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PBG37- More on Unselfish Devotion

1996-09-26-More on Unselfish Devotion
Pittsburgh #37


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Receptivity
o 1.2 Group: Pittsburgh TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Tomas
o 2.2 TR: Gerdean
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Lesson
 3.3.1 Unselfishness
o 3.4 Dialogue
 3.4.1 Faith, Action
o 3.5 Closing

Topic: Receptivity
Group: Pittsburgh TeaM
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Gerdean


TOMAS: Good evening, my friends. I am Tomas . ..

Group: Good evening, Tomas.

TOMAS: . .. your teacher. Delay for adjusting circuitry.]
We have been quite busy, all of us. It is exhilarating to see your grasp of truth, beauty, and goodness, to anticipate your eager hunger even before my arrival, by the very nature of your responses to the lessons. The thought processes which have taken place in your minds has up-stepped your own circuits such that your lives are more active today than they have been in quite some time, and I am proud to call you my students, for the unity in your diversity is becoming firm and real.

I am coming to depend on you as a family of believers, as a well-knit group, rather than a conglomeration of individualists. As a result of your growth, our growth, our developing friendship, our developing friendship with God even, we have been able to delve into some substantial realms of thought and subsequent behavior.

I have heard testimony from virtually each of you recently that confirms/affirms your reality response to our gatherings. This is not to my credit, but to the credit of you, my students, for there is no growth without your willingness to grow; and although it is and has been a steady increase for you since your own decision-making process in the ascent, it has been exciting for me, for us in the Teacher Corps, to behold how firmly and finely you have responded to the Mission effort.


TOMAS:  Along those lines and in keeping with our lesson plan … our established format for the Pittsburgh pumpkins … I will address a furtherance of last week’s lesson having to do with unselfish devotion. I know you have all had a chance to devote a quality moment in time to the substance of the lesson. You have all been able to review, at some point, what true devotions you have engendered in your life’s experience. But I promised that this evening I would speak to you somewhat about how it is that you/we may take this fruit of the spirit to its nth degree, ascertain how it is that devotion to the Father will bring about the desired fruits in our lives. How can we manifest unselfish devotion most effectively to help bring about His will in our lives and in the lives of others? Have any of you given consideration to that?

Elizabeth: Yes.

TOMAS: Elizabeth, would you care to expound briefly?

Elizabeth: I’ve been thinking about selfless devotion. I’ve been thinking about trying to do a couple more things, especially after you said what you said about soul-to-soul, and I was thinking about how much I value even my little [Sunday School] class, and I was wondering about that, and feel like I could give more in that area somewhere. I’ve been thinking about that. An opportunity seems to have been offered that I am thinking about.


TOMAS: Very well. I am keenly cognizant of the work you have been doing, the pondering you have done, and the direction (to which) you are aspiring. Let me proceed in accordance with our mutual desires. (One moment)
There are many references in your text to unselfish devotion. I would point out a couple references for your consideration. There is a question asked early on if unselfishness is desirable, particularly when it is and has been necessary for the animal being to survive in selfish ways. (3:5.13) Survival in itself requires that you think for yourself, for your survival, and yet to survive in the spirit is a generous gift of life from the Eternal Source and so why is unselfishness desirable?

Because it is from God, it is brought to our attention by the Thought Adjuster. The spirit would have us be altruistic and selfless, as compared to the human animal which would have us be industrious and self-deceived in security. The spirit as our Source is worthy of our highest devotion.

We love God first because He is, then we love God because He is in us, and finally we love God because we are in Him. We become devoted to Him because we love Him and we are a part of Him, a part that is everlasting and worthy of the worship of all others.

In introducing our Father to others, in sharing Him through your inner life with others, it is not your mindfulness to be of service that is the earmark of your devotion, but that you do these things without regard for reward.
Self-forgetfulness is the closest approximation of unselfishness in this context, for to forget the self in order that you might serve your fellow men, is an assurance that you love the altruistic and ideal potential of your fellow human being.

You love him [your fellow human being] because he is. Secondly, You want to serve him or her because they are in Your life, they are in Your awareness, they have come to Your attention, they have been presented to You as an opportunity, as a challenge, as a privilege, as an adventure, as an occasion to serve. And thirdly, You serve because You are in Them. You see Them in You. You see Their potential. You see hope of Their eternal survival. You have faith in Them as the Father has faith in You. This provides a new reality for all of your relationships, for they are not based on the material realms and all those entrapments and inducements, but are based upon spirit reality, potential absolute reality.

When you are so engrossed in doing what the Father has given you to do, in joy and in confidence, you have no thought for yourself but for the work at hand. And thus the fruit of the spirit, unselfish devotion, comes from the Father, through the Father, by the Father, to you, to see in your fellows that same relationship that you as His child have with Him. And as the enlightened elder brother/sister of your siblings in the spirit, in potential, you have the opportunity to serve the God of all being through this simple fruit. I have concluded my remarks, my prepared remarks, if you will, and with apologies for the choppy transmission, I will open the floor to your involvement. I know there are questions. Are there discussions from the floor?


Shalimar: I don’t have questions, but I’m feeling a lot of these qualities you talked about coming together. Like, I’ve noticed the one you talked about a long time ago having the certain authority that is different than your own authority. I feel that at work I have really noticed — it’s like the trusting thing, and being honest, and saying what you really are thinking, whereas before I would hold back a lot of times. I would really hold back out of feeling it was either not going to be — you know, it would be useless to be saying what I thought my input should be, and so I really noticed that I have been more outspoken and having effects more, really having effects — where something occurs, a change occurs. So I thought about this being really interesting.

Also, I’ve had an opportunity to have — with a couple people who were suffering — to kind of — out of the blue I just told them … I didn’t tell them that I’d do it, but I just told them instead of trying to solve the problem, to just give over their will and let it be God’s will and to use that in that type of what we’ve been taught here, and it seemed to be taken a lot easier than explaining the Urantia Book or some of the other things. But I have been feeling very excited.

TOMAS: I, too, am very excited that you would share a truth with your peers in a working situation that will lend value and credibility to them in their circumstances which, at this point in time, carries more weight in their lives than introducing them to a volume of two thousand some odd pages, in order for them to grasp the truth of their moment in time of need. Your sincere appeal to their souls to seek for spirit guidance was the appropriate thing to do. As we have discussed, do not pile boulders on the shoulders of those who can only carry pebbles, and oftentimes a handful of pebbles is sufficient for the day.

Indeed, your growth has affected others around you. I am graduating you from your valley of veils [Shalimar]. You have been bred into another name. You would like to know it. It is after the beatitudes, and a Urantia interpretation of your identity would be equated to “Beatrice.” It is in the pronunciation that you will uphold your identity in this glorious name. It is strong and true.

Beatrix: Thank you.

TOMAS: Daughter.

Beatrix: I’ve also used that same thing with my children, too, as a way of — a simpler way of solving problems.

TOMAS: Indeed.

Beatrix: I don’t know if they’ve done it, but I keep repeating, “Just say this, even if you don’t know what you’re doing.”

TOMAS: They are children. You are teaching children. When it begins to work for them, you may then find them searching for more reality, at which time you may be led to offer them more. If you are unceasingly diligent and unselfishly devoted to the Father, He will present these picturizations to you of the needs of your fellows, your peers, your children, in such a way that you will be eager to allow Him to use you to plant the seed, to cultivate the soil, to nurture the truth, beauty, and goodness within your brother, your sister, as we discussed.

Beatrix: I’m happy to hear that. Can you say my name again?

TOMAS: Beatrix. It is spelled in this language with an “X” but it is pronounced with an “S.” Be-a t – ris.
(Your sister Phyllis also has a new name. She is not among us [this evening] but I will tell you her name is Ruth.)
It is wonderful to see your personalities take form and emerge from your shells of solitude and self-protection into the society of your family in the spirit. The identity of You-in-the-making is the You that You will be and become for eternity.

From my vantage point I see you shining as lights, but each light has its own substance, its own quality, its own pulse, its own parameters, its own rhythm. It is delightful to work with you. We have come a long way. I appreciate your growth more than I can say, for it not only honors the Father and gives praise to Michael, but it encourages we workers, as you see your friends and especially the young ones become aware of new truths, whose eyes light up in discovery and then take their learning in a parade of showing it to others. This is how you appear to me my children. I love you very much.

Individuals: I love you, too.

Elizabeth: We’re so happy that you came. And we think we’re so lucky to have a wonderful transmitter like Gerdean, because we know that this is a real gift.

TOMAS: I am also happy to have Gerdean in attendance. It makes my work much easier, you see. However, it is a gift that can be developed in almost any of you, if you are so willing. It is desired that all of you begin to learn to communicate with your spirit helpers. It is unfair to Gerdean, in terms of possible future assignments, to feel she cannot leave here without abandoning the entire spiritual platform of the Pittsburgh pumpkins.

Beatrix: Well, Tomas, let me tell you that you, probably more than any teacher that we’ve had, made me feel assured or have less doubt –because I think all of us have our doubts (and I’m very careful that way) — but the lessons that come through are so striking and I have never had lessons where I feel somehow automatically compelled to learn them, and so just on those grounds alone, you know, I have to have less and less fear of doing it.

TOMAS: It is your living, growing faith in action. I have confirmed your reality as a child of God and, as an acknowledged daughter of the Most Highs, you have set out to show yourself worthy. It is an honor to work with such eager attitudes. It is contagious.

Beatrix: Well, it has to be connected to you. It falls on you somewhat because we didn’t exactly have this with any of the other teachers.

TOMAS: We will mutually, then, convey our eternal gratitude and untiring devotion to the work of Michael, as it is He who has established this marvelous fraternity of loving beings, of kindred souls, of helpful comrades, of allegiant colleagues in the work of establishing the kingdom on Urantia, in the work of bringing together his sons and daughters to build strength to forge ahead into the brighter tomorrow’s that lay in store.

As you have seen a glimpse of what can be done if you have faith, if you believe that by living the fruits of the spirit you can and will make a difference, our growth — which has been real and measurable — will become tenfold. Our numbers will become legion. We will encompass the globe by connecting with other loyal groups of believers.

Loving service, unselfish devotion, merciful ministry, courageous loyalty, confiding trust, how real these fruits are is dependent upon how real you make them. They can be charming words etched in glass or calligraphed on scroll and hung on a wall or they can become living realities in your hearts, your minds, and your lives. It is pretty to see them on the wall but it is glorious to behold them in action. And this is the Kingdom and we are His soldiers, His children.

Student: Tomas?


Student: And without them, you really can’t be of service in this world.

TOMAS: Except for prayer.

Student: Without the faith, which gives you all the other fruits, you can’t be of service. Because — prayers would be included if you had that kind of faith. Is that so?

Faith, Action

TOMAS: Faith is a gift as you are given sonship, as are the fruits of the spirit. Many people operate unconsciously with their fruits. They have a vague idea that it is morally right to be fair or to have hope or to be loyal in varying circumstances. These fruits of the spirit enrich the lives of those who are not even spiritually consecrated. If you are devoted and consecrated, if you aspire in these matters, your faith is strengthened, your trust is emboldened, and you are entrusted with greater opportunities to utilize the fruits of the spirit even more. You may become great in the kingdom. Greatness is aligned with goodness, both of which are attributes of the Father.

Elizabeth: I don’t think I knew that I was supposed to DO anything until you started this course. I guess that sounds pretty bad, pretty stupid, for someone that considers herself as trying to be spiritual, but I didn’t. I mean, I’m glad that I have a sort of a plan now, or something. I feel that I do.

TOMAS: I remind you that even the Bible has impressed people with the phrase “Faith without works is dead” [1] and I suppose I have simply taken that adage a degree further, but it is a natural off-shoot of sonship that you want to be of service. As a result of knowing the Father you want to share Him with others. This is a natural result of a true, real, personal, spiritual experience.

In an intellectual and academic appreciation of theology and religion, it lacks that driving power. It may provide an intellectual understanding, but it lacks the driving power that the living truth compels by its very nature. This is Living Love. It is a dynamic way of life. It is not just words and comprehensions, but actual doing, yes.

Elizabeth: I think it was a way of examining my attitudes and my actions . ..

TOMAS: Indeed.

Elizabeth: . .. which I actually never had a system for before. This is like a system, which is more systematic. Right?

TOMAS: It is rather systematic, in effect, for we have spent much time evolving the curriculum that we now enjoy. Not only has the curriculum been pre-planned by Machiventa and others in that Order, in conjunction with Michael, but, in this configuration of people here. We worked to reach a point where we were willing to sink our teeth into something of substance.

We danced around a lot, we entertained each other a lot, we learned to enjoy, appreciate and love each other a little bit, and then we began to peel away the outer layers and discover our strengths and weaknesses and find that the love of each others’ strengths outweighed each others weaknesses, and so perhaps we would have the stamina then, perhaps, to take a look at character, know it was and is invaluable to spirit work, and understanding that we all have a little bit of good and a little bit of bad and there is no serious error.

So we have been long in coming to this lesson plan of the fruits of the spirit. The study of character, however, extends far beyond the designated fruits of the spirit, but without the fruits of the spirit you shall surely die – and so it seems to be a viable place for all of us to start. We do care about one another; we do care that we all live forever … and I am no exception; and so it is a good starting point.

But we can indeed discuss character for months, even years, and develop quite an expertise on the subject intellectually, philosophically, and even experientially. As I quoted in a recent lesson, “Oh, well, I wasn’t doing anything else anyway.” (Group laughter.)

Elizabeth: I always thought it was an impossible list to even contemplate. I know when I read it in all these descriptions of Jesus I just said, “Well, that’s really nice!” but I certainly never thought that I should have to try to be like that!

TOMAS: Why not?

Elizabeth: Because I didn’t think I could!

TOMAS: But, you see, He has such faith in you. He has sent me to help you.

Beatrix: As you get little glimpses of some of these . …

Elizabeth: That’s it. “Glimpses.”

Beatrix: . .. you become more like your real self!

TOMAS: Indeed.

Beatrix: And then you think, “Why would you resist or be afraid to become your real self?” But yet– It’s so ridiculous! When I hear myself at work, saying things at work with more authority . .. And then I think, “Well, I’ve always been that way,” but why would I hold that back? Not having trust or not being honest, or . .. And they’re all connected. I cannot “unconnect” them. Like when you do one, you enhance all of them.

TOMAS: They are indeed all connected to your evolving soul, the morontial part of you, the real and enduring and lasting aspect of you. Please understand, when I say “real” I am not negating this existence. I am not downgrading a human experience, including growing pains and sufferings and humiliations and so forth.

Elizabeth: I think we all know something about what is real.

TOMAS: That is good, and that we reinforce each other’s reality, that we begin to believe in the God Fragment within and associated with each other, gives credence to our very soul, our very existence. We are given authority then by our own understanding of the Spirit of Truth to speak for Him who sends us. We are becoming real. We are helping each other become real. We are important to each other.

Student: That is so beautiful. So wonderful.

TOMAS: That is the good news of the gospel.

Elizabeth: There was a story about “ The Velveteen Rabbit]” . ..

TOMAS: A wonderful story.

Elizabeth: It reminds me of that.

TOMAS: You do become real.

Theresa: Tomas, I’d like to say that you don’t realize when you slip back into old habits — I never did. And now I’m so aware when it comes to some of these things, like honesty, if something slips out that isn’t totally honest, I become so aware now and I talk and I say I’m embarrassed at myself and I feel guilt and I feel … well, now I’m one step ahead of where I used to be. I’m catching myself. Like before, it’s like . .. And I just think it’s been such an eye-opener, and it — I guess it’s going to take a long time, but I’m so grateful for everything that you’re telling us and doing for us.

TOMAS: Thank you, my daughter. Your spirit is invigorated and it gives me great pleasure to behold you thrive.


TOMAS: My delightful children, I am going to withdraw. We have had a sumptuous feast. I have been your guest this evening and I hope you have enjoyed this feast half as much as I have. It is a true pinnacle in my experience as a teacher to greet you thus this evening. I know we will prevail. Tonight I tell you I know we will succeed. I am confident. I will see you next week. Farewell.

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