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NEC12 – Celestial Support for Projects; Non-breathers; Pyramids

New Era Conversations #12
– Celestial support for projects; Non-breathers; Pyramids
– Dec. 6, 2013

Teacher: Machiventa Melchizedek

Programs being developed will be interactive and interlocked
A garden project by a reader of these transcripts
Plans for a drug/alcohol rehab center
Schools and gardening projects
Celestial support goes toward preventative action for addictions
Are there conflicts in the involvement of these projects?
Focus your efforts where they are most productive
A question concerning non-breathers
The purpose of pyramids
Machiventa’s closing thoughts

TR: Daniel Raphael
Moderator: Michael McCray

December 6, 2013

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Michael and Nebadonia, we gather together today during this cold weather snap, but safe and warm with your love, light and abundance of cozy shelters. We are most grateful for all that you provide to us and we cherish the instruction being given to us through the Magisterial Mission, that we may grow spiritually and intellectually. Amen.

MACHIVENTA: Good Morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek.

(Group greets him.)

MACHIVENTA: It’s good to be with you to hear about conditions on the world, wintertime is cold, summer time is warm and so the seasons flow in these latitudes. Where would you like to begin this morning?

MMc: Do you have anything you’d like to say to us before we begin?

Programs being developed will be interactive and interlocked

MACHIVENTA: Only briefly, and that is that the Triumvirate and all of our staffs have continued to develop the programs that we will be working on with you in the near future. These programs can develop into quite a magnificent interactive, interlocked set of programs to assist your world to evolve into its next stages of social and spiritual development.

MMc: Would you like to go any further in discussing the programs at this time?

MACHIVENTA: No, it would be fruitless.

MMc: Okay, then I’ll begin.

A garden project by a reader of these transcripts

An audience member writes us, “I have found the Teaching Mission in California, 2007. My career went by the wayside and sustainability became my main focus. My husband and I, and our then three children, moved from California to Arkansas five years ago. Our family grew and we bought 40 acres in the Ozarks and are making that a self-sufficient home. We live close to a community of 1300, the K-12 school there received a small grant and I am acting as coordinator in developing the school and community garden. The garden will be organic of raised beds and green houses for year-around growing. The garden will have facilities for chickens and rabbits for eggs and meat; there will be space involved for Future Farmers of America to keep their stock. Raised beds will also be available for any community member that needs a spot to grow veggies. We are planning on an annual seed swap with a neighboring community and developing a farmers’ market. Food from the garden will be eaten at school, sold at the farmers’ market, with the proceeds benefiting the garden, given to the local food bank. It is really an amazing project whose time has come.

“About two months ago, I joined a community development group. Our community also just approved a new small tax to allow the construction of a new “green” elementary school. Various sustainable ideas are being implemented in our town.

Plans for a drug/alcohol rehab center

“In addition to all this, my husband and I, and a few others, find ourselves starting a drug/alcohol rehab program. At this point we have formed a corporation and have a board. Hopefully, there will be future clients waiting for us to open our doors. We also have a building, which needs major renovation, located on two-and-a-half-acres in town, with a dilapidated greenhouse. Our program focuses on not only on the principles of AA and clinical recovery, but also on sustainability. Our clients will participate in growing food, learning to prepare it, [and] we will also implement a program that teaches a trade, such as construction, so that when the time with us is over, they literally take the “seeds of sustainability” back to their communities as contributing members of that society. I felt all of these projects are guided.

“My husband and I have no money to move forward with these plans, so we have slightly altered our plans for the rehab in that we will start as a clean and sober living home, with the same programs in place, until we can renovate and get licensing for a full rehab.”

She asks: “Do you have any guidance as to how to get the rehab program off the ground and headed in the right direction, so that this corporation is fully sustainable?”

Schools and gardening projects

MACHIVENTA: Thank you very much for your detailed explanation of your program’s progress. What you see between these two programs, one of which is the greenhouse and the schools, and that of your corporation for rehab are two vastly different populations. This truly reflects our split, our separation of sustainability as we apply it to the population of Urantia. The programs that we have initiated within the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission are for the vast majority of individuals. As there are limited co-creative resources on Urantia for the improvement of your race and of living conditions, we are sponsoring and we are putting our resources into the broadest population-based [projects] possible. This means people such as those who are in schools, learning how to do greenhouse gardening with raised beds and so on.

Celestial support goes toward preventative action for addictions

It does not mean that we are putting those resources into very small minority populations such as the rehab project. We know that this may disappoint you, and it is not that we do not care about these people, but it is a matter of limited resources for the greatest amount of return to the societies of Urantia. It is not that we are leaving these addictive personalities by the wayside of civilization, for we are not. There are choices that are involved in all of these projects for us, for you and for those people who are addicted and how they got into that position. We would far more greatly see the need for preventative action toward those addictive personalities who have not, in fact, become addicted to alcohol or some other form of drugs.

Those who are already addicted are a small percentage of your society and it is unfortunate for their situation. We love them; God loves them; there is nothing to forgive—it is simply a matter of their living choices and needing to learn to live new lives within their societies. You may come to an erroneous opinion or conclusion that spirit does not care about these people, but surely we do. We wish you to remember that the time is very short now and that our message must get out to the broadest population of the world. We also consider the return on our investment. When we invest in populations that are free from addiction and free from these inclinations, we know that those who will follow these socially sustainable procedures will also see the benefit and share them with others. This assists our work to broaden its audience to the largest number of people.

MMc: Thank you. Do you have any guidance for our audience member specifically about how to proceed, both personally and for the new rehab? Money appears to be a real obstacle for her. Can you give some direction in how to proceed through life to alleviate this particular problem?

MACHIVENTA: We have no comment, thank you.

Are there conflicts in the involvement of these projects?

MMc: She asks, “Does the school project and the rehab and the inner community development organization all work together for local sustainability?” And I think you’ve answered that question for us. Are there conflicts for this particular person in their involvement in all three?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, you will find the conflicts within the answers I have given concerning the addictive treatment program, that this is one which will cause tremendous difficulty for her; it is a personal interest of hers and it is not at odds with the other two programs that we support, but simply that it is not productive as I have stated earlier.

MMc: Thank you. She asks, “I would love to know my teacher’s name. I get quite a lot of number prompts and enjoy the level of communication thus far.”

MACHIVENTA: One moment. Your teacher’s name is Serenicia.

Focus your efforts where they are most productive

I may comment further concerning the conflicts of these programs and it is that the writer is definitely spreading herself quite thin concerning her role as wife, mother, homemaker, teacher and the other roles that she takes on. It is important that you all focus your energies where they are most productive, where there can be the greatest return for your efforts. Yes, it may become routine; yes, it may become even boring to some of you, but this is a matter of gratitude once again, seeing the benefit of your work. You have a purpose and you are finding meaning. You can always find more projects that need assistance, some of which are quite desperate, but having a life where you have purpose and meaning is surely a wonderful place to be for any mortal on this world, and living in such a stable environment is a preference for the enactment of great good for many people.

A question concerning non-breathers

MMc: Thank you. The space missions to explore the planets and moons in our solar system have increased interest in a paragraph in The Urantia Book. In Paper 49, section 3: “Worlds of the non-breather,” paragraph 6, it says, “You would be more than interested in the planetary conduct of this type of mortal because such a race of beings inhabits a sphere in close proximity to Urantia.” Would you care to give us more information about the non-breathers and this interesting situation?

MACHIVENTA: Only in part, and that is that the non-breathers, which are mentioned in the text, are of such a vastly different metabolic organism as to be completely out of the realm of the imagination of your scientists. They are unprepared to have this awaken in their consciousness, that intelligent sentient beings can exist who are non-breathers, yet your scientists know that many plants and even biologic beings have their source of energy from sources which are not oxygen-based, even those in your oceans are an example of this. Your scientists are unprepared for this vastly different metabolic sentient being; they may even find one of these beings in their searches, yet would dismiss it as not being of “a life,” as they are used to discerning.

Your scientists are used to carbon-based, oxygen-using creatures that have an evolved nervous system. These non-breathers also have a nervous system of a sort, but based more on crystals than on tissue. As I say, this is so wildly different that it may be that your scientists would turn over a rock, so to speak, and discover something, and then simply discard it as not being relevant to their conscious perception or conceptual ideation of what life is.

MMc: Yes, we are literally, on a daily basis, we are finding other forms of life, with other metabolic needs. We found bacteria that exist far underground and use the energy and chemical processes around them to reproduce, albeit though slowly. The non-breathers would present a significant change and significant jump in our scientists’ minds of what a sentient being would be. I should ask, is the sphere in question in our solar system?

MACHIVENTA: No comment.

MMc: Are they aware of us?

MACHIVENTA: One moment. No.

MMc: I don’t have any further questions this morning. Roxie, do you have any questions?

The purpose of pyramids

Roxie: I hope this isn’t in the category of pure curiosity but, with my interest in archaeology, I would like to know more about why or how the building of large pyramids has occurred in all different parts of our world. Can you tell us more about their function and how they came to be so similar?

MACHIVENTA: One moment.
Urantia has been visited many times by extra-terrestrial civilizations. They have been of influence to some of the more evolved native civilizations on Urantia. The monuments that you speak of are simply monuments; they are very much like the rock cairns that cross-country trekkers/walkers/hikers leave along side the roadway, saying, “This is the way. We have been here.” And so it marks paths or a presence, which are different from each other.

The purposes for these monuments are several, one of which is to instill the skills of engineering into those native societies and civilizations here on Urantia, and that it is feats of engineering and skills of engineering that undergird the development of civilizations and of societies and lead to social evolution—intellectual, spiritual, cultural evolution—that lead to those civilizations that become more advanced and to which you even see now. Your own civilization is sending rockets into space to explore the planets and your moon. You might see where all this has led.

What, however, is missing from the obvious nature of these monuments is the intellectual, cultural and spiritual understanding of the connected-ness of all beings on all worlds. These concepts are hidden in the ruins of these monuments, yet to be discovered, yet to be read as a literature or as conceptual developments. These monuments and the visitations by these extra-terrestrial civilizations were not in violation of any prohibitions of visitations to other worlds by peaceful extra-terrestrial civilizations. These represent the best efforts of visitors who have come here to leave something of benefit, something of positive value along the way, specifically to this still primitive world. These cultural and intellectual and societal developments were anemic, atrophied, due to the barbarism of Caligastia, Satan and Lucifer.

These developments could have greatly aided those early settlements, which were in preparation for the arrival of your Adam and Eve. And it is not as though your world is not being visited at the present, but there is a moratorium on active implementation of visitations and the leaving of remnants or monuments or artifacts of their presence. The work of Christ Michael has been such that this moratorium has been in effect for quite some time, though you are aware that there have been accidents in which extra-terrestrial vehicles have crashed and crew members were lost or died. It is now the responsibility of Christ Michael, myself Machiventa Melchizedek, and Monjoronson and our staffs to bring about the social, cultural and spiritual evolution of your world. I hope this question you have in mind has been satisfied.

Roxie: Thank you. That was very interesting, Machiventa.

MACHIVENTA: Are there further questions for our session today?

Roxie: No, I don’t have any.

MMc: No.

Machiventa’s closing thoughts

MACHIVENTA:  Your world is undergoing immense, rapid and even radical changes in its societies, social structures and its political venues. We would like to introduce you to the concepts of three different forms of “economies.” You are already very familiar with the economy of money, finance and business, the give and take and flow of this economy is measured by money, respective to each nation. You can easily see that if there were one currency, a flow around the world would be immense and would lead to a tremendously powerful economic development and increase the welfare of everyone.

Societies have an economy as well, but the “currency” of it is relationships between individuals, and individuals and social groups. The social economy provides for social exchange, cultural development and social evolution. The social economy provides for an evenness between and among social groups and social associations.

The last is the political economy. The “currency” of the political economy is that of participation and of influence in the affairs of power, control and authority to direct the course of a village or a nation. As in the financial/business economy, it is easy to see when and where blockages occur that inhibit the even flow of participation in the affairs of power, control and authority. When this occurs, then political revolution becomes inevitable, unless mediation and compromise occur. You can see the difference in the process of the flow in the various political economies of democracies, authoritarian and totalitarian governments. What form of political economy contributes to the social sustainability of a nation? That is the primary question that must be answered by each of these economies. And that is why we are introducing you to the concepts of “economies.”

Each of these three economies has its own element that is the coin of the realm, so to speak, that assists in the flow of the nature of that respective economy. These three economies are essential to the foundations of a sustainable society, that within a nation or a collection of nations, these three economies must be able to work easily and freely and that the flow of their energies move easily among them—among the nations or within a nation. You see this within this United States where there are many states, yet there is an easy flow both of the financial business economy and the social economy, though the political economy remains very staid and traditional and often unreasonably inflexible. All of these will change in all three of these economies soon.

When you can conceptualize these three economies this way, you begin to grasp the greater dynamics of social sustainability. Validation for each of these economies and their effectiveness lies in their capacity to be validated by the three core values of quality of life, growth and equality. When you have this cross validation for the working order of an economy, then you are able to see the pitfalls and advantages and benefits of that economy and what progress still remains to be done. Thank you and good day.

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