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paper – Developing a Personal Loving God Theology-1.5


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ABSTRACT     001.5    Developing a Personal Loving-God Theology

This small book was first published in 1992 as my first published book.  At 126 pages and a stapled binding, only 50 copies were printed which gives it a unique position that also marks the beginning of a totally new era of my life.

Even at age 5 I knew that what I was taught in Lutheran Sunday School did not match what my Grandmother, Dorothy, had taught me at home.  From the simple children’s songs that I sang with her, and her personal teaching, I knew that God was loving, kind, and generous.  …and not angry, jealous, and filled with wrath.  Yet, it would take me another 40+ years to prove it.

The production of this book began during a “time out” that life had given me to recover from a shattered and dislocated left elbow and a traumatic brain injury I had received in the summer of 1990.  My lifelong search for the answers to a Loving-God came from my own life.  And, yes, there are ugly parts as well as some of those gleamingly brilliant parts from both of which much wisdom was produced.

It has been approximately 15 years since the last time I examined this book.  I have reformatted it and have cleaned up some of the grammar, but essentially it is the same book as it was published in 1992.      ##

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