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NID981- Practicing TR

2017-07-09-Practicing TR
No Idaho #981


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Practicing TR’ing
o 1.2 Group: N. Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Charles, Machiventa
o 2.2 TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Practicing TR’ing
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Charles, Machiventa
TR: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris


Mark: I extend a welcome to Charles.


CHARLES:  [Mark] And I accept this warmly. It’s most rewarding to observe the delightful interaction of those who are so willing to use the ‘buddy system’ to help each other, to look out for each other and be supportive of each other in their spiritual growth process. We have come to know a rather large circle of our buddies out there who are interested in our welfare and who are willing to assist in a variety of manners. In the end, we learn that we all are engaged in this system of working together, of teaming up on this team and that team, of joining together in this pursuit or that one, of rallying together around a cause, and idea, a thought.

When we all come together and approach these things in this avenue of spirit together, we all are sharing the same wavelength of energy, the same frequency. We are experiencing these encounters on the same level of awareness and in this frequency it becomes easy for us to share this spirit of love and support, of co-operation and compassion. These sentiments are easily passed back and forth when we meet here in these frequencies. Like sharing a song or a tone, we each may hum a few bars and pass it around and in this way we have each shared of this experience, each participated in the sharing of an experience.

I appreciate your discussion today about the finer nuances of your approaching the skill of t/ring. Some of these suggestions are worthy of archiving. They are the expression of the mortal with the encounter of spirit, this experience of the mortal of this aspect of their own being, this part of themselves. It is truly what this classroom of earth is designed to accomplish, this becoming aware of the dimensions of your being, being able to express these dimensions as the creative individual that you are and being able to share these experiences. By being willing to bring them to this place of spirit, this place of sharing, this place of fellowship and allowing that others might share in your attained experience only strengthens the group, only brings greater awareness to all participants.

I would encourage you all as well to trust in yourselves, even a fraction of the degree that your Creator trusts in you. You are endowed with unlimited potentials and it is only for you to then allow for the expression of these potentials. They are programmed within you as the ‘great video game of life’. It is now required that you take the controls and decide what happens, what doors you will open, what paths you will go down and what actions you will take and how much you will allow yourselves to do in this matrix, to realize that you are not only the player of this game, but the creator as well and to expand your awareness to your fuller potentials is the mission at hand.

So I invite you to play with your mission at hand, to enjoy the opportunity, the space, the willingness, the desire and the grace that is bestowed upon you throughout and to get into the game from a new level of awareness, from the willingness to allow that great things may happen, even to you, even through you, even with you in partnership. This is by design. You are designed to resemble your Creator and create. Let it be so as you move forward in joy and in peace. Thank you for the opportunity to voice these words, it has been my pleasure, farewell.


MACHIVENTA:  [Cathy] Your plan to experiment in the arena of transmitting is applauded by our team. There is much wisdom in the discussion of beginning with impressions, not official transmissions. On our side, we need to approach the growing connection and assist in the strength and firmness of the connection. This process is involving work on both sides. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try this activity. Service is our priority and this connectivity will be a great service to Michael’s Correcting Time.

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