeat themselves. Life gives birth to species and life eventually gives birth to the capacity to receive mind, conscious mind. This is where you come in as humans because you are the species with the conscious mind. You are the only unhealthy species on the planet. All other species are healthy, they are living their life and they don’t have a ‘mind’ to interrupt their health.

Human mind on the other hand, is a different story. The human mind can interfere with health. It interferes because it confuses the systematic complex systems of the body. It interferes with the smooth workings of the nervous system, the electro-chemical experiments which are constantly going on in the human body. Some of you are only now beginning to understand the necessity to calm the mind, to stop thinking and realize that in these exercises the body brings itself back into a balanced and neutral state, like that of a deep sleep where the mind is put to rest and the body can have a heyday at healing itself.

It is not that the genetic design of your species has errors, it is that the mental makeup within the individual of the species sometimes creates an imbalance within itself by what it is thinking and how it is thinking. For example, if you fill your body up with stimulants and you have a mental attitude of depression and worry and negative thought, this will create a similar situation in the physical body because the body needs to respond to the mind because the mind has been given the first chair. The mind is given preference over every other system of the body.

For example, you are continually breathing whether you think about it or not. But if you think about it, you can stop your breath, you can actually hold your breath. Well, this is true with every other system of the body, though the breath is an obvious test. It is much different to, lets say, lower your blood pressure or to remove polyps inside your colon or to reset the nervous system or spinal cord. Health works two ways. Heath works with your ability to receive from others that which will help make you better. It may be medicine, it may be a practice or it may be some words. Health truly begins in the mind and transfers into the body. Health is an attitude, an attitude you have to adopt.

You can’t really give an attitude to someone else. It is a total choice on their part though most unhealthy people will tell you that they [know] no reason why they are unhealthy, they are clueless. The application of light energy, whether it is in the form of light, touch, or thought, brings together a combination of influences which if properly received can result in a more healthful balanced state. Balance is the important word here because health is a state of balance. If you are healthy you are not thinking about your health, you are enjoying your heath, you are doing things which you choose to do and are growing in your experience. If you are not balanced, you are not healthy and when you don’t have health, some system of the body is compromised in a way which greatly upsets everything else in the body.

There is no rule of thumb for healing, but in general, the ability to positively hold someone else’s situation in your mind and help them by envisioning a more healthy state is a tremendous practice, sending people light, good vibrations, good thoughts, a balanced message, a balanced energy, because that’s all healing is. Even in the medical profession you take chemicals derived from plants which are no more than the energetic of a chemical component of a plant. There is even a system called homeopathy which takes minute parts of that energy, because it is in the energetic, not the quantity of the energetic but just the energetic which is important.

As humans you think it is quantity as in more money, more sugar, more cold, more heat, but it is actually just the energetic. This is why small amounts of medicine like homeopathy works. Sometimes by isolating the chemical component which is not in association with its native matrix, with other chemical components which are synergistic, for it to be used and digested by the human body many times creates an adverse affect in the body, compounded that the quantity is not right and you experience ill effects from well meaning and well intentioned healing efforts.

So in a sense, you are on the cusp of understanding that healing takes place in the mind and translates into the body. Someone who is not very intelligent will try to heal the body the way it is conventionally done; you slice it, you pull things out of the body and throw them away like the body doesn’t need them instead of trying to help fix and create a more healthy thing by the whole way in which the human being exists, what they eat, how they think, what they do everyday with their lives. Are they actually working or are they doing something physical, are they exercising, are they getting sunshine and fresh air, are they having a healthy conversation with another human being? Do they have a spiritual sense about themselves?

Health is like grade school where you take the test and get a grade. Well, health is the grade of your body and there may be parts that are failing, part of which you may have brought upon yourself, not you personally but as a human. So, in healing, it is always best to have a general intention for a person, a positive and energetic intention. It is not going to necessarily have a very specific detailed analysis of heath but a very general neutral one because the body knows what it needs to do to get healthy. The only thing the body cannot do is shut down the mind.

What the body does is react, for example: the body will send pain signals in its muscular tissue if you are exhibiting a certain posture and overloading that posture with exorbitant amounts of time holding that position, and the body is sending pain symbols but the human is ignoring it. Lets say the human is going to work 80 hours a week instead of 40 and never takes a break and does not listen to the body. At some point, that human will wake up in the morning and experience something it has never experienced before, a complete breakdown of the immune system or another thing goes haywire. Your society now has created immune stress disorder which for the most part did not exist early on in your evolution. It exists because of the tremendous mental constraints which humans put on their body.

Most illness, ill heath, sickness, discomfort, has to do with a choice. A human has done something that maybe it shouldn’t have. Only in very rare cases are there genetic deficiencies within particular humans which will create a pathology. Most all sickness, ill health pathologies, are cause by the mind. So you do the math, if it is caused by the mind, it can be healed by the mind. But, part of healing is the individual mind willing to accept healing, willing to put itself into a neutral position, take itself out of gear for a minute, change what it is ingesting, change ones lifestyle, change ones job, change ones habits, changing the way one thinks, to create health.

Then you will begin to experience what was talked about earlier, that some of you in your particular group, in your circle of friendship, are experiencing miraculous health benefits by the interaction of light, brief concentrations of thought by your friends because you are open, you are in a light filled mind. You have the capacity to heal. Everyone has the capacity to heal though the healing may not take place instantly, it may take much longer. You can pray and send light to one person and they may heal themselves. You may do the same thing for another and you may not get the same result.

So I am not saying it is not important to send light and to send energy to others. Yes, it is important just as it is important to pray for others. All of these things at some point will help turn things around within ones mind. You have developed a tremendous exercise with the portal and your ability to put people in the light. More and more you are beginning to focus on the notion that the idea of light and love holding and embracing another both increases in your spiritual sense, your ability to hold a greater health within your own body, a greater balance being part of the spiritual universe which is extremely healthy, no sickness here.

In time, mankind will learn how to live a healthier existence. You are on the dawning edge of that time. You are beginning to unlock all of the secrets which plants have to offer and in time you will learn how to put together all of these things and these notions and there will be a time when you will enjoy a much greater health because you are working properly, thinking properly. Ultimately the greatest form of health is the religion of Michael, the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Once that is established on your planet, health will become a secondary issue, you will, as a species, enjoy a much greater form of life, physically and mentally. But, as a society, you are not quite there yet and many different groups are experimenting with all of these notions and ideas and they are all related. So I wish you good health, clean thoughts, balanced neural energies. Thank you for allowing me to share a few words this morning, go in peace.


Light: [Henry] It is I, Light. I take this opportunity to discuss the phenomenon you refer to as opportunity. I say phenomenon because in the very sense of this word, it is a dimensional reference; in other words, part of the opportunity is something which presents itself so that you are able to move towards something you sense and feel as a need to move towards. When you are young and you are at the height of your physical and mental abilities, more of these types of situations, these opportunities, present themselves and you notice after a while that these types of opportunities only present themselves occasionally.

But the really tremendous quality of opportunity is in the moment for in the very moment of any situation you are in there is opportunity no matter what type of moment it is. Many times in moments you become aware of valuable information relating to experiences, relationships, much as you were discussing. So there are opportunities for many things in the moment. There are opportunities if necessary, to immediately change the situation or sometimes to bring other things into situations.

It is an opportunity where nothing pulling in any direction seems to have you in a situation where you are just there in this moment, where your ability to hold a sense of yourself and a sense of purpose, meaning and value exist which are not overly dramatic, seem to be mundane. It is the unseen opportunities which these moments present, opportunities which may not be immediately life changing but opportunities for expanded awareness and in your ability to become conscious of the moment, in that consciousness, you are able to see a lot clearer and get a sense of time and space more clearly. Remember, every moment in your connection with spirit which is not preoccupied with anything else has a powerful relationship potential.


So thank you for the opportunity to share these few words. Continue to enjoy life, even the challenges which it brings and remember the human animal is tremendously adaptable. I thank you, have a great week.

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