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NEC10 – Working with Co-Creativity; Enculturation; Zero-Point Energy

New Era Conversations #10
– Working with Co-Creativity; Enculturation; Zero-Point Energy
– Nov. 1, 2013

Teacher: Charles, a Mighty Messenger

Movement towards light and life
Pray for right and perfect order and development
What are the limitations of spirit in co-creative relationships?
Maintaining the co-creational relationship
Assignment on studying businesses with longevity
The enculturation process
Sense of urgency and limitations of time
Team building and bonding
Establishing group intentions
Do not “hurry to failure”
Abner’s Church in Philadelphia
The history of the Magisterial Mission
What is holding up the advent of zero-point energy?
Social activists
Connecting the past, present and future
The process of building culture after the depopulation
Need for including future generations
Closing statement

TR: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Michael McCray

November 1, 2013

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Creator of all, the four of us once again gather to replenish our souls with your love, light and energy as we stretch our minds to receive new truths and to comprehend higher values. We invoke the presence of our dear local universe parents as we await the presence of our celestial mentors and friends for today’s session. Amen.

CHARLES: Good morning, this is Charles.

(Group greetings.)

CHARLES: If you have questions, you are welcome to address them now.

Movement towards light and life

MMc: Thank you. Charles, it is my intention to promote those changes that will lead to the days of light and life by the most direct route. Does my pointing out to others the dysfunction on our social, political and economic systems actually move us toward light and life?

CHARLES: No, they do not, and I would correct you regarding your first statement that you wish to assist us in the most “direct route to bring about the days of light and life”—that would be very hard for you to see or discern because the developments that come about in the Correcting Time may seem quite circuitous and labyrinthine, such that you would not recognize the most direct route. The work of Christ Michael and the work of the evolution of worlds are usually not direct, meaning the most efficient route possible. What we use, however, is a different standard and that is the most effective means to assist the evolutionary development of societies and of souls on a world. I apologize for correcting you, but hope that this provides you with deeper insight and awareness of how the work of our Creators develops on your world.

MMc: I thank you for the correction. In actuality, my question was addressed because I am wondering what the next step might be, or how do I promote this; is it a matter of… should I be promoting what some might call “the utopian dream of society, politics and economics as they exist in the days of light and life, or should I be more concerned with making the incremental advances of the accepting of the three core values of sustainability and the changes of our society that go along with it?

CHARLES: Your work is as a moderator and that is to help reveal the development of the programs that we are invoking on your world so that the course of history becomes more discernable and rational to believers, those who have faith that God is involved in the evolution of their world. We are not concerned—and there is no usefulness in the disclosure of all the travesties and difficulties of your governments and your politics and economics and social development. Most people are aware of that and seek to make sense out of the developments from day-to-day as they view them. If you looked at an elephant one cell at a time, you would not see the elephant at all, but you would see a mass of cells which make little sense; you see some organization, but when you step back from that, you see the elephant.

And so, for many people who are involved in the day-to-day activities, their lives in this world and the developments of their societies, makes absolutely no sense and it appears as chaos from one day to the next. But when you step back and you view the flow of events into history, and you project that into the future as lines of probability, then you begin to see how the events of today could fit into a probable future. In your case, the revelation that we seek to disclose is the sensible future, how this evolves so that it makes sense for our readers and listeners so that they can be more at ease. Yet, you and I know—and all of us know—that some who believe in this process and the good of the world, will succumb in their lives earlier than others, and so it helps to bring peace into peoples’ lives to see the larger scale of things, even when their passing may be imminent. I may not have answered your question. You are welcome to restate or rephrase that if you wish.

MMc: Well, my question was from the standpoint of my personal life, not as a moderator. The question might be stated: How would you answer a person that is trying to make that distinction? Should they be talking to people, or should they be promoting the days of light and life to people, or should they be looking for the incremental advances and acceptance of the three core values?

[Note: The three core values are quality of life, growth and equality.]

Pray for right and perfect order and development

CHARLES: It would be the latter case. From a personal standpoint, we have asked you before to project your consciousness of peace and love and harmony upon the world and then, if you wish, to request the development of right and perfect order and development of right out-workings in those events that concern your life and the lives of friends and associates in other nations, for instance. When you pray for that, or you see projected consciousness, then that allows spirit to arrange the future that is supported by your prayers. The days of light and life are not clear in your mind; they are not clear in anyone’s mind, here on this planet at this point. The Utopian dreams of some may be quite skewed from what the days of light and life present, and so the consciousness of seeing harmony and right and perfect action, according to the spiritual development of this world, is the best option you can take in this case as you lend your support to the designs of the future without dictating what that might be.

What are the limitations of spirit in co-creative relationships?

MMc: What are the limitations, if any, for the spiritual member in a co-creative relationship?

CHARLES: There are a number of constraints that exist in the co-creative relationship: One is that we are unable to oftentimes communicate clearly with our co-creative partners—that would be one of them. This is a deep and ongoing limitation; that is why we have suggested that students learn how to speak with us in meditation, to discern the voice of spirit as opposed to the voice of their mind, that they might be able to have conversations with us to become more effective. Further, there is greater and greater difficulty in communication with mortals as the co-creative developments of these programs become more and more manifest or palpable, [or] real in terms that you perceive.

It becomes much more difficult for us to work with you in ongoing projects and programs. Let us use the example of you working in a small company: You are an employee there, (or you could be a co-owner of the company,) and that you would be asking for co-creative assistance from us in the working of your company. And so, for those who do not hear, they must use the signposts, or the guideposts of signs, symbols and omens to see the development of programs as we become involved in them. When they see right action, they know that they are in the right flow. But as the programs become more ongoing and workable from a day-to-day basis, our participation, our choice is to become as involved on a day-to-day basis as you are. Thus, when we speak about a co-creative relationship, we are actually talking about a co-partnering with you in your daily activities.

This may be quite a stretch for some of you to even contemplate, let alone strive to achieve. Yes, this is the reality of a co-creative relationship. On one hand, when divine plans are made for a project, you participate very little in it, but then when the programs become manifest and palpable, you become more and more involved to the point where you are actually moving work around, working on a computer, working with individuals, having meetings, telephone calls and so on, and we are left out. In a true, well-balanced co-creative relationship, we would be involved equally at those levels with you.

You would not be so much involved in the planning of all this, as you do not have the mental capacity or the foresight and wisdom to project your plans into the future in the terms of decades and centuries. Therefore, it may not seem fair, but on the other hand it accepts the limitations you have as a mortal, with the limitations of your mortal mind. We, however, wish to be partners with you in the daily activities of the developments of these programs that we are beginning to initiate.

The reasons why we wish to be so intimately involved is that these are co-creative programs, which were invested with our energies and our ideas and our plans for implementation. We wish to guide the direction of those projects into the future. Just as a rocket leaves a launching pad, its trajectory is initiated by the program that has been set into it and the gyroscopes that control the balancing of the rocket and the thrusters that help guide it in the beginning. One degree [off] in the very beginning can result in hundreds or thousands of miles of difference from the target after a period of time. Therefore, it is essential that we be as closely involved to the beginning initiation of these programs as we can, and that we wish to be in an ongoing relationship with you as they progress. The benefits are immense for us and the benefits are immense for you because you grow as individuals in your own personality and in your trust and faith and knowing of the relationship you have with us.

You will also come to rely upon us for the wisdom and insights in how to guide your companies, your corporations, develop your policies and express them; how to direct the course of your company at all levels, whether it is finance, or people organizations or relationships with other companies. So, you see, it becomes more and more difficult in these projects when we are not involved. The goal of the Correcting Time is to directly involve mortals in the experiential process of co-creativity with their spiritual partners. Much is learned by us and by you.

Secondly, a huge problem in this relationship is that there is no experience in our histories, or records, or archives for this kind of an operational relationship. We are learning experientially as we go, with you. Thus, we wish to have more and more contact with you as we progress. You may find this odd, but this is truly the case. The program that Christ Michael has initiated for the co-creative Correcting Time program on Urantia is unique to all of Nebadon and to all of Orvonton! It has been experienced once before, as we mentioned some time ago, on the Second Superuniverse many millions of years ago. Thus, there are few experiential parallels that we can use to guide us; there is very little wisdom that is experientially based for us to use, thus we wish to go slow and developmentally, to learn all that we can about our co-creative relationship. Does this help answer your question?

Maintaining the co-creational relationship

MMc: Yes, I believe it does. You say that in these co-creative relationships, you are involved with the planning first, and when you hand the plans over to us, we tend to take off and “leave you in the dust,” I think would be the euphemism that we would use here. We grow away from you. How should we handle this relationship so that we can stay even with you, or so that there can be feedback, back and forth between us during the relationship and in its growth in these plans?

CHARLES: It begins on a daily basis in your own personal life. After you have your first cup of coffee, do you pick up your smart phone and talk to somebody else, or do you sit down and talk to God in meditation? The smart idea and the smart process is to sit down in meditation, be open for guidance that will come to you throughout the day. When you are in the stillness of “no thought” and meditation, with the intention of receiving directions for this day and for tomorrow and the rest of your life, this gives opportunity to us to fill you in with what you need to know and what would be helpful to connect the dots in the future in the programs you and we are working on. It is a matter of priorities: when you are in a co-creative relationship, you need to be in discussion with us, consciously or in meditation. You expect this of your co-workers or your managers and superintendents and supervisors and vice presidents and so on; we anticipate such a close relationship with you as well.

Some of you have ongoing conversations with us during the daytime and this is what is needed for us to be with you in the development of these programs. Many of you simply get an idea and you go forward. As we have mentioned before, experientially with this one, there was an occasion some decades ago where he received some insights from spirit about how to proceed and it was five years later before he finally looked back and found we were not there with him. This is a travesty and a tragedy in the relationship you have with us. Some of you still are in meditation daily, but you are not examining the programs that we have initiated with you; you are not asking, “How am I doing? Are you still here? What do I need to do next? What is coming up ahead? Do I need to make some adjustments? What do you suggest?

Show me the way, please.” And so, when you do that on a daily basis, we can participate in the right direction of those programs, and this, of course, is what we earnestly desire and need to have occur as we become much more experientially involved in your organizational programs for you individually, and for millions of people. We will never be able to bring you into the days of light and life if you go off on your own direction. Thank you for your question.

MMc: Thank you for your answer! I think that all of us will benefit, following that advice.

Susan: Yes, I feel like you were speaking to me, Charles. Thank you for your answer—and the question, Michael. May I ask a question?

Assignment on studying businesses with longevity

In the earlier discussion about business, I had asked about your suggestion to study businesses of longevity for clues as to what sustained them over time. Your answer included the example of the Rothschild family. Michael and I have done a little research in the short amount of time we have had and have gleaned some thoughts to consider further.

Mayer Rothschild started from humble beginnings and was born into the Jewish culture, which had historically been denied land ownership by the dominant culture. So, long before they began to focus on finance as their primary means of accumulating wealth, as a young man Rothschild had a vision, he planned for it, sought connection to those who were in the flow of wealth at the time and proceeded.

With the early success of his “vision” he planned again and began to diversify and send his business plan into other nations. But he did this with family, his sons. I am reading into this now and thinking that part of his far-sightedness was to use his sons, those whom he could trust to “hold his vision”. Family shares values, and with ones so closely tied, it is more possible to “hold the vision across generations”. The words that kept coming to me in my reading were, discreet, diversified, far-sighted and I now add, shared values and vision holders. These things made it possible for them to amass a great fortune and become a stable source of finance to the heads of state of those and other countries. Much of the modern history of the world was financed by the Rothschilds. No matter how others may view their wealth, and with what eyes they choose to see their use of wealth, the Rothschild Family businesses were successful and had longevity.

For me, this speaks to the need to plan for succession, to educate, train and most importantly make sure that the vision and core values that were the foundation for earlier success be transferred from one person to another, one leader to another, one generation to another.

Would you speak to us about these, our early conclusions?

CHARLES: I am chuckling because you have truly gotten the insights that we wish to convey to our readers about the Rothschilds. The Medici would be another family where there were some elements or persons in those families which were not moral, and of course they took immoral business practices and activities politically. What you are seeing is exactly what we are trying to establish in the Correcting Time and through the values of social sustainability. The values of social sustainability are consistent; they are the values of quality of life, growth and equality that have sustained your species for well over forty thousand years, and which, in fact, have prompted your species to thrive. What has made that a success is that this is part of the very nature of your species; those drives, those forces are written into your DNA; they are carried forward from one generation to another, even when parents do not indoctrinate or enculturate their children with the values that help them succeed. Thus, you have one element that is completely in agreement with our plans and our vision for the future.

The second is that there must be a plan of succession. When you see that you are moving into an era of sustainability, you want the operation to succeed into the future; not just for a decade or fifty years, but for two-hundred years, five-hundred years, a thousand years. Therefore, the successes, the behaviors and ideas and visions that lead to successes, you want to enculturate in succeeding generations. Further, you want to train those individuals who will participate and assist in the succession of that sustainability. Successful succession is an action of sustainability that requires the transference of vision, values and skills — those enculturated necessities that bring your family, or your project, or your corporation into the future that have tremendous longevity.

This is missing in most of your modern cultures, whereas in olden cultures, when there was a verbal heritage, a history, those were transferred directly to each succeeding generation, as they had to memorize those histories. And when they memorized them, they were fully enculturated with the values and the vision and morals, standards and mores of that whole culture. Thus there was transference very successfully from one generation to another. Your culture here in the United States and some other Western nations is not developed for succession or success, but it is a fact that within decades and [by] the end of this century your cultures could be in quite disarray and some of them even gone. Thus it is essential that we participate with you in developing cultures that succeed. We are not so much interested in nations—they simply provide the plateau, or the platform upon which we can work. Our goal is to change the culture of your world, particularly those that are susceptible to rapid cultural change, as are those nations now, which have incorporated electronic communications and processing devices into their cultures.

I applaud you for the homework that you have completed; it echoes exactly what we are trying to do on a secular basis on your world. The spiritual basis of evolution and morality on your world will evolve as individuals seek higher standards, higher levels of development of spiritual values that last not just for centuries, but for eternity. Thus we know that those values, those behaviors and those skills that transfer longevity into sustainability will come from spiritual relationships. We know that because of how we have begun with you, that this will be a natural development. We have also said that if only three percent of the individuals and organizations use and participate in spiritual guidance, then the rest of culture will be guided as well. Our long-term goal is success and always is the secular interested in success and longevity.

The enculturation process

Susan: Thank you! So, what I’m understanding in this is that enculturation is what is missing right now, or the passing of history, values and vision from one generation to another is missing, especially since our culture and society has speeded up with rapid technological changes. So, the initial vision and early work that people have, whether it be in business or community work, when their idea and their vision is good, their intentions need to be cemented in the hearts and minds of those who will carry it forward. If the core values are present, they will give it the potential for success. I’m hearing you say that being connected to you and to spirit is essential in its potential for success and longevity.

What is missing is the ability to” tell the story”. To the three percent who perhaps have the vision and have the connection to spirit must also be able to tell the story, or plan for keeping the story going within a business or community, making those values that were the original intention kind of tangible to those who need to hold it into the future. Then that story needs to be told over and over again. The seedling of the idea, the project, the business must be grown with intention and intelligent planning. I know that this is no great “Ah-ha” to anyone, but in reality it takes a lot of time, planning and effort to actually do it. So, this is where I am at, on the ground, looking at a community and a culture that has lost the art of “telling our story,” passing the torch, even to the point of honoring what came before objectively enough to connect it to the possibilities of the future.

My question is: How do we begin to regain this lost art of “telling our story,” so that the work of this generation of visionaries and laborers is passed on to the next, so that they benefit from our learned experience, instead of denigrating us for that which we failed to do, so they may hold onto and build from the values that drove us in the first place and apply them to the challenges of a new age?
How do we apply this on the ground floor?

CHARLES: I understand. Let us get a basic fact established first in that enculturation is always ongoing and is always taking place. It just depends on what is enculturated. Right now, what is enculturated in each new generation is less and less likely to assist that generation and future generations in its sustainability in surviving. What is missing, my dear student, is the intention. There must be a conscious, written intention in your social institutions—in every institution—for transferring the wisdom of success that leads to sustainability. You can also do this through a design team; the design team is a very conscious environment that sets about to fulfill a purpose. It may be that the design team writes out an intention for its culture. That may seem presumptuous, but it is not; it is essential that someone begin.

You cannot rely upon the spontaneous development of an intention to transfer successful enculturation from one generation to another. This has ended. I am reminded of the Native American Indians who transferred their culture from one generation to the next. Yes, it is time consuming, but it insures that your culture survives. These tribes and these clans saw themselves as “the people,” and that for their people to maintain their identity and who they are in their survival-ship, they had to transfer who they were to succeeding generations. So, this is something that must be done. It would be a good project for a design team—a community design team—to begin.

This would be perhaps one of the most foundational projects that one could ever undertake for their community, for their society, for their nation and for the civilization. It is not something too large that even one person could not take on, but it works better when there are more, and that you have people who can assist in your research. You will find that the intention for enculturation could be written for your whole civilization, your society, and your community and for your own children within only one paragraph, but it needs to be stated. The intention must be there consciously, within a society, a community to transfer those wisdoms that provide success and succession and integrity and are of value to each following generation. Thank you very much for your question.

Susan: Thank you for your patience in answering such a disjointed question, but you fully answered it for me. Our design team has talked a lot about the inability to tell our story, that it’s been lost in our community just within our own community needs. When you said it could be the core project of a design team that really heartened me. And you had spoken in past discussions about transferring that within families, from one generation to the other, this is something very important for me as well, so this is great food for thought. Thank you.

Sense of urgency and limitations of time

Along this same line, I’m feeling a bit of tension between the realities I am experiencing, that it takes time to grow a functioning, viable, co-creative design team in one community, and the urgency of time I’m sensing from others in these discussions and in reading other materials. I have gathered a group of leaders in my small community, people who are intelligent, skilled, and of strong moral character. With a group like this, there’s strength and there’s potential for great vision. But it is one thing to say to a group of followers, “come, follow me; this is what we are doing” and then have them follow, and it’s another to say this to a group of leaders. I’ve found by gathering these individuals, that there’s an investment of time needed to get buy-in, to learn roles, to learn to dialog together, and build consensus and that yields to a vision and then plans. Yet, I’m sensing that time is what we don’t have.

In an earlier discussion, it had been shared with me that the process is more important than the product, yet what I am hearing and sensing is that the time of the slow decay of our culture is gone and that we are facing immediate times of disruption. There just doesn’t feel like there is enough time to get the process in place with many, many teams. I trust that I am not seeing the whole picture, that I am only seeing the “cells of the elephant,” and looking at it with super-small, finite vision. Would you speak to this for me? What it is I’m failing to see, do, or to trust here?

Team building and bonding

CHARLES: Well, my dear, you present quite a large portrait here that needs to be examined through several questions, rather than “one fell swoop.” What you are involved in—let me take it piece by piece, if I can—one thing you are involved in with this group is that you are in the process of team building, of bonding, and it is essential that members consciously understand the developmental process that they are involved in, that will give them greater patience in hanging in there with your team even when there is urgency involved. Do you appreciate this so far?

Susan: Yes, I do; thank you.

CHARLES: Whether you have a group of leaders or a group of Cub Scouts, you still have a process of bonding, a process of developing your esprit within the group. You need to have that consciously in the minds of those individuals who have the capacity to appreciate that. If you do not have the social developmental steps completed, then they will be incomplete and it will cause you greater problems ahead. Do not be concerned about the urgency of the projects that need to be completed. The process, as we have said, is far more important than the outcome. When you form a bonded team, then they will be able to work on their own, even alone by themselves, and come together and rejoin quickly. You do not want ten individuals coming together as individuals and going apart where they still feel they are individuals, not part of the group.

Establishing group intentions

The work of your community team is essential that it be nurtured by us as we speak, and that you, by asking these questions, concerning intention and enculturation have hit upon the core area that needs to be addressed first. Your intentions for your culture, which match the longevity of millennia, would be the ones that would assist all projects that develop out of your group in the development of weeks, months and years. Do you follow me so far?

Susan: Yes.

CHARLES:   So, if the intention is broad and clear, then those projects which come to be developed would match that intention. It is very similar to using the three core values of social sustainability. These are irrefutable; they cannot be denied; they exist and thus any projects that you have, any plans that you have, must be in harmony and supported with these three values. Knowing that, you know that you are headed in the right direction. Next, you must have a vision. There are statements of intention, philosophy and a vision. These three things are essential to guide all developments that come out of your team on leaders. Doing these basic chores first will guide all the projects later to their right completion.

Projects that come along and are developed must be validated by those three elements to know that you are on the right track. Do not be concerned that it takes time to do these things, even though your intention may be a short paragraph, your philosophy may be a short paragraph, and that your vision would be a short paragraph—if those three are in agreement, then all else that develops will come about. You will find that you do not need to dither too long on these three elements, as each of these, too, must be in agreement with those three core values. Thus, you have a system of validation that will lend tremendous validation and support for the programs that develop later.

[This is Daniel: You don’t know how much they relish the ability to express these things, which they have been wanting to do for a long time.

Susan: Oh, good! Thank you; I feel like a small child here.]

Susan: Thank you for your answer. I was rapidly taking notes. I have a team meeting tonight and was in need of a direction for our next step. I think the implied answer to my question about the sense of urgency I have, I think what I was hearing in my heart was I need to trust the small process where I’m at, because you are taking care of the big picture. I don’t need to worry about that one, and taking time with this team and building it correctly, the process is still most important. I must focus there and trust.

Do not “hurry to failure”

CHARLES: Yes, to put it in a small nutshell, we do not wish you to “hurry to failure.” (Laughter.)

Susan: “Hurry to failure”—thank you, and I’ve done that many times in my life! Those are good words. Those are the only three questions I had at this point and I will lend the ‘mic’ to someone else.

CHARLES: Certainly, thank you.

MMc: Very good. I have three questions that have been sent to me by our audience. I wondered if I might ask them now?

CHARLES: Of course, please proceed.

Abner’s Church in Philadelphia

MMc: Those of us who have read The Urantia Book recognize that the Catholic Church of today suffers from the compromises made in the past. The Urantia Book indicates that Abner’s Church in Philadelphia was consistent and true to Michael’s teachings. There are only a few prayers from his church stated in The Urantia Book. Are there any other materials from Abner’s church available to us for review and study, or will any such materials be made available in the future?

CHARLES: Repeat that, please.

MMc: The question is about Abner’s church in Philadelphia.

CHARLES: Excuse me. Abner in Philadelphia… oh, in the Middle East during Jesus’ time, correct? Not Abner in Philadelphia, the United States?

MMc: No, during Jesus’ time. Are there any other materials from Abner’s church available for us to review or study, or will any such materials be made available in the future:

CHARLES: One moment. Yes, there are undiscovered materials in Armenia, which are in a clay jar in a rock pile that is long overgrown by grass and vegetation. There are others that are existent, which are less authentic than these, but those remnants that are still undiscovered are far truer to Abner’s words and thoughts than others that exist in the open marketplace now.

The history of the Magisterial Mission

MMc: When the Magisterial Mission goes “live,” will the ground troops be given a standard explanation so that there are not thousands of different stories?

CHARLES: Your history of the Magisterial Mission is already written and it is not so much the Magisterial Mission as you see it that has importance to us, but the living Magisterial Mission that is co-created in the hearts and minds and daily lives of individuals, who are participating with us. This history is written every day of the Magisterial Mission. We do not concern ourselves about correcting issues of the past, as we have found that small mindedness has a way of subverting even that. (Laughter.)

MMc: Yes. Your answer is completely understood, thank you.

What is holding up the advent of zero-point energy?

Today’s world is polluted by hydrocarbon fuels, creating CO2 and air pollution. Because we do not yet know how to completely control nuclear energy, it’s continued use may prove to be even worse. You have spoken of zero-point or free energy in the past. What is blocking the emergence of this free energy?

CHARLES: In some ways, we are blocking the release of those ideas, those conceptual dots which only need to be connected to make that idea, that concept a reality. As we have said also before, your civilization, your governments, your morality is still too primitive to appreciate or [to] use this energy to the best advantage of everyone. It would once again be placed in the hands of those much like the atomic energy, to make those destructive devices, which now would be incredibly destructive (without radioactive pollution) and destroy things completely, so that they do not exist, rather than leave a decay of radioactivity for twenty or one-hundred-thousand years.

It is our wish that the remnant of civilization be the recipients of this new energy, as that will be the time for reframing the technology of your new civilization to become sustainable. We do not wish that this zero-point energy become a part of the problem now, but become part of the solution later. Premature technologies in the hands of primitive morality and primitive minds, those with warped senses of power, control and authority, would be very destructive. Our efforts are those that would support the reconstruction of your world in terms that are sustainable, both socially and technologically.

Social activists

MMc: Thank you. I’ve noticed that in addition to our core group of individuals, there are an increasing number of social activists who are promoting ideas and programs that are similar to those that we have heard here. Would you like to comment on this trend?

CHARLES: Well, hooray, our work is successful! We have said before that we of spirit, whether the midwayers or Melchizedeks, give individuals options in their thinking about how to resolve problems and how to bring about solutions. Even those who are not Godly can be influenced with the options that contribute to the ends of the Correcting Time, which lead to the days of light and life. We see this as evidence of success of our infiltration in the minds of mortals without abrogating their decisions. This is how we will bring about your new societies that will want to be sustainable. It simply becomes far more rapid when we are able to have conscious conversations with those who are in alignment with the values and programs of the Correcting Time.

It is also a part of the mass of human consciousness of the planet that see other options to power, control and authority. There can be social integration and cohesion. Soon, others will come to know, for instance, that the boundaries of sovereignty create more problems than they resolve, that the time for sovereign nations is past, where there are identifiable boundaries and borders of such. Later, these nations will become known as cultures, as the culture of North America, the culture of Europe, the culture of the Middle East, for instance—these will be cultural areas, rather than individual states. This is an idea that is repugnant and abhorred by those who are in power, control and authority, but times will change when the necessity of dissolving those boundaries will come about.

Just as almost every nation has states and provinces and so on within them, which do not limit their trade in commerce, so too, will the future of your world be seen as one nation with different cultures, but with very few sovereign boundaries. These ideas, too, are infiltrating the minds of those cultural leaders, those cultural creatives who are philosophizing and designing concepts and organizations to bring about that cohesion of society, rather than the lines of separation.

Susan: That was a wonderful question and wonderful answer, thank you.

MMc: Are there any other questions, ladies?

(Both answered “no.”)

Susan: I’d love to sit and chat.

MMc: What do you want to chat about, Susan—you were the one who brought it up?

Susan: I feel like an eager little kid, I just want to continue on, saying things like, “Help me come up with ideas for sharing our story?” It’s just me, wanting more—not necessarily anything of great import.

Connecting the past, present and future

CHARLES: I have enjoyed your free flowing conversation while you have had it, and yes, we would be very glad to participate in a free flowing conversation concerning those topics, which you would like to discuss, so please proceed. You mentioned that you would like to “tell your story.”

Susan: Yes, I’m trying to get clarity on this notion of telling our story in connecting the past, the present and the future in our community. It is sort of a big one that came up in our design team, and so I’m eager to explore it more with you. Your answer was so complete, I feel that I probably just need to spend time reading it, digesting it, meditating on it, but one of the things that has come up for me—and I hope for you—is to begin to tell our story at community gatherings. It is very hard to pull our diverse community together. We have a venue through which we are going to pull it together here in two weeks. On Veteran’s Weekend we are lighting a tree—a very large blue spruce in front of our library, and we’ve been getting the word out in our community for everyone to come, so that we can put forth our intention for the Season, starting with Veteran’s Weekend, for goodwill, peace and service amongst each other.

I have this tiny vision: We light the tree, we have an honor guard coming, we sing a song and then we speak about making intentions for this Holiday Season. In this way, the tree becomes the symbol of these intentions throughout the Season. Then we will sing the song, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”

I’m excited about this because it could be a beginning. If we have families and children out there, and it becomes a yearly event, this is part of telling our story and passing these intentions from family to family, community member to community member. I’m looking for some thoughts and direction on this, because I’m not sure if I’ve gotten ‘way out there,’ or if this is good. These are the chats I’d like to have.

CHARLES: We have been conversing here, listening to your statement and we feel that what you would be most effective designing is your writing a statement of universals that can be accepted personally, by each individual who is there. That may seem to be a broad, nebulous stroke, but we further suggest that you review the intentions for your community from the earliest times when the Pioneers came there. What was their intention for settling there? Of course, we believe that you will find a consistent intention throughout the history of your community.

The mission, however, changes according to the social and economic and cultural circumstances the community finds itself in. When the World War I and the Civil War came along, or the Depressions came along or other new wars, and now recently the World War II and following, how has the community responded? How has the mission of the community changed? What you will find though, within your community, is an almost consistent intention, with three intentions perhaps at the most, that could be universally accepted by everyone. There are some universals that writers try to bring out in their writings that individuals can identify with, the reader can identify with, and so as this speech is made, within a reasonable time without losing attention, you want to paint those universals and write them in a way that can be accepted and appreciated and reveled in by the listeners. Communities do not last as long as the one you live in without some universals being evident, that draws people together.

You are searching for the commonality that builds union that people can bond to, that they find oneness in, and this is what you are striving for, for your community into the future. Just as your team of leaders needs to work the bonding process and team building, so too you will need to work the process for your audience, but in a very much more brief time. You will find this process does build community and commonality and bonding when you experience it, and it does take time, and it does take personal commitment on the part of individuals to become a part of the new community. Those people who exclude themselves, of course, will not become a part of your new community or bond with it, which would be unfortunate.

Susan: Thank you. I hear something brief and yet powerful, like the Gettysburg Address.

CHARLES: Exactly.

Susan: Okay, this was really helpful. I had a beginning of what to say, but that is what has drawn people to help me fund this tree in such a short amount of time and bring the volunteers together to make it happen. I was sensing there needed to be something really special that was said that connected everybody, once they came.

CHARLES: Yes, this will be a good beginning for you, and do not be afraid to ask for celestial assistance to assist in the union and integrity of hearts.

Susan: Thank you. I will ask! Please proceed! (Laughter.) So, my chatting is all about this, and of course wanting direction and I can do that on a personal level, but you have really helped me here. Thank you for extending this session for this answer.

The process of building culture after the depopulation

CHARLES: You are most welcome. I wish to share with you, though, that this is a problem that will become more and more evident in communities as they become depopulated, that it will not be just the misery and sorrow that draws people together, but some forces of oneness that bond them together for a prosperous and sustainable future. The process of developing and building a culture begins very similarly as what you are doing, that you work through the process of commonalities, finding those, sharing them and then building a culture that rests upon those commonalities.

Then you must have a process of transferring that from one generation to another, not simply just platitudes, but real working explanations of what promotes the integrity of a community so it is cohesive, and people enjoy meeting other people on the sidewalk and saying “good morning” or “good afternoon,” and truly feeling that there is oneness of spirit among you. This is something that we are now striving to do throughout all other cultures as well; yours is a wonderful place to begin. Thank you.

Susan: Thank you. I would add that this is inspiring me, because we will be standing before our community library, which is the repository of so much of our history, and I can actually start to see this address developing.

Need for including future generations

CHARLES: And when you speak, we would ask you to speak to the coming generations. This is not simply just an activity of reflection upon the past, by members who have participated in the past, but transferring those things that work as a social entity to the new generations. Children will become the leaders of tomorrow; you are preparing them for those roles, and as you prepare that, this is not so much for the benefit of past generations, but current generations and particularly those who have children. This is preparation for the future; this is enculturation!

Susan: Yes. Thank you so much.

Closing statement

CHARLES: Thank you for your participation. I was about to say that I sense that we have come to the end of today’s session. So, my friends, in benediction rather, you are beginning to see the personal and social and common results that we wish to develop in you, your family and your community, that you are taking this personally. This is not just an interesting philosophical or distant esoteric spiritual concept, but something that can be applied for the betterment of your world, and this is the beginning of “gardening” the world for spiritual growth. Thank you and good day.

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