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Societal Morality – Reinvention of the Social Sciences
59.02.01 Abstract // Daniel Raphael, PhD
Societal Morality provides a totally new foundation for re-interpreting traditional social science theories concerning human motivation, decision-making, and behaviors. It is not a rehash of traditional social science theories. The topic of societal morality was chosen as the vehicle for explaining the seven fundamental innate motivators that urge each of us to make hundreds of decisions every day. (See illustration on page 8.)
In the text, these innate motivators are labelled as “values,” that underlie our decisions. Discernment, ethical, and moral decision-making provide us with those occasions when our values guide us to make decisions that contribute to our personal and social quality of life without jeopardizing that of others.
The seven innate human values inherently have the capability of providing an immutable foundation for our decisions because those values have been universal and innate to all Homo sapiens from the earliest beginnings of our species over 200,000 years ago. Once readers have become acquainted with the seven values, they will realize that those values have been in plain sight all along and now have become self-evident.
Throughout all of literate history, scientists and philosophers have always used impermanent, reducible, and mutable values to produce theories about human motivation and behaviors. When we compare traditional social theories to geometrical proofs and the subsequent truths that were developed from those proofs, it becomes painfully apparent that the social sciences have failed to develop similar social proofs and truths. With the discovery of the seven values of the culture of humanity, social scientists can now develop proofs for their theories that when replicated many dozens of times will to provide socially based truths, rather than just another theory.
When it comes to ethics and morality, upon which almost all legal statutes are based, it is ultimately in the best interests that sound legal opinions are based on irreducible and immutable values that will remain steadfast in the course of time. Societal morality, then, is immediately necessary to make sound decisions that improve the moral condition of society while also removing those conditions that are detrimental to the quality of life of this and future generations.