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NEC62 – Meanings, Values and Purposes

New Era Conversations #62
– Meanings, Values and Purposes
– Feb. 8, 2016

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager/Planetary Prince

First experience upon resurrection
Fate of suicide bombers/terrorists
The Church in developed societies
Genetic development in races
Eliminating racial conflicts
The prime mission of government
Basis of “right, just, and fair”
Equality of opportunity
Motivating factors in government regulations
The role of unions in social evolution
Regulation of sex propensity
Sexual responsibility and symbiotic relationships
Disparity of wealth
Those indispensable to true culture
Ruling by small minority of individuals
Unrest that we are seeing now
Future system of government
The grandeur of our species
Factors to help our evolution
Adverse effects of over-population
Seek for meanings, values, and purposes from the Urantia Book

TR: Daniel Raphael
Team members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael McCray, and a Student

February 8, 2016


MACHIVENTA: Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary Manager/Planetary Prince. It is a pleasure to be with you here once again. If you have questions, please proceed; otherwise, I have no entry comments to make at this time.

Roxie: I have some questions that were sent in by some of our readers. Perhaps we should get to those first before we start on the assignment you gave us.

First experience upon resurrection

One of our readers said, “What is it about the afterlife of heaven [resurrection halls of the mansion worlds] that a person would not expect the fact that they are there? Please elaborate.

MACHIVENTA: When individuals awaken in the resurrection halls it is as though they have just woken up from a sleep. The last thing they remember was that they were in a hospital bed, or their own bed, or they were in a car when they were killed, or in some situation that brought about their death, and this is literally the last thing that they remember. When they wake up it is much like your were when you were a child, that you went to sleep at your parents’ friend’s house in another state. It was late and they bundled you up in the car and drove back home, and the next morning, you were now in your pajamas and you wake up in your room. You wonder what happened to the other situation.

Also, waking up in the resurrection halls is very similar to waking up from surgery, that you may have been injured or needed some kind of medical attention, and that you were in that situation and the next thing you knew, you were waking up from surgery, groggy, and there are friends around you, looking over you in your bed and as you recover. So too, it is very similar in the resurrection halls when you wake up in a strange situation. You are seeing with morontial eyes; you are hearing with morontial ears; you are sensing so many other inputs into your sensory faculties that you never had before, and so it is quite confusing to you. It is as though you were being hooked up to a computer and all that you had coming into you were ones and zeros, in different strains and strands, and so on. So, when you wake up in the resurrection halls, yes, it is much different than it is in any other prior situation.

So it is that your surroundings are quite different and very strange to you, and that the more that you dissociated yourself from the eternal and the angelic realm in your mortal career, the longer time it will take you to acclimate and become acquainted with your new surroundings. And if you were of a stubborn nature and what you thought was right in your mind on earth, when you come to this realm, what is right and what is different in your mind and what you see will be vastly different. It will be as though you woke up on another planet, which is completely correct.

Roxie: That answer answered most of his questions, so we can skip ahead here.

Fate of suicide bombers/terrorists

What about these suicide bombers who blow themselves up in the name of God: will they experience resurrections since they do believe in God, but are deeply confused, misled and used?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, the situation for them will be very, very difficult for them to understand and it will be, in fact, quite alien to them in every regard. Their expectations for what they anticipate to be reality when they wake up in “heaven,” in the resurrections halls, will be so different from their expectations when they lived as a mortal, that this will take them a good deal of time to accept, and some will never be able to accept that.

[This is Daniel: He is not going to engage the topic of suicide.]

The Church in developed societies

Roxie: Our Russian friends from the Forum sent 5 questions again. He says, “To continue the question of the Church in the developed societies, spiritual religions about which you asked, I would have interpreted as a religion. This is a measure of the evaluation of religion. Currently, we are seeing that our religion as a social institution, if they lost this quality where spirituality and religious rituals have replaced thinking, does developed religious thinking lead to religious fanaticism?

MACHIVENTA: Your question is far too complex to answer for the various readers in the various nations that this transcript goes to. Questions of a hypothetical nature will not be answered.

Genetic development in races

Roxie: This issue relates to the need for a meaningful genetic development available in the races today. It is known that genetic potential for full human growth, as a species, is different for different nations. Then, from this point of view, it seems appropriate to maintain a certain line of conduct for the genetic progress of races. It would be interesting to learn about this experience in advanced civilizations. Could you give us any advice or thoughts about their practice of genetic selection, as the general behavior in the formation of the family? Is it that a practice is possible from a practical point of view?

MACHIVENTA: Your question is too complex to answer for our audience.

Eliminating racial conflicts

Roxie: “On the other hand, there are views of the exclusivity of their race (Nationalism and chauvinism,) which give rise to conflicts between nations. Many people oppose miscegenation [marriage or sex between races]. What kind of practice could we use to eliminate or reduce conflicts on racial grounds?

[This is Daniel: He’s using the same response to their last prior question as well.]

Roxie: I think I am going to wait on the rest of their questions until I can make them less complex.

[This is Daniel: But do include his questions and Machiventa’s responses to them, as this will provide some education to those and to other readers. What you are seeing in the Russian thinking is some of the most complex linear thinking that I’ve seen for a long time. It has a very convoluted logicality to it.]

Michael, do you want to take it for a while?

MMc: Certainly, I can take it for a while.

The prime mission of government

MMc: We were asked to read [The Urantia Book] Paper 81, “The Development of Modern Civilization,” so I’ve developed a few questions from that Paper. Lakoff says that the time mission of democracy is to power and protect the individuals within that democracy. In the Urantia Book, 81:5.6 says, “The prime mission of government is the definition of the right, the just and fair regulation of class differences, and the enforcement of equality of opportunity under the rules of law.” Would you tell us, please, what do you think the prime mission of government should be?

MACHIVENTA: The statement in the Urantia Book is adequate and accurate.

Basis of “right, just and fair”

MMc: The prime mission of government is the definition of the right, the just and the fair for groups and individuals, what in your opinion is right, just and fair based upon?

MACHIVENTA: The value of the individual as a child of God, that the individual is a “soul-asset” of God in the mortal process of ascension. Government’s purpose is to assist in the development of the individual to their highest degree without compromise to others.

MMc: Would you tie this in with the 6 core values? Those would be some basis for deciding what is right, just and fair within our civilization?

MACHIVENTA: Yes, that is correct.

Equality of opportunity

MMc: The prime missions of government that is the enforcement of the quality of opportunity under the rules of law. Would you speak to us a little more about the quality of opportunity and why the equality of opportunity is so important to our species?

MACHIVENTA: It is the only way by which an individual can explore their potential in the real world to challenge themselves with the experience of overcoming inner and external limitations; learning through experience is surely the best way, the most effective way of learning how to proceed in the universe.

Motivating factors in government regulations

MMc: Would you please share with us your thoughts on government regulation of individuals, groups, businesses, and financial institutions so they do not take advantage of individuals or others groups?

MACHIVENTA: The answer lies within the question, Sir. We have talked to you and taught you about the 6 values of social sustainability and using those as the criteria for decision-making and policy development within government that would assure that equal opportunity would be given to individuals. However, as you have seen, as we previously taught, that ego and fear are the dominating, motivating factors for individuals in positions of authority, control and power to put other people at a disadvantage, which is unfair and unequal.

The role of unions in social evolution

MMc: Thank you very much. Currently, we are involved in a political cycle, and in that political cycle there is a party that feels that government regulations are not fair; they feel that their freedom is abrogated because of the government regulations—they want to do away with them. The question comes from that basis. They also wish to do away with unions, so I will ask, what are your thoughts about unions representing workmen?

MACHIVENTA: Unions are a part of the social evolution of those who own companies and those who work for those companies. It is an attempt to find out what is fair, as you know. The process of social evolution will give way to more evolved methods of finding that sense of equality. What must occur is the evolution and the finding out of what does not work, what works against the good of all concerned, and to move towards what does work that benefits everyone. It is eventual—and obvious to us—that corporate structures will be co-owned with employees and owners, so that everyone becomes co-owners of the methods of production and commerce, whether that is in services or in goods, etc., or financial instruments. This way, everyone participates in the responsibilities and the benefits and the risks of the business involved.

This is a way of amending the vast disparity of income and wealth between those who “have” and those who “have not,” where in one case the rationale for this is that the owner invests their finances and energies into the development of a company or corporation, whereas the employees invest their whole life in this production. This has not been seen as an investment heretofore, but it surely is a major investment of the workers there.

The social evolution of business is essential to the evolution of your societies and the stability of your societies, the politics, governments and the financial/economic sectors of your civilizations. It is important that this be leveled out, be evened out among those who “have” and those who “have not,” so that everyone has a portion of what exists and what is, so that there are only “haves” that exist in the future. The method of dispensing dividends and earnings then proceeds to the dispersal of incomes over and above costs, and the necessity of having reserves to protect against future changes, then is divided among all those who own the company.

Regulation of sex propensity

MMc: Thank you. The last sentence, section 5, paragraph 6 is [that] “group rights, as well as those of the individual, must be protected, including the regulation of the sex propensity.” What would be involved in the regulation of sex propensity?

MACHIVENTA: Thank you for your question. It is essential in the sex propensity that the rights of the group—meaning society—and the rights of the individual are protected. When there is over-population this takes away the protections from society and eventually, to the individual as well. When a family has 4, 5, and 6 or more children, this takes away the capacity of sustainability of all society, as well as that family, and removes the resources of society from families that have a responsible number of children. We recognize that individuals are sexual beings that enjoy the sexual pleasure of sexual intercourse; this is a natural phenomenon for all species; it is part of the mechanism for sustaining the species. Yet, there are very few species on your planet that enjoy sex for sex’s sake and the pleasure of it.

What occurs is that having an excessive population accrues as incidental to the sexual pleasure. In a socially sustainable society, individuals have a symbiotic responsibility to protect society from over-population, meaning that individuals certainly do have a right to have sex with their partners and enjoy that very much, but when it results in excess numbers of children, this has a very detrimental effect eventually upon the sustainability of the whole civilization, as you are seeing in your world now.

Sexual responsibility and symbiotic relationships

Societies must become very conversant, very open, very transparent, and very direct in their enculturation of the symbiotic relationship between societies and individuals for begetting children, and not the excessive number of them. Your societies are very ignorant and very prudish in their awareness and their ability to talk about sex with children, with other adults, and so on. It is important that children be socialized concerning sexual relationships with others and enculturated with the responsibilities of the society, before they become of sexual age.

What has occurred in most nations is that sexual relationships and sexual responsibility and the sexual symbiotic relationship and responsibilities between an individual and society is never spoken of. Your question is very welcome, and we appreciate your asking it. Thank you for the opportunity to provide an answer. What is needed in the end is that there must be a very deliberate, conscious, intentional effort on the part of society to teach individuals at all ages, responsibilities of sexual relationships. There is far more to be said about this topic, but this will be sufficient to answer your question at this time.

Disparity of wealth

MMc: Thank you very much. It would appear that the great disparity between the few that are wealthy and the many who have little or nothing within itself presents an influence that favors the failure of our civilization. Will adopting and implementing the six core values within ourselves and in our institutions help alleviate this great disparity?

MACHIVENTA: Most assuredly it would, not only in the social institutions, but in organizations. As your governments exist at this time, they are artificial organizational constructions, rather than organic extensions of the values of your species. There will always be dissonance between organizations, individuals, and your species until institutions and organizations take on the 6 values of social sustainability as the criteria for the decision-making.

MMc: Are there other options that we have in dealing with this great disparity of wealth?


MMc: Would you like to tell us a few of those options?

MACHIVENTA: Not at this time. This is dependent upon the individuals who find an interest in this topic and want to discuss it in rational terms, and what is fair to all people.

Those indispensable to true culture

MMc: [Paper 81,] section 6, paragraph 13 says, “Knowledge can be had by education, but wisdom, which is indispensable to true culture, can be secured only through experience and by men and women who are innately intelligent. Such a people are able to learn from experience; they may become truly wise.” It would appear to me that it would be tremendously helpful for our species if we were somehow able to keep these innately intelligent people alive and well through the upcoming population adjustment. How might we go about doing that?

MACHIVENTA: You present a situation far larger than your society has the capacity of answering. It would be innately seen as unfair to those who were not selected, and they would politic against the process. Natural selection will take place during the winnowing of the population and the depopulation of the planet. There will, of course and unfortunately, be very good people, very wise people who have evolved minds that will also be lost. It is the work of these transcripts and the transcripts of other groups that will be helpful to those individuals who read them, to place themselves out of harms way. It is wise and important that the dissemination of this work be made to all nations across the world, in all languages possible, for that eventuality. Of course, we realize that your translation resources are minimal at this time; it is our hope and our work and our influence that is currently underway to assist individuals who are willing to translate these transcripts into their home languages.

Ruling by small minority of individuals

MMc: Section 6, paragraph 14 says, “Well-organized and superior minorities have largely ruled this world.” The age of monarchies and despotic rulers seems to be passing away and people now are pressing for more say in what happens to them, and in some places this situation is chaotic. Is Urantia still ruled by a small minority of individuals?

MACHIVENTA: We see no fruitful purpose in answering your question, Sir. You know as well as we do the answer of that question.

Unrest that we are seeing now

MMc: How is this unrest that we see now going to effect the development of democracy around the world?

MACHIVENTA: You are reaching in your questions for avoiding a hypothetical way of stating your question. It is our wish not to answer your question at this time.

Future system of government

MMc: Okay. Not every nation is ready for democracy now. What system of government will predominate in the world in the near future?

MACHIVENTA: We see no fruitful reasons in answering this question at this time. You have enough work to do in your nations as it is.

MMc: Other questions from the team?

Student: Yes, thank you, Michael. Good morning, Machiventa. I have a couple of questions.

The grandeur of our species

Student:  Could we please talk about the inherent abilities of the races to help us in the coming years?

MACHIVENTA: Some of your most august writers speak in terms of idealism of the reach of humanity, the grandeur of your species in individuals. There are many who have spoken about this, Emerson and Thoreau come to mind immediately. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of other authors who have spoken about the grandeur of your species, the ennobling qualities that brings individuals to sacrifice themselves for the good of their society, their nation, their family, or for a friend. This does not necessarily mean, “physically sacrifice themselves;” it can mean financially, socially, and could be as far as reputation is concerned.

These are the best qualities that can assist individuals in the future to be altruistic, to have empathy, and in compassion reach out to others to assist them. Innate love of humanity that is innate to each one of you is essential for the work that is ahead, the difficulties that will arise. And yes, it will be required in many of your decisions as societies and as communities to make tough, very, very difficult decisions that may jeopardize the welfare of a small group of individuals, or specifically an individual due to their behavior that is contrary to the sustainability of the larger group.

Factors to help our evolution

Student: Thank you, Machiventa. Besides using the 6 core values coming into effect in the coming years, are there any other decisive factors that will help us in our evolution?

MACHIVENTA: In your evolution?

Student: As we evolve, is there anything else besides the 6 core values that will help mankind in the coming years?

MACHIVENTA: Yes. What will help greatly in your evolution of your species is the intentional, conscious making of decisions that aid in support of your species, individually and as for groups and societies. These are all related. The 6 values that are innate to your DNA are sufficient to aid individuals and your whole species to evolve eventually to a sub-morontial mind mechanism.

Adverse effects of over-population

Student: You talked about over-population when you were referring to a question about sexual reproduction. Would you please discuss a little bit more about other factors, how over-population will cause adverse effects on our world?

MACHIVENTA: Dear One, the answer seems to be obvious if you look around in your world where there are too many people, against the resources that are available to sustain them. When you mix this with the power-hungry groups and individuals, then you see great destruction of populations, which is horrendous, which is extremely disturbing to us, and of course, is disturbing to you who are sensitive concerning this.

Student: Thank you, Machiventa. The reason I asked that question was, I was just hoping—and you did—really reiterate how over-population has such a detrimental effect on our world, and the readers maybe will realize it a bit more.

MACHIVENTA: I would like to expand upon my answer and point you to the migrations of people into Europe at this time. This will be a textbook example of over-population to the resources, even on robust economies and societies that are long established and very settled and stable. The extra population that has come in so suddenly into Europe will have a destabilizing effect and how those nations handle the situation will be interesting to watch and much is to be learned about it. You can see from our longitudinal perspective of history, time, and the future of the vectors of probability, you are seeing the beginning of the destruction of the social infrastructure of those nations. This is a highly, densely populated region of the world as it is; it has been in balance for many centuries, but it was getting out of balance due to increased population. The influx of these numbers of people with continuing numbers coming forth will have a hugely detrimental effect.

You will see in the near future where thousands of these individuals will be transported back to their homelands where they will continue to be in great peril. The housing centers for migrants in various nations around the periphery of the Middle East—Jordan and Turkey, for instance—will have a very, very difficult time existing. You will be seeing that the resources of the world will be strained to care for these people, and eventually you will see that they will disintegrate within themselves. I will not explain that statement, but you will see that these will become centers of immense “dis-ease.” The advent of what is called ISIS or ISIL, the Independent Islamic State, is evidence of males who have nothing to do and no purpose for their lives, and so they are finding some excitement even in the process of finding death for themselves.

Student: Thank you, Machiventa; I have no more questions.

Roxie: In the Pharaonic line in Egypt, they were always painted orange in their frescos. Were these royal leaders of the Secondary Sangik Race?

MACHIVENTA: I see no profit in answering this question.

MMc: Machiventa, do you have a closing statement for us?

Seek for meanings, values and purposes from the Urantia Book

MACHIVENTA: Yes, I would be glad to provide you with some closing thoughts. As you can see from the development of questions, the question askers are stretching to understand more of the world around them. We urge you to look to meanings and values. As I stated earlier, the Urantia Book is about values, about meanings, about purposes, and so, how you as mortals make meaningful lives for yourselves is living by higher values, making decisions by higher values. This will give your lives a deeper meaning and purpose. Those topics create a holism, they are inter-related; they revolve around each other; there is no starting point—it just begins. It begins in the mind of the individual who asks questions about the purposes of their life and how they gather meaning. Rarely though, do you ever ask, “What are my values to make those decisions?”

In my life as the Melchizedek, as the Sage of Salem, in the life of Jesus, and in the Urantia Book you are pointed to a value system that leads to the accomplishment and fulfillment of the ascendant journey, with you being embraced by the Creator in Paradise and becoming a member of the Corps of Finality. As you live your lives in this very, very difficult time of your world, you look to the purposes, meanings and values that you have, and you realize that there is room for immense compromise if [you] accept those compromises. We are not asking you to live idealistically, but with ideals in mind that aid your values to make decisions that are purposeful and contribute to your ascendant career.

This can occur whether you live in the slums of Bangladesh, or you live in a Penthouse in Manhattan—the decisions are all the same; the venue is different though, and so the commonalities of all humans are commonalities that everyone suffers from and benefits from. You have within you a set of values to sustain you far into life as individuals, and which will contribute mightily to your societies and to your nations and to your civilization. We ask you to aspire to these higher levels in your life and ask how you can be of benefit and service to your own life, to God, and to your fellow brothers and sisters. We wish you a good day.

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