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NEC27 – Going Global; Mont Fleur Scenarios

 2014-08-01  Going Global; Mont Fleur Scenarios

– Aug. 1, 2014

Teachers: Monjoronson and Charles – New Era Conversations #27

The coordination of global projects
The universal nature of these values are connecting the “dots”
Revealing the spiritual source of these principles
First, there must be discussion groups
Developing a moral identification within all democratic nations
The Mont Fleur Scenarios
Applying the Scenarios to social sustainability
Strategic planners and training programs for nations
Open discussions groups of all sizes
Prepare for the cataclysms and reconstruction afterwards
Social sustainability has the capacity to create a new reality
The gift of ideals, concepts and values
Is now the time to start a group to develop its own scenarios?
Realistic times for preparation
The planning must occur now

TR: Daniel Raphael

Members present: Roxanne Andrews, Susan Bryner and Michael McCray

August 1, 2014

[ Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for your presence here with us today and we pray that our participation with you will benefit the Correcting Time, our brothers and sisters today and in the future, as well as God the Supreme. Amen. ]

CHARLES: Good morning, this is Charles. (Group greetings.) Many of you have wondered about our “Principal,” and he is here to share a few words with you now.

The coordination of global projects

MONJORONSON: Good morning, this is Monjoronson. I have been away, but immediate as well. My work now involves the coordination of all of the efforts with Machiventa to fulfill Christ Michael’s mandate to bring this world into the days of light and life. As you know, we have begun with you and many other small groups around the world as a way to introduce the prospect of coming into existence. This coordination is important for the outcomes. As you know, the times are short, which allows us only a brief period of time to bring larger and larger organizations into the fold of connecting with you in these ideas. You are fully aware that the values, concepts and principles of social sustainability are universal to all humankind, and that this is the element that will bring organizations together with us to work for the development of the advancement of your society, simultaneously in every democratic nation. We have begun pragmatically with you to test these concepts and ideas and they have proven effective and viable. We now have the opportunity to bring other associations of individuals into this fold with you.

As for myself, I continue to prepare for the day when I will be with you in person, where I knock upon your door and introduce myself and ask for entrance and welcome to your home. This was never discussed in the life of Machiventa as the Sage of Salem, but he underwent the same preparation to be easily integrated into the cultural and ethnic fold of the community that he walked into one day, and so, I am doing the same. Do not be concerned about my absence from this public forum, it is simply that you are now doing very well, you have many assistants to help you, and that you are following the directions given to you, and that you are developing them well. I wish you a good day.

The universal nature of these values are connecting the “dots”

CHARLES: I wish to follow upon what Monjoronson has said, and that because of the universal nature of these values, they will strike a chord in the hearts and minds of individuals throughout the world in a way that will prompt them to begin working on these values within their organizations. They are similar, but even less intellectually developed than the word of “consciousness,” that is being promoted by many of your cultural creatives, those intellectual and cultural leaders of your nations and associations.

You will find that the “dots” as you call them—and as we have accepted—will become larger and larger. That is our intention to bring some rather large dots into your presence to become acquainted with these values, to be shared with them, and once one of these larger dots or associations accepts them, then they will legitimate these values and this project to many other large organizations. We do not have the luxury of developing these evolutionarily in a slow fashion, but must do so rapidly by attracting the enthusiasm of large organizations. It is our plan to have this well known throughout the world within the next three years. As you might surmise, this type of work, these values, this interest may seem idealistic and very ‘airy’ to some, but to others who are spiritually centered and understand the wholeness and the holism of the universe, and the oneness of all in their consciousness, will realize that this is something that they can use immediately. And so, our fellow travelers will be spiritually oriented, no matter what their religion. We ask that you accept this variety into our fold. I am open to questions if you have them.

Revealing the spiritual source of these principles

Susan: Charles, the last statement you made, I think I heard it right: you said,
”Many of these will be spiritually oriented, no matter their religion.” Did I hear that correctly? (Charles: That is correct.) This is something that I have been thinking about from the last session. We were talking about the middle masses that will be attracted to this work, the entrepreneurial thinkers, those that ‘hope’ this is where great changes can occur. I think you said then that many of them do accept that there is a God and that they feel there is a purpose in life, but they are a bit confused about it, and that you anticipate that many of them will come to be more accepting of divine participation in their lives. I’m curious as to how this might happen. I am asking because it’s difficult for me to speak of this group and social sustainability to my colleagues because I feel a bit deceptive. Though you have said that it is obviously less important to know of the co-creative relationship than it is to simply have it happen. But, still, I’m wondering how this accepting of divine participation might evolve in the lives of these entrepreneurial thinking people?

CHARLES: Thank you for your question. Well, Dear, you must give your fellow brothers and sisters more credit for discerning and thinking minds than your question may suggest. There is within each individual a Thought Adjuster who will be prompting—not just one or two—but hundreds and thousands of individuals to query. They might ask the question, “This idea, these concepts and values are so self-evident, so obvious that why didn’t we think of them earlier, and how is it that they come up now? This seems to be so universal, so incredible that they have been forgotten or not thought of until now?” That is one avenue for the development of the audience asking questions about the true sources of these concepts and these values.

This One will not be deceptive when someone asks the question, “Was there some spiritual source for these principles, these values?” And of course, he will answer forthrightly that there was, and that it is still involved. If questions are asked that are not that direct, then they will be answered in the secular nature. You can rely upon some furtive, investigative efforts by some individuals to research the history of This One and his writings and associations, and they will eventually come to the archives, those historic documents that are also recorded in the Google pages and find that these concepts, these values had a spiritual origin, that they in fact came from Sondjah Melchizedek during the experimental design team process in the winter and spring of 2007 and 2008 in Evergreen, Colorado. These are stated in the manuscript, “Planetary Management.”

We will not promote this revelation; let them come forward slowly. We do not need to make announcements or pronouncements through any mortal for other mortals to discover the source of these truths. It is our speculation that this is a far more effective way of those concepts being accepted as spiritually based, rather than making an announcement from some mortal who would be disbelieved and who would be thought of as self-aggrandizing. That would be highly unproductive. You do not need to feel that you are being deceptive or deceitful in the least when you speak of these concepts solely in terms of their secular nature. As we have said, they are self-evident truths similarly as the truths within your Declaration of Independence are self-evident. Those values are obvious. We will let the curious nature of the mortal mind begin this process of revelation, of which your question speaks.

Susan: Thank you. I feel appropriately chastised in that I should have thought that, “Duh… Thought Adjusters are working.” You went to the heart of my discomfort. That these truths are self-evident is important for me to remember and hold onto.

CHARLES: Yes, and my comments were not provided to you negatively, but really to praise you for asking an obvious question which seeks to have an obvious answer, which many people would not ask. Just as those truths are self-evident, many of the questions that you are asking seem to have a self-evident answer, but nonetheless need to be asked, so continue with simple questions that need to be asked. This is not a complex process, it is one we need for making progress, and progress is made through small steps. Thank you for your question and continue to ask them courageously, even when you think they are simple minded.

Susan: Thank you for that. Another follow-up question: In our last session, you had said, regarding the cataclysms and the ‘softening of the beach’ that we had talked about, you said that when people realize that they have no control over life, in order to improve it, they must work together to improve the quality of life for everyone else. You had used the metaphor of a murmur of birds and that really stuck with me; a beautiful metaphor. I was thinking of the starlings that I’ve seen flying about in their beautiful oneness, how that movement actually starts with one bird, and then a second bird, and how a movement gets started was where my thoughts went.

I recently saw a T.E.D. presentation by Derek Sivers, where he was talking about how a movement gets started, and he said something very interesting, that it’s the first follower that transforms the “lone nut” into a leader, and if you really care about starting a movement, then have the courage to follow and show others how to follow. And when you see a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first one to stand up and join in. So, I’m thinking about this movement and how important it is to nurture the first people who actually believe in what you are saying, or sort of latch onto it, because from them will come others, and perhaps not concentrate on this larger picture, but just the one person that you can catch. That wasn’t a well-developed question… I had a question in there somewhere.

First, there must be discussion groups

CHARLES: May I comment, please? (Susan: Yes, please!) Of course we see your world in a far larger perspective, and we see your social actions in a far different perspective than you. You are within the “aquarium,” so the speak with the other guppies and goldfish, and so you think this is your total world. We see it from outside the aquarium, and what we see with development of the concepts of social sustainability and particularly within what has occurred since This One has begun posting a quote or “Basic Concepts of Social Sustainability” to his LinkedIn and FaceBook pages on a daily basis is that there is developing a broader interest in this topic. It is a topic that other people have not thought about before in this way. And so, what is happening is that first there must be a discussion among many people.

Let me bring another metaphor to you, and that is you have seen many times, there will be maybe 200-300 birds in a tree and they are all chatting and chirping at the same time, making a tremendous racket and noise. That is where you are now; you are developing a tree full of individuals who will be discussing and chirping about these topics in their own association, on their own limb, within their own group. There will develop a much larger and larger discussion from tree to tree, and eventually one bird, as you suggest, will fly up and many will follow with the whole rest of the tree following, and they will fly around in a circle, a torus, and then spontaneously it will morph into a murmur of birds, going this way and that together.

To put your comments into context is that we are now in the process of developing public discussion on a broad basis, and that This One has several appointments with individuals, who are in significant social positions to discuss these concepts as they could be applied to businesses, corporations, strategic planning and so on. This is the beginning; then there will obviously be someone who will want to begin a discussion group to apply these within their organization. This is when you see the first individual leaving the group to follow the “nut,” as you say. As you suggest, it is not necessarily the first person to pronounce these concepts, but the example the first follower provides. That person, the first follower, becomes the model for all those who come along. It is important that the first models be organized and dedicated to these principles.

There is one who has done this already, and that is Marthe Muller in South Africa with her group of women, who have begun applying these concepts within their groups. This is a small beginning, but it is someone who can be looked to as a model for applying these principles. It will be some time yet before she and her group devise a conceptual model for implementing a new program that is socially sustainably based, but they are now striving to include those principles within their existent organization, which is a huge step forward. Is it not incredible that someone is working on this 8,000 miles away, yet who feels so close and so akin to these principles and so dedicated to do these and seize the inherent value that seems so self-evident?

Susan: Yes, Marthe is an inspiration for me. Her work is really amazing. I understand that we are in the place right now of “the chatter in the tree.”

CHARLES: Yes. This will go on for some time, and as This One begins to have personal contact with those cultural and corporate leaders, they will begin to see this and they will begin to develop a discussion within their own organizations. There is… not a paradox or irony… I struggle for words with your language. The values of social sustainability are self-evident, obvious, universal and timeless; at the same time individuals who can appreciate that also see the immense difficulty of integrating these values into their existent organizations, which are competitively based, or selfishly based, or that are in existence because of their capacity to dominate, have the authority, control and power to hold their positions. Yet, they also know at the same time that their position is fragile and not permanent.

The quandary is how to integrate these values into the operation of an existent organization, and simultaneously sustain themselves. Doing so as a leader is most difficult as it puts that organization in a vulnerable position temporarily, during the transition of that organization and many other organizations moving into a sustainable position. It is because of the aggressiveness and competitive nature of humans—and particularly in business—that makes this transition difficult, yet the first time that a corporation integrates these values into their operation and decision-making processes, they will be held out as a paragon of virtue of the new era of business, with morality for its compassion and for its social justice programs that become inherent in its policies. Who will be first? You are most vulnerable at that time and yet soon, you will become the paragon of a model to be followed by others. Is this clear? Do you understand?

Susan: I think I do. Please continue.

Developing a moral identification within all democratic nations

CHARLES: So, you are exactly right, I have simply taken the example of the individual who follows the person who is “dancing in the grass”
—the person that follows that individual is setting the model for others, and then applying it to corporations and to foundations and other organizations. Whether it is an individual or a corporation or foundation does not matter much. It is our intention that eventually, there would be a homogeneous, uniform or at least a moral identification within all democratic nations with the principles of social sustainability. This is an eventuality that could possibly develop within the next 30-50 years. The first beginnings of that could begin as shortly as 5-10 years from now in various ways that would be rather startling to you now.

Susan: Thank you. I don’t think I have a follow-up question to that, so I am going to yield to Michael.

CHARLES: Thank you for your questions.

The Mont Fleur Scenarios

MMc: You’ve spoken of the “dots” that are becoming quite obvious to us, I think—at least to me, and I think to others that have their eyes open. Earlier this week, something crossed my desk that may be helpful to explain to our readers how the transition—or at least the discussion about the transition to a sustainable society might occur and how that discussion might be started today, before what I see as the inevitable failure of society occurs. I’m speaking of the “Mont Fleur Scenarios.” Would you like to comment on this at this point, or would you like me to give a little bit of background about what the scenarios are?

CHARLES: I would be glad to proceed. Yes, the “Mont Fleur Scenarios” is a definitely important set of activities, which were orchestrated decades ago. I ask that you provide the URL link in the text for those who wish to download the PDF.

CHARLES:  It is no coincidence that Marthe Muller in South Africa has taken up the challenge of incorporating the principles and values of social sustainability in the activities with her women’s groups. It is much in the news lately of Nelson Mandela, whose birth and date of death are significant, but the most significant aspect of his life was both his sacrifice in his imprisonment, his contributions while he was there, and of course the date of his release. This promised the eventual end of apartheid in South Africa as a national policy. It was anticipated before that time by some of the cultural corporate and political leaders of the time, that this would be an eventuality, that they could see the writing on the wall, so to speak, that there would eventually be a South Africa without an apartheid policy.

Again, the art of inquiry is central to the development of the Scenarios. What significant questions should they develop? How would the absence of apartheid transpire? How would that transition be made? Would it become a nation that, of course, had a population that was far, far larger than the white population, and would there be a nationwide bloodbath in the elimination of all whites in that nation? Or would the nation become a criminalized nation of doing business where the worst adventures of human nature invest itself in business and government and all organizations, where there would be rampant corruption and so on? Or would there be a scenario that developed where those Afrikaners who were in power, refuse to relinquish their power to make an amends or make a transition to a large plurality in the politics and social governance of that nation? Or would all those individuals develop a way of seeing each other in unison, as existent and that the elimination of either population would be abhorrent and generally genocidal?

There developed the leadership of individuals and supporting corporations and organizations that brought about the conferences that led to the publishing of the “Mont Fleur Scenarios.” In these scenarios, they developed four models, and in these four models they used the analogy of birds to represent these groups that could be easily understood by every ethnic and cultural and racial group within South Africa, and it made those metaphors so clearly evident and easy to understand. Whether they were literate or illiterate they could share the same ideas, the same confidence of understanding and that they relied upon the publication of these four scenarios so that individuals, who were able to read them, would share them with those who could not read.

They ended up with four scenarios of four different metaphors for birds. One was called “Ostrich” depicts a government that does not want to face realities. The “Lame Duck” envisages a forma, protracted transition lasting for most of the coming decade. The image is one of a bird with a broken wing that no matter how hard it tries, it cannot get off the ground. The “Icarus” Scenario is one of a elected democratic government which tries to achieve too much too quickly. The fourth Scenario was the “Flight of the Flamingos.” It is a scenario of inclusive democracy and growth. Flamingos characteristically take off slowly, fly high and fly together. They are rather large birds, and heavy at that, and so they have developed the capacity and understanding in themselves to help each other, to make their transition from one place to another. These metaphors could be easily understood by the population.

Applying the Scenarios to social sustainability

Now, let us apply that to the concepts of social sustainability. There must be a way, a strategic way of training hundreds of millions of people in this nation and many dozens of other nations, how to understand this movement from your highly competitive, selfish orientations to one that incorporates and uses and accepts the values and principles and concepts of social sustainability. That work has yet to be done. We know that this is easily within the capability of many people across numbers of cultures, and it may require more than one metaphor or one set of metaphors for each culture. The South African national culture understood the four metaphors of birds, so that now they can talk to each other and say, “Well, don’t be an ostrich,” or “Let us become flamingos together and find solutions together so we all survive.”

Strategic planners and training programs for nations

There must be co-creatively devised, strategic training programs for nations to introduce these concepts and principles to many hundreds of millions of individuals. The strategic planners for these conferences and these four scenarios realized that they had to make this easily understood to 20-25% of the population in order to have a significant number to saturate the culture with these concepts and the ideas of success together. It is inherently obvious—self-evident—that violence was not workable and would lead only to more destructive developments as that nation progressed and time passed. As you see, after these decades that this social evolution, this evolution of democratic institutions is highly successful.

Yes, there are still huge economic disparities between groups, and yes, there is still rampant prejudice on all sides, but on the whole, you have seen a whole nation move into the future successfully without widespread violence, and without widespread development of power groups or criminal groups. This is how social evolution works. Now, it is necessary to devise those metaphors that integrate the conscious and intentional integration of the principles of social sustainability into existent organizations. Some ingenious individual(s) will eventually do this, and then replicate it again and again in other cultural groups. So, your awareness of the “Mont Fleur Scenarios” is very timely. It will become part of the discussion of the birds in the trees, so to speak, and there will become small groups on the limbs of those trees, which will begin to think about how to prepare the rest of the birds in the tree to rise together and fly together in this murmur of birds, or as a school of fish.

Open discussions groups of all sizes

This topic must become a part of open discussion among not only small groups, but large groups… and many groups, and then the joining of these groups together through some common means of understanding, how these values can be integrated into existent organizations. We know this is possible; we know it will be done, and we know that it will eventually work and that there will be a transition. But, we have not said in this discussion in these last few moments and minutes, is that there was the eminent awareness of impending social disaster on a nationwide basis. People could easily see, anticipate the harm that could be done if they held their ground, if they kept their heads in the sand and were not accepting of others to participate in the operation socially, politically or financially.

Prepare for the cataclysms and reconstruction afterwards

What is not apparent to your world now is the impending scenarios of the cataclysms that have already begun. No one publicly has stated, “Oh my gosh, this is the beginning of the end!” No one has stated yet if this is the beginning of the end, how can we prepare for it? Of course, most of you know that the cataclysms are so large and have already developed so much inertia that they cannot be forestalled or stopped… or even delayed, but to accept them as inevitable and they will affect everyone worldwide, and that now the time is necessary to prepare for the reconstruction after those cataclysms pass.

This kind of existential realism and awareness is far beyond most minds of your world. The acceptance of denial and deferring proper action and procrastination are still evident and rampant and the main theme from within most nations. The awareness from the highest levels of your national governance and those also in the military and finance and elsewhere has not filtered down to the general population of what is coming. As we have stated before, those multi-billionaires and those people at the top of financial empires are fully aware of what is to come, and they realize that there will be some event that will trip-up the stock market or financial milieu of the world, such that there will be a domino effect. Many of those at the very tops of governments and of finance are already aware of that and of course are doing their utmost to forestall and delay the inevitable.

MMc: There was one comment that was in the pdf of the “Mont Fleur” that I think was poignant and I’d like to point it out: “The simple message of ‘Flight of the Flamingos,’ was that the team believed in the potential for a positive outcome. In a country in the midst of turbulence and uncertainty, a credible and optimistic story makes a strong impact. One participant said that the main result of the project was that ‘We mapped out in very broad terms the outline of a successful outcome, which is now being filled in. We captured the way forward of those committed to finding a way forward.’” I think that’s what emerged out of those scenarios, and I think that’s what we’re looking to emerge out of what we plan to do in bringing forth a sustainable world.

Social sustainability has the capacity to create a new reality

CHARLES: Yes, the message of social sustainability is positive. It brings the capacity to create a new reality into the consciousness and intention of individuals working together. There are already those in your nation who see the future and who have a negative outlook on this, and so they are preparing their military for civil disobedience and riots and social disintegration and anarchy. This is why the message of social sustainability is so timely now. We will spread this to the broadest reaches of the world, to every mind that has the capacity and capability of entertaining positive constructive outcomes. If you want a positive future, then create that future. This has been stated many times by business and cultural leaders that the future is created: if you want a positive outcome, then get involved to create it.

The premise of this world is that it can produce souls of quality, souls that endure, souls that enter the morontial realm in a positive manner with a huge surplus of experiences, which will lend themselves to that morontial soul’s growth in the morontial realm, as well as aiding the growth of many others there. Though to do that, there must be a positive development of your world. It is now timely to do that here. It seems self-evident to us that accepting the values and principles and concepts of social sustainability is a “no brainer,” as you would say in contemporary language, that you would immediately see the necessity and the obvious logic and rationality of moving towards positive outcomes.

The gift of ideals, concepts and values

All other outcomes are very negative and very disabling to the future. What is presented here in these concepts and values is the very best and very height of all of the development of your civilization, not a mediocre in-between. We give you these ideals, these values to aspire to, to incorporate into your world. You now have the capacity to create the future you desire. This should be enviable; it should be obvious to many that this is an enviable thing to do, but there is not the awareness now of your populations, even of these concepts. Even the topic of social sustainability, as This One has explained, is very foreign to most people, even those who are well read and well educated.

The concept that you could have inherent, the process of social justice in people who see the common good for all, on a daily basis, is not apparent to most people. It seems idealistic and impossible, however that is pragmatism to these values and these concepts, which lend themselves to the necessity to incorporate them immediately as soon as someone understands their obvious nature. Our question to you: will you be the leaders of positive thinking, or will you be the naysayers, saying this is just the machination of some egotistical nut?

Is now the time to start a group to develop its own scenarios?

Susan: Michael, if I may interject, I was so inspired by what you and Charles were just talking about, I’m just wondering if actually convening a group now to begin sort of brain storming that message, similar to the “Mont Fleur” analogies that were used, trying to brain storm how one puts the concepts of social sustainability into a metaphor; if that would be prudent at this time?

CHARLES: Yes, it would be, and you are the logical person to do that. (Hearty laughter.) You are the logical and rational person to do this; you have the most suitable environment appropriate for this, as your community is in the economic doldrums. And so, it is necessary that it develop its own scenarios. This process of developing scenarios is very easily done; you have many people who are instructional specialists in your community; you have individuals who are culturally trained and educated to understand the large culture of your state and your region, who could develop scenarios that would be appropriate outside of your community. It also is a way of helping your community to integrate the social, the political and the economic/financial aspects of your community so that you begin to understand that it exists as a holism; it does not exist because of one thing.

Yes, your tourism is down and yes, the economic difficulties are apparent, as is the loss of your forestry industry to that town and that community. But your financial sustainability was dependent upon external qualities, external assets. You also like to live there because of the quality of life of the social environment, and that you also like the “politics” of a small town city. Through this process of developing these scenarios, is a way of educating your population about the realities of a community; that is the quality of life is not just one topic or empowered by one topic, but it is made up of the people who live there and you like that quality of life because most generally, most people are positive there, and that there is something about it in which you have your own kind of gestalt of the community, a spirit of the community, which you enjoy.

You could have easily lived somewhere else, but you live there and you like it. We encourage you to begin developing these scenarios, and also see it as a mechanism for educating those individuals who joined together to do that. Your metaphors, your scenarios will include larger aspects of your culture there, and it is the conscious awareness that individuals can create the future they want while being aware of all the factors that assist in that process. Do not be shy to ask our teams to assist you, as we have said that we have many in abundance to assist you in your projects.

Susan: Oh goodness! Thank you.

CHARLES: You would do well to make the “Mont Fleur Scenarios” documents available to those individuals whom you invite to your group. This would be a way for them to become self-educated for the project ahead.

Susan: That was where my mind was going—how to begin. You’ve given me an exciting and doable and hopeful project. Thank you.

CHARLES:  You are most welcome.

Realistic times for preparation

Roxie: I have a question on “timing” that one of our readers sent in reference to our last transcript. “In timing of the upcoming events and preparing for them, how can we effectively plan if we do not know the time frame? My planning strategies would be quite different if I were looking at 5 years versus 50, before our cataclysms culminate in another “dark ages.” Even though they should last a couple of decades, versus a couple of centuries, effective planning will make the difference not only in survival but in how the next generation thrives.” She asked this question because it is what everyone is thinking: “How long? This generation or the next?”

CHARLES: One moment. Planning begins with a thought, the sureness of what is going to occur. The “when” is not irrelevant, but is actually a minor factor in planning. Good plans anticipate what “may occur” and what “will occur.” That is why you make and devise alternative plans. If “this” develops, then we do this; and if “that” develops we do that. If you are age 50 or 60 and younger, you will be involved in these cataclysms and you will be involved in the development of social sustainability, at least in the planning stage and the educational stage in your world. Those who are older than that, may also as well, see this in their lifetime.

These cataclysms not only involve the weather and tectonics, but also are involved socially, medically, financially and politically. Cataclysms that have begun involve your weather and all of the earth changes of a geophysical nature. The melting of the ice in the Arctic, Greenland and the Antarctic are factors which will have a progressively and exponential affect upon every nation with a shoreline. Of course, it will indirectly affect every nation without a shoreline. As 80% of the world’s population lives within 100 miles of an ocean shoreline, you can be aware that the effects upon your world would be extreme. The repercussions of rising water will have a huge effect upon every facet and aspect of social existence in your world, militarily, politically, financially, medically and so on. These effects will be exponential as we said; they will be cumulative; they will multiply among themselves and cause greater and greater problems.

The cataclysms are named such because they do not specifically impact one population or nation, but they affect everyone. Typhoons in the Pacific and in Asia affect the West as well. Hurricanes that affect the coasts of the Atlantic Basin affect the world as well. Financial repercussions will be cumulative as insurance companies withdraw their insurance from coastline areas, and that will affect rebuilding there. Of course, then you will have a dislocation of population, who will move elsewhere. The prices of properties in other locations will become extremely high, and the need for rental properties will become even greater.

The planning must occur now

You can be assured that the planning must occur now; waiting until it is evident is too late. We do not tell you “when” because the “when” is not determined by us, but is determined by the development of circumstances and the reactions and decisions of individuals and organizations, corporations and governments and those decisions have not been made yet. The projected probable outcomes will not be known until those decisions and those events occur. You can rest assured that many governments will take action only after the effectiveness of the decision has passed, making their decisions inaccurate and ineffectual.

Your planning must begin now; we have told you these are coming and you see that they are here now, but they will become cumulative and multiplying in their effect and one will add to another—and not just “add” arithmetically, but will be a multiplying effect, repeatedly. Plan now, Dear Ones. This is good thought and good thinking; plan for the future both for the disasters and for the rebuilding. This is a two-sided event and you do not want to be in the middle or at the end of the cataclysms, striving to figure out how to rebuild. What kind of governments will you have at that time? Would they be the same, identical kind of bureaucratic governmental processes, or would those be based on a different model? Those thoughts of planning need to be incorporated into your thinking now.

Roxie: Thank you, Charles. There was some helpful information in that answer.

MMc: Would you like to say something in closing, Charles?

CHARLES: One moment. The formation of the future is in your minds, and then in your hands. If you have no hope of a better world, then please step aside. If you have hope that you can be of assistance in developing a better world for your children, great-grandchildren, and the great-grandchildren of your own grandchildren, then please get involved. We have striven to make this work as positive as possible. The announcements of the cataclysms by Monjoronson were not meant to scare you, but they were to alert you to begin preparing and planning for what occurs after. For some of you, when the cataclysms become more immediate, there will absolutely be no escape and you will succumb to them. Some of you will be participants and some of you will be observers. In any case, everyone can have a positive effect on the outcome for those who remain.

One thing that you haven’t asked, but which is also obvious and self-evident is that everyone dies—everyone—when is another factor, and you can determine that for yourself by your planning and your preparation. Have hope, friends; have hope that you are being prepared by us for a better outcome than you have now, for better results in your societies, your governments and your financial and economic developments and evolution. We are involved in an evolution of your societies: Evolution means change; change that is conscious, that is intentional, deliberate, with a plan in mind. Christ Michael has given you a plan and he wants you to be successful, and he wants your world to become the beacon of light that it truly has the capacity to become.

I wish to state for our teams, and particularly for Machiventa today, that we are quite excited about the entry into this new phase of our work, of developing the ‘chatter in the trees,’ as you might say, to develop more rapport between individuals who see the value of this work and of these values, and the obvious nature. We are excited to the development of awakening minds, and the thought of options, which gives the Midwayers and the angels great latitude in influencing the outcomes. You will now see a rapid development of individual and organizational involvement in this work, and when organizations begin to have their own chatter, then we will know it has taken on still another level of volume (as in sound.) As a question, have any of you noticed this change besides This One? Or is it simply his own awareness that he shares with you?

Susan: I have noticed it.

MMc: That there is more going on? Yes, certainly.

Roxie: Yes, I feel it.

CHARLES: It is time to now promote this broadly. If you find one of the posts of This One, written co-creatively with Avila and their helper, then please copy and paste it and send it to others who may be interested, but who are not receiving them directly. There is a value to many people and we wish to help spread the chatter. We wish you a good day; a good week and we look forward to our next engagement. Thank you very much.

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