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NSH215- Do Not Worry If You Can Avoid It

2004-12-05-Do Not Worry If You Can Avoid It
Nashville #215


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Do Not Worry If You Can Avoid It
o 1.2 Group: Nashville TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Ham
o 2.2 TR: Rebecca
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Personal Counsel
o 3.5 Closing

Topic: Do Not Worry If You Can Avoid It
Group: Nashville TeaM
Teacher: Ham
TR: Rebecca


HAM:  Greetings, children, I am Ham and I am glad that we have this evening together again. My children, we have undertaken a long journey together and we have found the way to be pleasant but not entirely pain free or smooth. The efforts you have made in the spirit are courageous and entirely born of noble intention. You are each making great progress as you grow in self-mastery and spiritual thinking.


HAM:   The gradual process of the mind’s transition from material sensory and drive domination toward increasing levels of spiritualized thought has been gratifying for me to observe for I undertook such a journey in my mortal life as well. The gradual relinquishing of the concerns of the body is also part of the spiritualizing process. As you grow in and of the spirit, your minds increasingly attach themselves to those things of the spirit the mind can grasp relinquishing in the process the old concerns of the material world, the body, and the ego.

The new life you have each been born into is a life of increasing spiritual awareness and spiritual sensitivity. You are each gaining also a higher spiritual perspective that puts you above the day by day rumblings and conflicts that are inevitably part of existence. From this peaceful vantage point, you can observe with some degree of detachment the passions of the moment without those passions engulfing you.

Do not worry about anything if you can avoid it. Worry is born of fear and fear must be gradually eliminated from your lives. All your energies are required in living the life of the spirit so that useless energy drains like anxiety over anything at all becomes unaffordable. The Father requires all of you in his grasp.


Q: When you said useless energy did you mean unused?

HAM:  : No, anxiety is a useless drain of your energy. Spiritual preparation will also become more and more important in your lives. The master said many times, “We will be none too ready when the Father calls”. And, so you my friends, will be none too ready when the Master calls. The work before you is light, for you will be given every tool you need and all the instruction you require to carry forward any task the Master should put you to.

Once you realize how much support you really have, you will be able to release anxiety on a very deep level for fear can find little pockets to hide in, so to speak, and these hidden pockets of fear must gradually be released as you come upon them. When you come into periods of spiritual testing, you will have absolutely nothing to fear for your fear will already have been released and you will not be surprised or suddenly overcome by fear the way you once were.

Your faith my friends is strong and getting stronger every day. Faith is now not something you have as much as something you are. Faith is part of your character, your make up. No longer is it something to be had and lost, found or failed. You faith simply is part of your life. This profound faithfulness cannot help but impress others on your journey. Others see faith within you and are moved in their own faith.

Make no mistake my friends, your faith is certainly the bedrock of character. Each movement you make in the world pulls you closer to the Master and pulls the Master closer to you, if those movements be consecrated to the doing of the Father’s will. Never will you be alone in your struggles and this feeling of being surrounded by and pervaded by God’s love forever vanquishes the fear of being alone, the fear of isolation and estrangement.

Now you have within you the Father’s assurance over you heart that you are his and his alone. None shall break this bond between parent and child, between creator and creation. Accept this loving claim with complete faith and trust, like a child accepts his fathers hand knowing that hand is protection as well as guidance.

Gradually my friends you are emerging from the world of doubt into the greater world of supreme self-assurance, assurance born of God’s love, assurance born by your own surrendering to that love. Do the then the tasks before you and keep the ear of the spirit open to the Master’s calling. Let him guide you and all will be well. What are your questions?

Personal Counsel

Q: Ham, Jim has asked for a message please, I think he needs some guidance.

HAM:  : Yes my son, do not despair over things you cannot change but realize and move toward those things in the spirit that can give you comfort and direction in your earthly existence. Realize that the Father constantly speaks to your soul saying, “Come son, come to my arms”. You are not alone. Listen to this voice. Learn to understand the ever so gentle prodding your inner spirit gives you. And remember, if something does not result the way you had thought, this my no means signifies failure, just difference.

Learn to accept the Father’s way and let go of your human struggles to make things your way. Each movement must be judged on one criterion only: are you moving toward God or away from him? Everything else means very little. A human failure might be a spiritual victory and vice versa. Learn to accept the things, both large and small, the Father places before you. You way will be revealed. Fear not, all is well.

Q: I want to thank you Ham for this great lesson tonight. You always speak directly to me.

HAM:  : My daughter, you have come far and you have made ever better progress over time in every way. You are one who is very integrated and this process of personality unification continues. Human beings have difficulties in life largely as a measure of their personal disunity so that needs, desires, efforts, thoughts, are all going in different directions. Your purpose to discern the Father’s will and then to carry out that will serves to begin the great process of spiritual integration. Continue in this path and all that is necessary will be added unto you.

Q: Do you have anything for Rebecca?

HAM:  : Yes, my dear, you are doing very well. You have come far in your own personal unification and this ease with the storms of passion that can sometimes surround you will serve you very well. You have made a great leap forward in this area lately and as you become ever more effortless in letting go of consequences, you way will be light and easy. Be at peace then, all is well.

Q: Jarad?

HAM:  : Yes my son, you do well. Have peace and courage. Each effort you make to bring comfort and truth to others is important. Use each opportunity to help to solidify the faith people need in God and country. Human beings need to feel part of something greater than themselves, some greater cause, some more noble aspiration. All people feel validated through feeling they are part of a greater cause that is just. Helping to clarify the things that are good, true, and just in America is a help for those feeling uncertain and afraid. Be at peace my son, you will have all you need moving forward.

Q: Do you have a personal message for Norbert?

HAM:  : Of course my son, you are doing well. Before you, there are many challenges, many decisions to make. As you make more progress and move into larger realms of the spirit, have no fear and do not be tempted to fear. Fear is one thing neither you nor your countrymen can afford. You must, both individually and as a nation, find your way past fear in your determination not to succumb to fear. Those who live in fear seek to spread it. Be secure in your faith so that you can reason without emotion. The shield of God’s love will protect you from fear. This is the most important thing to demonstrate. Hold the line on fear and you will be fine.

Q: Do you have a message for Margie?

HAM:  : Yes, my daughter, you are doing well. It is with great joy that you are welcomed in this group. Your angels rejoice each time you move toward truth, and goodness, and beauty. Be open in your love. Indeed be unafraid to love and to be loved my dear. Fear not. You are doing just fine.

Q: Do you have a message for pz?

HAM:  : Yes, of course. Be at peace my dear, you do well. You are truly learning much in the spirit at this time and your soul is expanding, even now. As your heart opens to greater love, you must allow this love to flow out to others wherever it will. In other words, you must release control of your love and let your love simply exist as you exist in the world. Find your way my dear where love leads you. Trust in this love.

Q: Could David Harper have a private session this week?

HAM:  : Yes, Tuesday 2:00 PM.

Q: Do you have a personal message for Charlie B?

HAM:  : Yes my son, you are doing very well. Gradually you are letting go of some old buried fears, and as these fears surface, they can be somewhat disturbing. You are moving beyond that now, but every so often some old buried fear will jump out at you and when this happens you must examine it, find where it is coming from, and in that way release it.

Q: Do you have any feedback for me this week?

HAM:  : Yes, my son. You are doing well. Each week you are taking steps in your spiritual development. You are making great progress integrating and unifying your personality over time. You are always open to service and to serving Michael in your life. Mistake not, you will be given ever greater trust in that as you grow in the spirit, the things the Father trust you with also increase. So you are brought, one step at a time, into ever greater levels of spiritual responsibility as well as spiritual functioning. Have great peace in your heart, my son, for you are doing very well.


HAM:   Children, you are all doing very well. I would not tell you this if it were not so. Trust increasingly in the Master’s hand and all will be well. Until next week, my love and prayers are with you each. Farewell.

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