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NEC45 – Gender Equality; Option Development; Over-population

New Era Conversations #45
– Gender Equality; Option Development; Over-population
– Apr. 30, 2015

Teacher: Mantutia Melchizedek

Mantutia’s projects in the Correcting Time
Report on Daniel’s workshop in Georgia
The abuse of females by their male partners
The female gender has much to offer at all levels
Take on the humility of children
Culture bending
Option development
The “glass ceiling” still remains
Cultural Anthropology in “real time”
The rioting in America’s cities
Over-population and under-employment of youths
Over-population is a problem in global warming
Building a higher quality of life for everyone
The pushback of males
Changing the male dominance using the three core values
Autonomous eco-settlements
The complexity of developing stable, peaceful societies
The success of the Correcting Time rests on each individual

TR: Daniel Raphael
Team members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael McCray and a Student

April 30, 2015


Mantutia’s projects in the Correcting Time

MANTUTIA: Good morning, this is Mantutia Melchizedek. It is a pleasure to be here with you again, and my presence today is to speak to you regarding the projects that I assist in coordinating and developing. Machiventa is a member of the Triumvirate and as you must have noted over the weeks, months and years that you are getting closer and closer to those individuals of the spiritual realm who are directly related to the programs that will impact you personally, and your community and your societies. You also know that the Triumvirate is assisted by the work of the Most Highs in the “affairs of men,” in that they are involved in the mortal organizations of your world to open the minds of those who participate in organizations, their boards of directors, trustees, and so on, to be open to the options that will lead their organizations slowly but surely towards social stability and making contributions to the eventual stability of your planet.

My work is directly related to social sustainability and the development of peace—these two go together very closely. Another close association is the development of sustainable family dynamics and the development of sustainable children from those families. Another pairing that would be of interest to you is the family in community; those two organizations begin the development of societal sustainability through families enculturating children in the tenets, principles and values of social sustainability. Eventually, those will be carried through those children as they grow up and mature into the organizations of their community and of society. These pairings are essential for the development of societal sustainability.

Report on Daniel’s workshop in Georgia

I wish to report to you today on the travels of This One to Statesboro, Georgia. It was quite an eye-opener for This One to see and experience what he did, though we have known of these difficulties, which I will speak of promptly. Most of you are well acquainted with the trans-generational transference of abuse from one generation to another, that the victim of abuse—which is usually a child in a family situation—eventually grows up to become the perpetrator of the same crimes, same abuse upon his/her children, or the children of other families. When you recall the history of racial prejudice and abuse in this nation, you realize that courageous people came forward such as Martin Luther King, and others, to bring that abuse and that prejudice to the attention of the whole nation. It is not that it just occurred in the South, but it occurred in all the States and Provinces, but it was more prevalent in some states than others.

The abuse of females by their male partners

Now we have seen recently that, African-American leaders are now abusing their female partners in life. This was very clear as three African-American ministers participated in the workshop and had difference with the equality of the genders that was mentioned through the three core values of social sustainability. At one point they were about to stand up and leave the workshop, when some intelligent individual stood up and provided a segue for them to remain until the close of the workshop, which was only a few minutes away. This is very unfortunate to see; this disparity of equality in the very communities that were so savagely disparaged and treated abusively by the Anglo-Saxon ethnic groups for so many decades and centuries previously. Now the abuse is being projected to their female partners and to women in general. They are seen by the male members as “less than” the males and of lesser capability and undeserving of positions of power, authority and control.

Though that is not shocking to us, as we have consistently seen this among the white Caucasian nationalities and ethnic groups, it is most unfortunate to see it egregiously obvious in the family and organizational structure within the Christian Churches. Of course, there will be a day of reckoning by these individuals; they will bring their own difficulties to them through this harsh treatment of their female partners. Spirit is not involved in that correcting process in the lives of those individuals; they will simply accrue the difficulties that come with abuse and hostility.

The female gender has much to offer at all levels

As you may see, and as you may have insight, we continue to develop our work with the feminine gender, that these are the individuals who have so much to gain and so little to lose in their culture and in their personal lives and families by becoming more central to the authority of their families, communities, societies and the organizations that support societies. It is not that men will be treated any less than women by us, for that is surely not sustainable, is it? Again, you might have the insight to see that those who are hungry for justice, those who are hungry for peace, those hungry for social equity and equality and the common good, that the male gender has enjoyed for millennia, now it is time for women to come into their full dominion in societies, communities and families, and in church organizations. The feminine brings with it so many wonderful qualities that men have latent within them. The obvious qualities of authority and leadership in men now must come into development within women, and that the feminine qualities that are dominant of caring, tenderness, motherhood, and so on, which are typical of the female gender, particularly those who have chosen to be mothers, now must become an equal feature with men—any less than this will cause friction between the genders in organizations and families, and as children grow up.

Take on the humility of children

Children are very observant, far more observant than you know as adults. Most adults have almost totally forgotten what it was like to be a child. It is necessary that you take on the humility of children to learn much about who you are now. It is also important that you become as children, that you know what it is like to be less than the adults, that you are not as big, you are not as smart, you are not as experienced and as knowledgeable, and so you watch and listen. Now, as adults, it is important that you watch and listen, and to discern what is going on around you.

Each of you must become in some ways, a Margaret Mead, a social anthropologist, who observes what is going on in your families and between women and men, mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, so you can become more equitable in your enculturation of your children; that you do not automatically assign to girls different roles than boys, or that you give boys different roles than girls. This is for them to choose when they grow up, and it is important that you enculturate them now that it is their choice to emphasize what qualities they want, but that there is nothing wrong—and in fact, there is much positive in knowing how to do the jobs and chores and have the attitudes and demeanors of the opposite gender.

Culture bending

We have mentioned in the past that our work is culture bending. Truly it is, and so we are involved in the bending of the family culture, the culture of men, the culture of women, the culture of children, the culture of families and communities, as so on. It is important that we bend the culture of families, communities, societies, nations and the whole global civilization to one that is in a state of equality, that there is equal value of each individual as the potential that is held within them must be developed to maximize the effectiveness of your societies.

Option development

We will continue to make adjustments to organizations, as we are able to through the option development in the minds of those who participate in making decisions in the formation and in the social and work environment of organizations. You see, it is organizations that hold the key to the stabilization of your communities, societies and nations. Organizations are the important fluid; they are the gears and valves and engines that move a society forward. Of course, within those organizations it is the people who make the decisions, the goals and objectives and the mission statements that guide these organizations forward. These, of course, will be amended as external forces press upon those organizations, which then must become flexible and adaptable to survive. It is most advantageous when those individuals who make decisions have the options for positive, constructive development ahead of time and can apply those to what they would call a crisis situation.

The “glass ceiling” still remains

As for the culture of women, you have seen during the last 80 years, the development of women coming into the state of equality, as men have had to go into war and as there has been a great loss of men through war. Women have had to come to the forefront in production, particularly during the World War II, and then the progress that they made would not go away in the later years of the 50’s, as more women entered corporations and organizational structures and came up against what they called “the glass ceiling.” This still remains in many organizations, and this will require new bold imaginations and thinking on the part of men and women. In the early years it took women who had similar demeanors and aggressiveness as men, to overcome “the glass ceiling” and enter positions of true organizational power. This is not helpful, as that seems to perpetuate the male identification for force and control of power and authority in organizations.

Cultural Anthropology in “real time”

It must become the work of women to soften those gender biases to accept women in more leadership roles. Women, on the other hand, as they come from families, must be given more authority and discretion of making decisions for families and the communities to be trained, experienced, so that they can move forward in these organizations to change the culture of your societies. This may be quite nebulous to many of you who have not been interested in sociological or social-psychological developments, history, or dynamics, but these are necessary things to consider as cultures change. Truly this is cultural anthropology in “real time” that you are experiencing now. And for those of you who are in your 40’s and 50’s, you will see the complete spectrum of a cultural change in front of your eyes through the duration of your life.

I am open for questions if you have them at this time.

The rioting in America’s cities

Roxie: In regard to your statements about women’s equality with men, we have also seen a lot of rioting lately in some of our cities over the brutality of the police, but it ends up with the protestors trashing their own neighborhoods, setting fire to their own businesses. Do you have any further comments on that, please?

MANTUTIA: Yes, and thank you for asking or stating that. What you are seeing, if you drop back to the earlier part of your question and statement, is that the majority of these incidents that come forward are with white police officers delivering excessive force to African-American citizens. This must cease, and there must become more and more African-American and ethnic representation within the police forces of cities and states and the nation. Also, what you see with the destruction of local businesses by those individuals who are rioting upon their own culture, upon their own ethnic and racial businesses and organizations, buildings, and so on, is simply the aggressiveness of youth.

Over-population and under-employment of youths

What you do not see in this force field is the over-population of the youth, with young men who have nothing to do, and who are unemployed. This is the major problem that exists in the group that you know as ISIS in the Middle East; this is the problem that encourages the youth of the Western nations to be attracted to ISIS and to those rebellious groups. This is the problem that you see in Africa, where the male youth have no purpose as they sense it, and no means of accruing meaning to their lives. This is a most unfortunate situation. Throughout all the news that you have been watching, and all the solutions that everyone speaks about, philanthropic and socially motivated groups of social conscience to assist those in tragedy, nowhere do you see anyone mentioning the necessity of population management. This is an incredibly ignorant position that your societies remain in.

Over-population is a problem in global warming

There has not been an obvious public recognition or acknowledgment that over-population is very similar in some ways as global warming, that it is evident, it is obvious and it is being ignored by those in authority who make decisions for the course of nations. This is perhaps, one of the most dangerous and pernicious problems on the whole planet. We are not talking about bureaucratically enforced birth control, nor euthanasia, or any form of egregious eugenics programs that have been tried in the past. What we have stated, and which is clearly now described in This One’s new book, “Social Sustainability HANDBOOK for Community-Builders,” is that over-population is the paramount problem for global warming.

Further, over-population is also a problem in itself because of male domination, the male sexual aggressiveness, and the male organizational aggressiveness, the penchant to “be on the hunt,” to go out and do something meaningful, even if it is destructive. This is a cultural problem in all your racial groups, ethnic groups and nationalities across the world. Do you see the connection between male domination and over-population, and global warming, and the destruction of the social fabric of organizations by young men? These are all related; you cannot get away from this equation.

You might not think that global warming is connected to this, but it is connected because were there fewer people, there would be less need for those machines and vehicles and industries that produce pollutants. Were there more women in management and boards of trustees, and boards of directors, there would be much greater compassion towards Mother Earth. There would be a greater sensitivity and empathy to reach out with compassion to decrease these harmful elements in your industries and organizations to protect humanity across the world, whether there is an immediate benefit or not. The equation is quite simple, but it is hugely dynamic, and it encompasses the whole global population.

Building a higher quality of life for everyone

This is the realm in which the Correcting Time has been conceived to adjust and to bring about a culture change, a gender leadership change, so that the course of your world will be changed to one that is more stable, more beneficial and constructive, with a much, much higher quality of life for everyone who is on the earth.

Roxie: Thank you, Mantutia.

The pushback of males

MMc: Am I correct in my taking the position that women earn a certain amount of rights and privileges and then there is a pushback by men to again make them realize “their place?” I hate to put it in that type of language, but I think that is somewhat I see happening. And I also see it happening with the degree of equality that blacks have achieved, and then a pushback by white authorities to put them back in “their place.” Am I correct in thinking that this is kind of like tidal movement, or waves of movement, back and forth here?

MANTUTIA: Yes, you are correct. There are two reason for the pushback on the part of males, and that is to:

1) Hold their turf, so to speak, much like a tug-of-war to hold their turf, and the other is to:

2) Put women in “their place.” There is less effort and intention on the part of males that we see in developed nations, to “put women in their place.”

Rather the pushback is an effort to hold the territory that men have traditionally and historically have always controlled and dominated. Because, as you recall, the lives of men and women are very short—80 years is a short time—so that they hold to tradition. Societies and the culture of societies are long-term and enduring. So, when men see the long history of masculine domination over women they sense that this is justification and rationale for their continued domination of women and they truly strive to put women into submission again.

Changing the male dominance using the three core values

Student: What do we do now to help to change this thinking of the male dominance?

MANTUTIA: It is important that those of you who read these words, or eventually listen to these messages, begin to make the association of the six core values of social sustainability and place them in the enculturation process within families, so that young girls grow up to become women and leaders of organizations and are aware of that equality, and that the men who are their peers would understand that women are equal to men from the very basis of their humanity, and that they have a tremendous complementary value to organizations of all sizes and all forms.

It is important that this association of the core values be made with all human activity. It is important that immediately, the most immediate work that you can do now is to share this value mechanism, values relationship, with others who are in leadership positions, and with those who are coming into leadership positions. It is important that this work become part of the media of your world, whether it is social media, personal, and any kind of publication that there becomes an acknowledgment of the six core values of humanity. Immediately, it begins in the family to train children how to manage their lives, and the numbers that they reproduce. This eventually will become a very well known and publicly accepted process and the publications and the intention behind the publications of population management will become widely known.

Autonomous eco-settlements

Roxie: One of our readers asked a question that may fit in well with our current discussion. He says, “There is a second set of issues related to our way of life of our near future, which will obviously be different from the present. There is an idea to develop the concept of a model of autonomous eco-settlements that could be independent politically, economically and would constitute by itself, the socially sustainable structures.” Do you have a statement along those lines, please?

MANTUTIA: This is a utopian ideation; it has been tried many times in past centuries without success. It would be very, very difficult to have a politically autonomous city or community in any state, of any nation. This would be seen, because of the issues of sovereignty, as something that would be antipodal to the national well-being of a community, and it would be a threat, much as a “cancer” to the larger society. We do not support utopianism in that form, but to suggest that it become an ideal within the minds of all people of a nation and community. It is through the association of like-minded individuals that social sustainability in the Correcting Time will have a powerful effect upon states and nations and your global civilization.

Student: Mantutia, are there any cultural groups in the world that lean more towards the equality of male and female roles in the family that you could use the six core values with more readily than what we have here in North America?

MANTUTIA: Yes, there are. (No further comment.)

Student: Could you give us an idea of who they are?

MANTUTIA: No, it would not be encouraging to point to those at this time.

Student: Okay, I understand. Thank you.

The complexity of developing stable, peaceful societies

MANTUTIA: I thank you for today’s discussion; it has brought out, as I said earlier, the association of concepts that is an important one to make and to think about. The development of stable, peaceful societies and communities is much more complex than you may have realized. The complexity rests in the system within systems, that your societies and communities are representative of those multiple systems that must be thought of as an integral system, that one part affects the others and has repercussive effects; these can be both positive and negative. The forward inertia of the mass of your large communities, states and cities is such that it is formidable to change that direction, changing it to the positive towards caring and compassionate and for the love of humanity will be one of the largest culture changes that will have ever been undertaken for a global civilization of Urantia’s nature. It begins as always with the individual and the family in a community. It begins little bit by little bit, and from there it grows in positive ways.

The success of the Correcting Time rests on each individual

The success of the Correcting Time rests in the innate nature of humanity of each individual, that you were brought into existence in truly the image of the Will of the Creator, that you are ultimately good, and that your genetic makeup promotes the good, and that when individuals at a young age are enculturated with understanding this good, the potential within each individual will develop in their lives. This is not naïve, as you will see that children who grow up with this orientation towards the goodness of all humanity and goodness of people are also being tempered with the reality of the social structures and the mean-ness of life that they see around them. This will make for a good transition to the demonstration of good in your world.

The philanthropic efforts of individuals, who have amassed great means in their lives, are demonstrations that that goodness can come forward. The difficulty is, however, that most of those philanthropic efforts are very narrow and often do not support the development of the three core values of individuals, or of families in communities to improve a higher quality of life across the board, but only for particular organizations or members of those organizations. And, this too will change.

You are beginning to see your life in your families and your communities and your societies as a “creator,” where you can do good, much good, to bring about good for yourself and for others and to improve their quality of life. You now have in hand the arbiters of social stability in the six core values. They will give you a rational and humane means to express that stability in meaningful ways around you. We wish you a good day and peace in your life, peace in your minds and peace in your families, and peace in your communities. Good day.


Postscript: Daniel’s book, Social Sustainability HANDBOOK for Community-Builders, is available directly from him. Mail $20 USD, (includes book, postage and handling) to: Daniel Raphael, Ph.D., PO Box 2408, Evergreen, Colorado 80437-2408

 Please include the address to which you would like the book sent; and your email address and/or telephone number. Out-of-country orders, please add $5 USD.

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