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NID865- Physicians Assistants

2015-03-29-Physicians Assistants
No Idaho #865


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Physician’s Assistants
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Michael
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Lesson
o 3.2 Closing
o 3.3 Supplement

Topic: Physician’s Assistants
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Dr. Mendoza, Michael
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris


DR MENDOZA:  [Mark] Yes, indeed it is I, I come at your request and I receive this request warmly. As has been stated of me, I am indeed a very busy individual and I thrive on doing this work. The health and healing of this world is of great concern to me and so I devote myself to helping in this regard and I come to this place observing that you all have the same motivation. You all want to help as well and so I receive your qualification, I receive your intentions. I welcome your petition to have an alliance with me in this process. You are, as was expressed, physician’s assistants.
You are the link that gets established wherein healing may occur. No physician is of any benefit if there is not a willingness, an openness and a chance for healing to happen. This is what your most important role is, is in the preparation of making the conditions right and present for healing to occur.

You are the boots on the ground in place to establish the right conditions wherein the physician may be in attendance. I need many many foot soldiers just like you, each and every one willing to deploy in the fields and not simply in the fields of the material where you may indeed offer the use of your hands, your intention and your purpose but as well in the spirit realm where you are not confined by the elements of time and space but may still provide your intention, your purpose and your willingness to manifest the conditions necessary. This is your role, this is the part you play and I am largely unable to assist you when you do your part because your part is in preparation for my part which I will ever willingly provide when the patient has been properly positioned.


I thank you all for inviting me onto your team and now as well, I invite you onto mine. You have expressed your willingness to be about this process of using this execution of your faith and your will and here is another opportunity provided. I come to your team with a great many assets and you are a great many assets to mine. I sincerely appreciate your willful desire to include me and I assure you it is my willful desire to include you. Let us make this so together, opportunity by opportunity, day by day, even hour by hour for though I may be busy, I or one of my staff will most faithfully attend all opportunities that you make real. So be about your chance to make opportunities for the more you make, the more we get to work together. You assist me and I shall assist you. Let us make it so. I now leave you with this first taste of this energy signature but most certainly not the last. I look forward to our alliance, farewell.


DR MENDOZA: [Cathy] I am indeed in the arena and am always ready for action. I have a large team with me to assist. You are indeed the physicians assistants I have used in the past. As you increase the action of your lodge, we will bring our energy to assist you. I have connected with the individuals from this group in the past. This relationship will form the foundation for a new group action. I will be happy to join you at your request. Our world is afire and healing is needed on many fronts. Our world has great need and your lodge is another location for action and love. Together we can bring the healing and redirection of energy to the Father’s purpose.

MICHAEL:   [Cathy] My children, I rejoice in your ability to step forward and forge new paths for action of spirit. The path is unknown now but will be useful for others to follow. I am bringing my love to bind you together in action for our Father. The action of love and mercy is indeed our Father’s will. Together we glorify His name. It is a beautiful sight, my peace I leave with you…..

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