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NWB49- Celestial Discovery Group, Part 1 – Session 49

1993-01-12-Celestial Discovery Group, Part 1 – Session 49
Sarasota #49



Contents ( (Julie impressions over 3 days – latest date used))

1 Heading
1.1 Topic: Celestial Discovery Group, Part 1 – 1.2 Group: Sarasota TeaM
2 Facilitators
2.1 Teachers: Michael, Rayson, JaEl

Session 49
§ TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1993 (2 PM at home)
Mary: Heavenly Father, I await your pleasure – or a message from my teachers and unseen friends.

MICHAEL: Dearest One, you are learning my way so rapidly – you felt my energy with Allene this morning – this is only the beginning. Your eyes will see what they have not seen. This will enhance your ability to be about my business. bask in my Light that you bring to mankind. Feel the glory for yourself, My Precious Child. You are protected. I love you.

JAEL: This is JaEl. Greetings, Beloved Mary, what a time I am having working with you. You are so diligent and learned your lessons so well. It is a joy to watch you respond with your heart full of joy and love. You took a break today. You pick up messages but appear slow to act. You needed rest during the last waning moon, but you pressed forward. I am pleased to see more self love. This is such a joyous time. It is joyous to work with you. I love you. Feel my love surround you, My Dearest Mary.

Mary: Thank you, JaEl. I love you too!!!

RAYSON: This is Rayson. Beloved Child of God. You not only hear me today, you feel me.
7:30 PM (at home)

RAYSON: This is Rayson, My Beloved Child of God. I am with you. I am watching over you. You completed reading the Rayson File. That was pertaining to teachings presented by Prince Machiventa Melchizedek. An attempt was made to teach information that would heal by students acquiring the knowledge – in other words, by knowing, students would heal themselves. Since then, times and consciousness has changed. Energies have been raised and the entire Satania System is open to higher consciousness. Your helpers and teachers are elated at the result of work with you in your lifetime.

The face of healing has finally arrived at what it is supposed to be. Spiritual energy brought forth through an unconditionally loving heart. The way that Jesus’s of Nazareth so called “miracles” occurred. The multitudes were touched by His love and teachings and for two thousand years the Unseen Teachers, Celestials and Mystery Monitors have worked continuously with the children of God to bring them Godward. Even through their confusion and unseeing in this lower world perceive what a celebration we experience when we have groups like yours, striving to walk in his footsteps with such willingness and dedication and commitment along with the knowledge we were able to impart. Can you understand my joy at being able to work with your energy and through you??

Precious Child of God, let this sink in. Allow yourself the luxury of joining in my celebration, for this is only the beginning. Already your prayers are being answered. I am working with loosening your release energies. You asked for lessons to heal yourself so that you could be the vassal for my healing energy. How noble and God like are your intentions, My Beloved Child of God. Do you begin to feel my joy? That this was made possible only by your commitment and dedication and selfless devotion?

Yes, Dearest Child of God, take credit. Know how blessed you are. Relax in the knowledge. Bask in the Father’s love and light for you are very special – and together we have a long beautiful way to go about the Father’s business. I am also working on your love record account. You have given with more love than any I have worked with.
It is your time, My precious Child of God, to experience the wonder for yourself. It has been joyous to watch you give love and peace in the face of adversity, to see your work harder to purify your energy after each onslaught and never a complaint against anyone, but yourself. Now you must release this self-blaming. You have worked so hard you have activated mercy spirit and protection spirit.

You are a perfect child of God and not beneath your brothers and sisters. You have excelled. It is time to reap your rewards. I am here to show you these things. In return for the wonderful gift you have given to God, Urantia, all mortals and me. It appears more difficult for you to learn to accept your success, so I will work harder, just as you did, when you found the lessons tough. Practice. Practice relaxing with the powerful love and joy in your gentle heart. Practice loving

Mary as a precious Child of god. She more than deserves that love. Your teachers, the Chanti healers and all your unseen friends, join with me in sending you, Precious Child of God, perfect love. Now go into the silence for two minutes and the lesson will begin. -Rayson
You keep smiling at my name, eh?

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