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NCO93 – Sustaining Government & Corporations

Monjoronson, Zarath 111906 NOCO Sustaining Government & Corporations

Northern Colorado TeaM, #93
Boulder, Colorado

Teachers: Zarath & Monjoronson

Topics: Much hope for change
Relevancy of these lessons
Encouragement for evolutionary beings
Sustaining government
Maturation of civilization
What sustains peace?
Economy and governance
The issue of immigration
Seeing the larger picture
Forms of government
National pride
Opportunities for leadership
Q & A: Timing of events
Natural resources
Belief systems
Positive side of selfishness
Materialism of Monjoronson is not immanent

TRs: Jerry Evans & Daniel Raphael

November 19, 2006

Prayer: Heavenly Father, hear our praise for Thee, for all the love you give us to share, for all our blessings. Help us to be open to Thy will and Thy communication. Help us to have the strength and courage to try new things in Thy service. Amen.

[[Connecting to the Merkaba, the raising of our consciousness and sending of energy to others preceded the lesson.]]

ZARATH: (TR, Jerry): Good afternoon. This is Zarath.

(Group welcome.)

ZARATH: What a pleasure again, to be with you! This is indeed, a beautiful day, just right for sharing and community; just right for us exchanging ideas and thoughts and noticing the progress that is taking place on your planet. It is with great joy that I can be with you again and share little messages that I might have to introduce to you before the introduction of our senior teachers.

Again, they have kept me very busy, and I have learned that we can be as confused, in some instances, as you may feel yourself to be, in the progress and in those events that happen to us, unforeseen, as we pursue our mission with and for you. However, we have higher guidance, just as you do, that carries us through these moments of questioning, moments of wondering, moments of even reticence. This is perhaps not the case with more senior teachers, but I am looking forward to that eventual status, and thought I would share that with you, at this time.

There is much progress; there is progress in sustainability, considerations and progress in the governmental changes, which have recently occurred that open the door for many new possibilities, new correctional approaches to be explored and considered and completed. There is room for much hope, and room for much challenge for each of you to be involved, to be encouraging to your legislatures and government personnel that you are now lacking. We hope you will take full advantage of this new opportunity, for much is at stake in your world, and much does rely on the leadership of your nation. I think this concludes my intro, and I will step aside now, for other teachers.

MONJORONSON: (TR, Daniel): Good afternoon, this is Monjoronson.

(Group: Welcome.)

MONJORONSON: It is good to be with you once again. Many have read these transcripts and some have commented upon their relevancy to your issues and problems on national and global scales, and even in your personal lives. These lessons are provided to you—meaning “you” in this generation and tens of dozens of generations to come—as a means of interpreting what is happening and what is going on, what has happened in your world around you. As your psychologists, psychiatrists, historians, philosophers, and we have told you, it is not so much what happens to you that affects your life, but how you interpret what happens to you that affects you. Gain the most from these experiences by taking time to reflect by yourself or with others about them, and strive to interpret them from larger perspectives.

Many, many people in the world question the relevancy of the Bible, in its greatest extent or in its diminutive extent, whether it includes some of the books or all of the books that are available, and even those that have not been discovered yet. How relevant is it to your lives? Yet, in times of desperation, times of desolation, times of failure and collapse, people go to that source as a means of seeking solace, and a means of interpreting what has happened to them, so that they might have insights, guidance, and wisdom from their experiences. These transcripts offer another means for interpreting the experiences and historic developments of your contemporary times.

These lessons provide future generations, and this one now, with a means of interpreting what is going on around them, a means of finding solace, peace, wisdom, guidance, insight, into your world and into your own personal life. We provide these lessons to you—to you individually—and to your world. We provide them with the means to go out to tens-of-millions of people via the Internet in the span of a day, where people can read them in the silence of their homes or their offices, for guidance and for wisdom, for insights into their lives. You do not have the technological developments yet, but as the Internet matures and the software of the search engines matures, you will be able to search and correlate many things together, and you will have many more great insights into what these archives contain.

Take heart, my friend Zarath, for you have come from the soil of a planet. You were given life and have experienced death, and you are on the mansion worlds, experiencing this growth at this time. You are in service and you have the wonderful opportunity for great experience. This desolation and isolation, which you feel occasionally, is the point upon which you can sit and feel the pain and gain the wisdom from your growth, knowing that there are solutions in your education, which will provide insight into the reasons for your pain and your difficulties, for the thoughts that you are having. Evolutionary beings who transit from material worlds to the morontial worlds all experience this, and you will continue to experience angst in your career, until the time when you leave the dimensional universe for the eternal universe.

Until then, you will wonder whether you will be accepted into the cadre of the Corps of Finality, or whether you will be left in the dimensional universe to continue your education. Yes, these thoughts, these feelings—but at a different level than your material, emotional level of emotions—will continue to be with you, and they are your gauge for your growth. You should question your growth and your contentment, and your confidence for where you are. Not to be in angst, but not to be arrogant about where you are and how you have grown, for this too will give evidence that you are not prepared for the lives that you will experience in times to come for yourself.

But I go afar from our lesson. First, let us begin today by opening the field to questions. Are there leftover issues you would like to ask, before I begin? Hearing none, let us proceed.

We have continued to use the illustration of the sand stylus, the pendulum hung over a bed of sand and set into motion/rotation, where it creates a rosette in the sand. The illustration of the stylus represents the individual’s life as it affects history for themselves and for their civilization. In the last lesson, we spoke about the element of the child from the time before conception, through conception and gestation to birth, through the life of the individual, and to death, completing a cycle for one individual. This cycle includes the opportunities that the individual develops for themselves and their world, and the affect those results have upon their world, even to include the completion of God the Supreme, through the experiential life that they have. So, you see, the life of an individual is consequential, significant, meaningful, and an important element to the Universe.

The center issue of that lesson was the sustainability of the individual; how sustaining the individual in their life and in the efforts that they make, helps sustain their civilization—that sustaining one helps the other and vice versa.

Today, we will talk about a far larger issue, a non-living institution called the government. The central question and related issue of this lesson is this, “How does a form of government help sustain the individual, and in return, how does sustaining of the individual aid that government to become self-sustained?” We have selected this individual to be the vehicle of this lesson because of his experience and knowledge about government and democracies, and his long-standing interest in the evolution of democracy. That said, we know that there is a larger repository of knowledge and data that we can use, though we hope and look to other individuals to flesh out this lesson.

The hallmark of a sustainable civilization is sustainable peace. Civilization cannot progress without peace. Peace is the measure of a society’s maturity, and on a world that is approaching the days of light and life this is a very visible measure to everyone living on that planet. Were your people of this planet more aware of the normal evolution and development of an inhabited planet in God’s great universe, already you would be aware that peace is this hallmark, that peace is the evidence of the presence, and the measurement for a planet’s approach to the days of light and life.

Again, as an aside, I wish to state that all of these influences are part of the rosette of life, they assist each other, and that only on broken worlds, such as yours, is there a lack of knowledge – ignorance – that one aspect affects another. Most people of your planet do not take into accord that their life affects their world, and the maturation of your world’s civilizations. The self-centered interest of many on your world has created competitive societies that do not endear themselves to a future of oneness. However, many developed business communities are seeing that there is necessity to grow past competition and monopolistic, usurious practices in business toward a service philosophy connected with profit, in order to sustain themselves in the unforeseen future.

Which forms of government assist a world to sustain peace? Which form of government is best adaptable to sustain peace?

Student: A democracy?

MONJORONSON: That is one form, yes. There are many types of democracies, as you will see, as democracy is studied in greater depth. There is no one, perfect solution; no one perfect democratic process for any one nation. There must be an evolution of democratic practices in order to assist a nation, a world to evolve to a more perfect democratic process, for everyone to the individual level. What is not seen, although many know this, is that the economic forum of a nation, of a world, is directly connected to the governmental practices that sustain that nation, and in a larger context, the world.

What is needed for a world to be sustainable, are three things at this point in our discussion:

  • 1) Peace;
  • 2) a form of government that helps sustain itself and the individual, and;
  • 3) an economic process that also assists the individual to sustain him/herself, and that sustains the economy of the world.

You cannot uncouple these factors. The economy of a nation is directly related to its form of governance. A dictatorship tends to be totalitarian and its economy centrist in its nature. Yet many aspects of a centrist economy are needed for an economy in a democracy to thrive. What could be missing from both is the consideration, the fair, equitable, and reasonable consideration for the individual to sustain him or herself in that economy and under that government of influence.

The problems that have arisen in your nation within the last 50 years have not been due so much to the form of democracy, but its economy, and how it is coupled to the processes of governance. Until these are discerned and sorted out, individuals at the lower levels of the economy will continue to have difficulty becoming a part of that economy. Swings in your economy will continue, which will be detrimental to the nation as a whole, as a political entity, and detrimental to the individual to sustain a thriving livelihood for their physical, emotional, spiritual growth. What has been found to work on other worlds in a similarly primitive environment as your own, is consideration for sustaining the individual—not selfishly, but with largesse; not as a welfare state, but one which prompts itself to explore and develop the potential of the individual. This resolves many problems, large and small, for maintaining a sustainable economy and social system.

So, do you see how we could now go into a discussion of educational policy, at a national or global level? Do you see how we could go into a discussion of macro- and microeconomics? These are all related to the individual. There must be a careful balance, so that the state is not given away to the individual, that there is no reserve in its banks or its economy, and that individuals do not grow fat, happy and content without striving for better. You do not live in a world where there is the Roman circus anymore. You live in a world where each individual has an immense opportunity, yet those opportunities must be made larger for more people. The world you live in today—literally today—is quite an experiment: the “haves and the have-nots,” those who have not come to the land and those who have. And, how should they be treated? This is not an idle question; this is a real question that must be asked, and will be answered in the eventuality of time. It is whether your citizens and policy makers have enough generosity and largesse to encourage the development of these individuals [immigrants], who come with nothing. They too, come with brilliant minds, minds that are capable of tremendous growth and development, and contribution to your society in addition to the physical labor they provide to serve your restaurants and work in your factories.

The philosophies of your nation need to mature and grow, past the point of seeing each individual as a political equal, but as an individual of equal potential. Potential that needs to be nurtured to grow, nurtured to contribute to your society. Now, whether these individuals have political rights of citizenship, is another issue, but healthcare, education, care for mothers, children, and those who are “without” are issues of a nature that morally and ethically must be addressed for your society to sustain itself into the foreseeable future. Surely, your wonderful, spiritual teachers, as Mother Teresa, have shown you that poverty has no boundaries. Spiritual capacity has no boundaries; it knows not race, it knows not color, it knows not national boundaries.

What does your Christian philosophy of love of your fellow human beings say to you? Is it impractical to emplace it politically, economically, socially? Is it the policy of your governance of your nation? No! This philosophy is real; its standards are workable. You must get over your fears and your selfishness in order to see the larger picture. These lessons are about the larger picture, yet when it comes to the policies of your nations, of your governments, of your local governments as to the treatment of individuals, seek these words; seek the insights that these lessons provide. You don’t want to give away the farm—certainly not—there is always a return for what you give, yet there is no quid pro quo for giving to others; you start by giving, and the giving is for opportunity, the development of opportunity, development of potential. You know as we know, that you are not created equal, but must be given equal opportunity to resources for your own development at every level of your being. Christ Michael and God want nothing less for each of you. It is a policy that is infinite in its capacity to sustain the Infinite Universe.

You have heard so many stories of individuals in your nation and elsewhere, who have come from poverty, saw opportunity and received means to develop that opportunity, who are now giving back to their societies. What form of government supports the sustainability of the individual? What from of governance supports its sustainability? These are not idle questions; these are not issues that you should dismiss easily from your mind, for these issues will come to bear in your lifetime. Your world is in such rapid motion and transiting between different ages and cultures, education levels, technological levels, that it has the means to share this is now. The box has been opened to the world through the Internet and it follows that it would be open through education and then equal opportunity.

We are not praisers of democracy; neither are we praisers of dictatorships and totalitarian forms of government. We ask you to seek the better forms that are available. You have to live with what you decide. Surely your democracy here in this nation could be greatly improved—easily and quickly. The problems that exist in your nation and other technological democracies could be quickly and easily overcome, with a change of heart, by turning away from fear. Change your thoughts, change what you believe and you will see something new. National pride does not serve itself, or the form of governance that it develops; it is egoistic.

Your fears also are mostly misplaced, as a nation and as a world. Deal with the practicalities of life and let your fears go. Your legislators, your congress people, may wonder how to best serve their constituents. Aside from the immense and onerous influence of lobbies, they can take to heart the sustainability of the individual, and the sustainability of their democracy. With these two thoughts to guide them, they would know how to deal with lobbies and deal with the needs of their constituents, and from this, they can ask those intuitively based questions, to expand the horizons of their jurisdictions. This is called leadership! My friends, it is not necessary to be of great mind, but of great spirit, to challenge your fears as a political individual, to challenge your ego as a political entity. This time in your nation is an immense opportunity for individuals or groups of individuals to provide leadership, where none seems apparent to you.

We have no interest in your political parties; we do have a great interest in you, individually. The Most Highs have a global interest in the affairs of humankind, in governments, economies, education and philosophies. We are all working on this. I, personally, am not your solution but one part of the larger solution, which Christ Michael has developed and is delivering to your world. I am immensely pleased to be here; the challenge of leadership that I can provide is challenging to me. The challenge to all of us is to work with you, to help you see your larger picture, to help you re-interpret your experiences and what is happening in your world. When you begin re-interpreting what has happened to you, what is happening to you, and re-interpret the problems that you see in your world, then you will begin developing solutions.

We have to bite our tongues once in a while, so to speak—were we to have tongues—to see you so concerned about the little issues. Who will be the leader to solve these issues? The metaphor I give you is a large basket with 21 puppies in it: Now those are problems; those are issues. How do you solve them and take care of them? Dump the basket out and they go everywhere. Who will lead them, who will care for them? This is what you are doing; you are looking at these little individual problems. You are looking at them and saying, “We need a leader to herd these puppies,” but you will find none. There are great technicians in your society and government, who can solve some of these problems rather quickly — take heart that the sustainability of your economy is being well addressed. Your leaders, your people down to citizens—individual citizens—understand the desirability of a sustainable economy, it serves everyone well. Now expand that example to other areas of your world.

I give you a most recent example of leadership, which you are only too familiar with: A leader who looked to a higher goal, set that goal, and asked his people to fulfill it. You had a president who said he wanted to put a man on the moon, and he did not know how to do that; he did not have the answers; he did not have the solutions. There were problems that would arise that no one had even contemplated, that would come into bear. All who were involved looked to the larger goal to guide them to solve the smaller problems. You all worked on it, and you all moved forward and this was accomplished. It is this type of leadership that is needed now, and I might add that exists now, but needs to come forward. There are individuals within your society, within your political milieu, who are fully capable of this if they would set aside their ego and their fears. There is more than one individual who can do this.

I do not know if we have any councilmen or women here, any Governors or Legislators, but if there were, we would simply ask you to literally ask these questions about the issues that come to your desk: “What answer to these issues help sustain the individual, nation, and our civilization? What answers fulfill these two questions? What resources must we gather; what resources are available to satisfy, to fulfill these questions?” When these questions begin to be asked consistently and continually, then your world will begin to make sense to you. Just as Zarath’s situation is perplexing to him, there is an overarching system, a process that will bring him enlightenment that will give him ease and peace in his journey. We are glad to see his angst. We hope you are in angst. Your world would surely be in desperate straits if you were satisfied with the way things are.

Recently, this one saw a bumper sticker, which we think may be appropriate for the moment: “If you are not upset, then you don’t understand,” or words to that effect. Remember, the reaction of anger does not produce good results, but the angst to see improvement, does. The tests for progress, the tests for solutions, are quite simple and you have them. Use this in your personal life and in your business life, raising your children, sitting on school boards and in city and county governing bodies. These will serve you well. You may appear to others to be naïve, even ignorant to your contemporaries, but this is how leadership is born.

If there are questions, please ask them, and when these questions are done, if there are other teachers who wish to speak, then we ask them to come forward. Are there questions now?

Student: I have one question on the material that you just presented: You had spoken earlier about the government, the economy, and the connection between those two. My question is: Does the structure of the government and the economy of one country need to take into account the impact it has on the entire rest of the world?

MONJORONSON: Yes, it does. …do you have further questions?

Student: I have one follow-on question, and this may have been answered because I have not been here for a while. Can you give us any indication as to the timing of some of the events of which you have spoken, today and in the past? For instance, are things going to accelerate over the next six weeks, the next six months—that type of thing?

MONJORONSON: Certainly. At the macro level, business leaders and governmental leaders are in agreement that the economy of the world must be stabilized. It is the self-interest of large corporations and of nations that affects that stability. Their focus has been on stability, rather than sustainability, and they are only closely related by not intimately connected. This progress will continue. The development toward one integrated economy will continue as your world ages and matures. It is now evolving extremely rapidly in the economic realm. It is acting as a solvent, a “de-sovereignization solvent,” as Buckminster Fuller has mentioned, to the boundaries of nations. The European economy does well and will do extremely well in the future, as their issues of separation are dissolved. They are “de-sovereignizing” their boundaries. This progress will continue, and this is the exception—when global issues effect the global economy.

We have mentioned the decimation of your species in past lessons, and this is anticipated to occur within the next century. You need not be a Magisterial Son to make that projection. Large issues unrelated to the economy of the world will affect its stability. The way through that is for policy and economic policy makers to see the necessity of amending that perspective slightly from stability to sustainability. Sustainability is egalitarian in nature; it is feminine in nature; it crosses boundaries, which many economists and political beings—whether they are boards, bodies or agencies or individuals—are very reluctant to approach. Sustainability of a world economy requires that the nations see themselves as resources, with easy transit of those resources between boundaries, and that individuals are seen as resources, rather than pawns or consumers of the economy, that by feeding individuals opportunities to explore through their potential, they are better able to serve the larger economy of the world. This change could come into effect within twenty years, early on, and could be in full effect globally within fifty years. It is a mind set; it is the mindset of the world that your descendants will live in, as it approaches the days of light and life.

We appreciate your question and the largeness of its parameters. Questions as this aid us in helping you gain clarity into our lessons, for you to live by, to govern by, to be a consumer and producer with. So, to answer your question bluntly, the development of your global economy down to the local levels, will continue unabated, and will only be dislodged and jarred through global issues that effect the world economy, and which in some instances may be local in nature. The example we have in mind are the raids upon the oil platforms in the Nigerian delta. This affects your world economy though it is local in nature. Something is very much amiss in this region, as you already know. This will take a good deal of time to resolve, and not by violence, for that is only a temporary solution. It affects individuals, but it does not affect the people in the end. Do you see?

Student: Yes, thank you.

Student: I have a question. I heard something on the radio not too long ago that we were using natural resources, and the natural resources that will be needed very shortly, would be almost twice as much as what we actually can supply. So, is that true? And is the population reduction problem more likely to take place sooner than a century?

MONJORONSON: You have several questions in your statement. First of all, you will see the diminution of resources that are scarce become more scarce. You will find that this will have a tremendous effect upon economies beyond that resource; it will affect many resources in fact. As we have said about the decimation of your species, it is likely to occur as a natural consequence of many issues simultaneously. We also project that the longer it is delayed, the greater the devastation will be. In the numbers of individuals who remain after the devastation, it will nonetheless be very similar. If you take a world population of ten billion people and ninety percent are eliminated, you have one billion people.

If you take six billion people and there is a decimation of two-thirds, you have two billion left. The numbers are very similar, though very meaningful to the individuals. You would have to be an actuary of the Life Carriers in their laboratories to fully see and appreciate the complexity of the causes of the decimation. Yes, you will be able to pinpoint the cause of the decimation, but the aggravating factors will go into the hundreds, and each will have a very significant augmenting affect upon that initiating factor. I perceive that I have not answered your question thoroughly.

Student: Well, can I ask another question?


Student: You have experiences on normal worlds, right?


Student: Do normal worlds get over-populated?


Student: I find it encouraging that some spiritual bodies, apparently in this country are taking seriously sustainability issues and there is quite a variety of those and I’m wondering whether there is a point in focusing on a particular one or two, or if we have to have a pretty balanced approach to many. I’m thinking of the availability of water—throughout our country and our world that seems to be a big issue—but also other resources, such as agricultural tillable land. I’m wondering if you can give us any guidance that will help us to find energy or dealing with it? One, two, or several?

MONJORONSON: Are you at the end of your question?

Student: Yes, I think I am asking how do we prioritize our efforts to sustainability?

MONJORONSON: Your prioritization of the issues that support sustainability must begin with your belief systems—what you believe. If you believe that all life is sacred and must be supported at any cost, then you must develop all the land so that you can to feed all those people. If your belief system allows you to practice euthanasia, then your issues with land would be less. In the middle are the issues of birth control. You must resolve your basic beliefs about life and your religions, before you can come to a priority list that is rational, which can be followed and implemented—not for one regime, but for many over many decades. This is one of the augmenting issues that will contribute to the decimation of many people —belief systems that support life at any cost. I cannot answer your question directly, but I can address it as I have.

Your world is in for a great time of difficulties as it wrestles with its beliefs in the middle of crises; and after crises, how to move forward out of crises into normalcy, stability and then sustainability. The question of sustainability, of developing the potential of the individual and of your civilizations must be answered in every issue that is on your priority list. Every issue can be run through this screen, to find the answers that you seek.

Student: I have a question.


Student: It seems that one of the major changes in concept that needs to take place within the corporations of the world is one that has been presented, which causes them to look to a new bottom line, which includes rather than just the dollar profit, but includes the service to community. What is the most effective means of implementing that on a broad scale?

MONJORONSON: Selfishness. Sometimes selfishness comes into play in a good way. Market share is a measure of that. How does a corporation maintain market share? And how does it maintain a quarterly bottom line that is positive? The last thing a corporation wants to think about is its demise, its loss in the marketplace. It does not want to become disabled, inactive, a loser that shows losses year-after-year, but wants to continue its existence into the future — dominant, capable and profitable. This is the positive side of selfishness in a competitive marketplace.

To do that, corporations must as well look to policies relating to sustainability. How can they sustain themselves—not for just one quarter after another—but year-after-year and decade-after-decade? In order to do that, they must devise products and services that support and serve it and its clients/customers, whether they are corporate or individuals. They have not set the mark [bottom line] far enough ahead, in order to maintain their existence indefinitely. They must set the mark centuries ahead, past the lifetime of the principal, past the lifetime of the largest shareholder, past the lifetime of everyone who lives at this time. Corporations have a great service they can provide to civilization. They are a major means for the development of the potential of millions of individuals. They are the means by which your world, your nation will thrive and survive or meet its demise. Corporations must see the larger picture of their existence, past immediate profits to include a larger bottom line as you suggest. Thank you for your question.

Student: This question may be a bit too direct. I don’t see that our society either in our country or worldwide, is going to be able to make the changes that it needs to quickly enough. For example, the over-population issue, we have argued about that for generations and are no closer now to being able to solve that problem than we have been in the past. It seems like we have so many problems leftover from our many years in isolation, that the only way I see that some of these changes are going to be made is if, for example, you were to materialize and give the world as a whole, the information that you’ve been giving us in these small groups. I don’t see that it is possible for us to make these changes without further assistance. Can you speak to that?

MONJORONSON: Certainly. First of all, I am not your Savior. I provide information, leadership, understanding, and a helpful ear. Christ Michael provides the Correcting Time and the many hundreds and thousands of programs and missions that are involved in helping your world move into the days of light and life. You are quite correct that your society, your world is unable—and in fact in many areas—incapable of moving into these new stages of development, on its own. Yet, we have seen your people, agencies, companies, corporations, and technologies, make incredible changes in an extremely short period of time. The capacity for human beings on your world to change and adapt is immense, given the necessity to do so, . . . and there will be a necessity to do so.

Some of you are enlightened, you see the wisdom of the lessons that are given to you, you see even the practicality of them immediately in your daily lives, your social lives, and in the quality of your own life. Many do not. What we are doing is to lay foundation of wisdom—assistance, guidance, insight—for those who remain, [and] later for those who are willing now to adapt and change. Surely, aspects of the lessons today can be applied harmlessly and quickly in your society, your legislatures and your congress, immediately. I do not want to mislead you, and I say again, I am not your Savior. When I materialize, I will be with you for thousands of years. I will assist you materially and spiritually as I am able, to help guide your people to make decisions that assist them and your world to come into the days of light and life fully and completely, and to be accepted fully into the fold of the universe of civilized worlds.

My materialization at this point would be fraught with many difficulties, would be another cause celebre for many to act out destructively in their own interests and in their own fears. You can be assured—I assure you—that we have taken into the consideration that my appearance will be with the least damage, greatest benefit as possible. I want no one to bow down, fall on their knees and worship me, but to hold out their hand, greet me, and walk beside me. We have so much to do. I do not want, or seek, or need individuals lying prostrate on the ground before me, for that would immobilize my mission as well. I am open to one last question.

Student: I have a question.


Student: Is your materialization going to happen in our present lifetime?

MONJORONSON: I will leave that to answer another day. I do not wish or mean to be mysterious, or to mislead you, but revealing the time when I will appear would bring greater difficulties than it could or should. It is not a desirable thing to provide you at this time, but thank you for your question.

Student: Thank you.

MONJORONSON: I bid you adieu, farewell until another day. We continue to tell you that you are not alone, that you are loved [and] guidance is here. We walk beside you, our wisdom is available to you and our love for you is ever present, enfolds you and is shot through your very being, when you accept it. Good day.

(Group gives thanks.)

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