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PFL4- Your Defense Responses

2000-03-03-Your Defense Responses
Post Falls #4


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Your Defense Responses
o 1.2 Group: Post Falls TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Nebadonia
o 2.2 TR: Jill
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Your Defense Responses
Group: Post Falls TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia
TR: Jill

NEADONIA: Nebadonia (TR/Jill): My children, this is your mother, Nebadonia.

NEADONIA:  One of the greatest challenges you face as human beings in your world is coming to understand how you have been taught to be on the defensive, to protect yourself. That is the underlying theme: judge those who hurt you, and get angry at them. You are taught to have an emotional button for almost every conceivable human offense that may come at you; always feeling victimized and responding with anger for the hurt that has been inflicted upon you. What your Father and I, your Eternal Parent—as Thought Adjuster/Thought Controller within you—and your teachers in the spirit realm are trying to do is to erase these incorrect responses that you have learned.

Think back to the main theme that has run through all of the different teachers’ transmissions to you. Think back to descriptions of how Jesus related to his brothers and sisters. The two words that represent the emotions you need to respond with in place of hurt and anger are: Love and Compassion. Think of the descriptions of Jesus in the “Life and Teachings of Jesus” in the Urantia Book.

What did Jesus demonstrate? Was it not always Love and Compassion for your fellow man? It has been put different ways in different books, such as “Turn the other cheek.” That does not mean to turn the other cheek but hold bitterness and hurt and pain inside. It means to listen to the pain within the brother or sister that would make them act hurtfully toward you. Give love and compassion in return for mean words, cruel words, hurtful behaviors. You do not want to hurt back. That is not the spiritual way. That was never the way of Jesus.

Practice in your own mind hearing someone’s words that hurt you in the past, and then making a conscious choice to respond to that in a way that you believe a person filled with love and compassion would respond. Remember the saying most of you heard growing up: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” And that is true, but it takes great spiritual training and growth to manifest it. If someone says to you, “I hate you. You’re selfish and thoughtless.” Imagine yourself being Jesus, and ask yourself, “What would Jesus say to this person? What would a loving and compassionate response be to someone who is filled with that much darkness?”

That is what I would like you to try and practice this week. Sit down with a piece of paper and jot down at least three different times when someone has said things that have hurt you. Write down what you remember them saying. Then write down what you remember saying back to that person. And then, change that response, and write the loving and compassion words that you know Jesus might have given to this brother or sister in distress. You each must find your own way to this compassionate and loving state of beingness. That is why I have not expressed ways you might rephrase your responses. You must do this personal search yourself.

NEADONIA:  Ask for guidance and it will be given. Your Thought Adjuster is eager to show you the way. I hope you will share your results of this exercise with each other. It could give you wonderful dialogue for growth. I love you all so very much, and I am so proud of you all for being the seekers of truth, wisdom, and beauty that you are. Find your center of love and compassion within and begin practicing that response. You can do it. Don’t be impatient or judgmental toward yourself in this exercise, just as the goal is to not be judgmental of others. I am with you always and will give you guidance whenever you ask. Good night, my beloved children.

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