2012-10-31. The Greatest Treasure
Alabama, US of A, October 31, 2012.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “The Greatest Treasure.”
Message received by Oscar.
Thought Adjuster: “The problems Michael faced during His time on this earth were complex and unprecedented in the history of this universe. He did not have the help of His peers because nobody could understand His situation nor provide council and comfort. Early in His life Michael learned that these things could only be addressed by His Celestial Father and this was the only way for Him to obtain the advice, the comfort and the answers He needed.
“As human beings advance in their spiritual careers they realize that their problems in life can more effectively be solved with the help of the Inner Teacher — the divine presence of our Father represented by your Thought Adjuster. Once you have moved a little further on your spiritual path the moments of soul communion with your Creator will become a need, something you have to do in order to obtain the necessary resources to attempt higher achievements and perform deeds filled with love and beauty, but performed with the purpose of expressing the will of the Father.
“You need to practice in order to exert higher control over your mortal mind. Much of the time you allocate for adoration is spent with useless thoughts that distract you from your purpose of finding your Father. The more reliable approach to make communication more effective is to practice. The possibility that each human being needs to come closer to God is the greatest treasure of existence, therefore it should be a priority in the lives of human beings.
“What if you were told that God is waiting for you in some place, ready to share with you the secrets of the universe, to offer you eternal life and make you perfect. Wouldn’t you simply leave everything behind to go and find Him? Would there be a price you would not be willing to pay? Your Father is already within you, waiting for your attention. It is through the practice of stillness meditation — an intimate and personal conversation with your Father — that an increasingly perfect communion between a creature and his or her Creator is manifested.”