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POC234- Over-Control of Urantia

2003-01-03-Over-Control of Urantia
Pocatello #234


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Overcontrol of Urantia
o 1.2 Group: Pocatello TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Daniel, Most High Observer
o 2.2 TR: Virginia, Bob S., Bill K.
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Overcontrol of Urantia
Group: Pocatello TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Most High Observer, Klarixiska
TR: Virginia, Bob S., Bill K.


Excerpt: “So even when things don’t go the way you hope; when leaders fail your fondest dreams; when you could easily say that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket (laughter); be assured, my friends, that there is over-control! How this works I cannot explain to you. It is something of a mystery. Only the Supreme Being, outside the Paradise Trinity, understands this fully. “

KLARIXISKA: Prayer by Klarixiska (Virginia): . (Tape missed opening.) does transform lives through the love that You indwell us with. We thank You, God, that causes each one to strive for greater things that will bring not only personal happiness, but happiness to this planet. We would ask that You open our hearts tonight, the seen and the unseen, that as we listen to those who have prepared the lesson, that we might be motivated once more to share our love to all that we come in contact with. We thank You for these faithful students. We thank You for the opportunity You have given them and us to communicate and become better children. Amen.

DANIEL: (Bob S): This is Daniel. I greet one and all at the close of your holiday celebration, thanking you for your faithfulness tonight to return to this time during which we get together and encourage one another.

The season that you have just passed through shows itself most clearly when you analyze your feelings the day after. If you think back to the day after Christmas and the day after New Years you can usually tell how well you understood and participated in the celebration appropriately. I am not the main speaker this evening, but I wanted to greet you all and get my licks in before we settle in for tonight’s lesson.

Ken: And your licks are very good, Daniel. Thank you.

DANIEL: (Bob S): Thank you, Kenneth. I always appreciate your comments and those of others who provide them verbally. There are moments when we can access your thinking and get the reaction of everyone at a thought-only level. But as I was saying, our main speaker is coming up, and I now turn the time over to him. One moment, please.


MOST HIGH Observer: (Bill): Greetings, most esteemed fellow cosmic citizens! The flags of all nations must eventually bow down in subservience and unity before the flag of Michael of Nebadon. The sovereignty of all nations must be surrendered to the sovereignty of humankind. I am a Most High Observer, a Vorondadek Son.

I have chosen to speak to you as your planet is once again of major concern to the Most Highs of Norlatiadek. My role as an observer is to make appraisal of the situation among the rulers and peoples of all the nations of Urantia, and report back on a periodic basis, over system circuits and constellation circuits, my impressions and my recommendations. Your planet is in the process of re-connection to the Constellation in the light of the fact that the rebellion has ended.

The government of Urantia has been under our jurisdiction since the Lucifer Rebellion isolated this world along with its sister worlds. However, now that things are returning to normal, Norlatiadek will not have to continue its over-control and over-supervision, for your system is now functioning more or less normally. But things have not returned to the pre-rebellion status completely, so the Most Highs are very greatly involved in the politics and the other great social factors which govern the behavior of Urantians.

I wish to bring you a hopeful mood. I wish to emphasize, that in the affairs of nations and in the destiny of planets, there is loving over-control. Individuals, as the Urantia book tells you, may go astray and fail to do their part in the Almighty Supreme, but planets will be brought along their evolutionary paths to perfection.

You human beings, having discovered the wonders of the universe that science attempts to explicate, have become fascinated with prediction and control. Yet even your best [1] does not achieve 100% accuracy; and certainly your attempts to forecast human behavior are fraught with difficulties, for free will makes any determinism unworkable. So as you perceive the information that comes to your senses, you must use your best interpretations from past experience to translate these stimuli into meaningful concepts, events, etc.

Before you can achieve such meaningful interpretations you have to have a set of presuppositions, a personal philosophy of life through which you filter this amorphous and malleable information. You cannot paint a greater picture than the limits of your canvas. You cannot shade the colors beyond the limits of the colors that come with your pallet. In other words, you must recognize that your fears regarding the future are based on limited and very fallible interpretations of the information that comes to you.

At times these limitations are augmented by the channel of their delivery. The bias of the allegedly neutral news media is also present. Your choice of conveyers of information, whether they be books, radio, television programs, or stillness, for example, all effect your conclusions.

At this time your planet continues to have adolescent reactions to its growth. It is growing rapidly and awkwardly. Many thoughts by many people are still in the childish realm. Adolescents after all are children in adult bodies. They are not smaller adults. They are really children growing in a somewhat non-synchronized fashion with mental and physical disharmony.

What your planet needs are adult ideas. It is time to put away childish behavior. The sovereignty of nations is not a fact. It is an illusion. What is sovereign is your common humanity, for you are all created as children of God. We see certain positive evolution occurring on this planet despite the fact that progress moves forward and backward in a perhaps somewhat incomprehensible fashion to most people. And yet you are not stagnant and stuck in the mud. Your planet is evolving.

There are areas of concern that the spiritual resources of this planet needed to be upgraded. This Time of Correction has included your movement, your Teaching Mission. You are, through your own choice, among the more enlightened and spiritually advanced members of Urantia, but there are others. There are many great Thought Adjusters abroad in the minds of men and women. There are children, too young to be noticed yet, who have very advanced Adjusters. There are plans for the next Age of the Magisterial Son well into solid configuration, whose details I cannot reveal at this time.

So my friends, the angels are not singing alone over the Babe of Bethlehem. The entire Universe of Nebadon is mobilized to bring you and your sister planets back into full fellowship and to, as quickly as possible, alleviate the poisons still found in the waters of life on this planet, so that all may drink safely and securely. Here I speak not only of the physical water on your planet, but of the spiritual streams of truth which were so seriously poisoned in the rebellion.

So even when things don’t go the way you hope; when leaders fail your fondest dreams; when you could easily say that the world is going to hell in a hand-basket (laughter); be assured, my friends, that there is over-control! How this works I cannot explain to you. It is something of a mystery. Only the Supreme Being, outside the Paradise Trinity, understands this fully.


And so my message to you is, be of good cheer! The Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men. Good evening.

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