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paper- Progressive Politics- 56.06


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ABSTRACT:  Progressive Politics, Democracy, and Human Motivation

Progressive Politics, Democracy, and Human Motivation provides a brief insight into an integrated system of those three elements.  There is a reason people all over the world have gravitated toward democracy.  It is the governance-response to the human need for the unfettered expression of the seven values and the natural potential of each individual that are innate to our species.

The missing factor in mature democracies is an operational awareness that social institutions, as the democratic process, evolve in response to social change, which is evidence that people are reinterpreting the urging of their innate values in new ways.  The problem of mature democracies, “Stage 2 Democracies,” is to find ways to include social change in the democratic process so that democracies stay attuned to social change.  Failing to do so,  mature democracies will then become inflexible facts of history. ##

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