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RAF9301- The Teaching Mission Purpose Of Teaching Mission

1993-01-01. The Teaching Mission Purpose Of Teaching Mission



Q:       What kind of cooperation is desired of us for the teaching mission to do the most good?

RAYSON:   Yes. In your teaching mission, our teaching mission, the first major task is to achieve fellowship among the teaching group members themselves. As some of you have discovered this is not as easy as it may appear from the outside. Once this goal has been achieved, the next step will be to go forth – each person respectively – into your society and bring forth the same fellowship you have learned in your teaching group, following the example of Michael as much as you possibly can. Between these two chores, you will find yourself kept most busy. And this teaching mission, in its second phase  particularly, will most certainly go beyond many of your lifetimes.

S:       You know the problems I have with my health. Could you have the Life Carriers assess me now and see how I am doing? I am trying to follow the instructions you gave me on holistic medicine, herbs, trace minerals, and so on, and I feel much better.

RAYSON:   A moment please, (S). (Pause) I am sorry to inform you that I am no longer permitted to assess health issues. This decision was high level, for a myriad of reasons. It is not personal to you. (01/21/93)


Q:       Rayson, a friend of mine is just beginning to read The Urantia Book. I went to see a movie about extraterrestrial abduction of humans the other day, and she is asking me questions. To the best of my ability I tried to explain that this was not possible. But she had done some little research on the subject and maintains that there’s a great deal of it going on. Is that so? Is there in fact any kind of visitation happening other than the teaching mission and the celestial students?

RAYSON:    We are not allowed to comment in this area. However I would not be surprised.

Q:       Are these renegades?

RAYSON:    There are many complicated issues involved, and I am not allowed to give further information. (03/28/93)


Q:       [To Teacher BERTRAND] A thought has been growing in my mind since I first became aware  of this teaching mission that the teaching groups serve a number of purposes, including protected  practice areas where each of us can develop whatever skills are relevant to our personal missions. For example, healing skills, transmitting/receiving skills, and will also help us to accelerate our own spiritual growth. My sense is that, as the teaching mission progresses, people who have reached a certain stage    of ripeness or maturation with respect to their participation in a teaching group will kind of          graduate to start to serve their mission in the world at large, whatever that may be.

BERTRAND:     [BERTRAND] that is true. The teaching mission is designed to prepare students for their missions. Once they have reached a certain level of preparedness they will be coaxed out of the nest and with loving care and guidance of their Thought Adjuster and their personal teacher strike forth into the world bearing the banner of Michael in whatever way has been determined. This is, indeed, a practice ground for your future assignment. In our class we have been studying many different levels of service, of recognizing truth seekers, of spreading the love of God. The same has occurred here. And eventually you will go forth secure in the knowledge that you have the skills necessary to undertake the assignment you have been given.

On the teaching worlds, the Melchizedek teaching worlds, you are given assignments and you are given full knowledge and full help to complete that assignment. The same occurs here. This is a Melchizedek teaching mission. You are given an assignment and you will be given all the tools necessary to complete that assignment. You are beginning the morontia lessons now.

Q:       Additionally, as we progress with this, I have an increasingly strong sense that each of us has received clear statement of our mission at the time of the endowment of our Thought Adjuster, and that statement is finally seen by us when we reach a stage of ripeness or spiritual maturity such as we achieve in this teaching mission.

BERTRAND:    At the time the Thought Adjuster chooses you, he is given – as you have read – a projection of your life mission. Once you become aware of the presence of God within you, it then becomes your task through the practice of the stillness – to discover what that mission is. You are correct.

BERTRAND:    If there are no other comments or questions, then I do have one final statement regarding the nature of the channeling that is and has occurred, is occurring. These lessons are not intended to be a reiteration of Urantia Book statements, nor are they intended to be a grilling opportunity for the one who has offered to channel. This is not an oral examination of the entity, nor of the human. Rather, the  lessons are an expression of the understanding of spiritual principles by the entity as transmitted through the human channel with the understanding that the human channel attaches to these principles. It is impossible to avoid a flavoring that is added by the intellect and beliefs of the channel or transmitter/receiver. But it is not in the interests of the teaching mission to split hairs over such biases unless the group finds them so pervasive that they interfere with the material of the lesson, in which case a different channel should be sought. If this is your sense with respect to the present channel, then please take the appropriate action.

S:        Rayson, every time I come here I leave with two things. I’m coming from a point of not being able to fit in here because as you know my background with the Urantia Book is very rudimentary at this point. However, there are two things that stand out for me. I always get something validated, either a belief system or a slight idea that’s beginning to grow, and it always happens that you confirm that. And that’s a great feeling. And the second thing that I always get is like a new jumping off point in terms of concept. It’s like a giant – you talk about the stairs – but for me they’re like big blocks, and every time I come here, I come away with a feeling of having jumped higher to a bigger block. And I take that away and am able to use it, and my sense of it is that if that’s what I go away with then the mission has been accomplished for that one meeting. Is that accurate?

RAYSON:  If those are your feelings, then yes, it is accurate.

S:        Rayson, I want to thank you again and again, and I really enjoy the relationship you have with (T/R). It’s wonderful, and I think everyone in the room should comment on this statement.

S2:      Definitely, I would like to right away. I agree that splitting hairs can certainly get in the way of  the objective of the mission. But I would also say that for me personally today the conversation ended up making me understand the lesson even better. But I am certainly concerned that it might undermine the confidence of the T/R or channel. I hope that it has not, because I believe the spirit of the questioning is always in the interest of understanding the ideas that you are trying to communicate to us. For me, at  least on this occasion, it really did have the benefit of helping me to really understand the lesson even better.

S3:      Yes, I’d like to echo that, and I understand, being a TR myself that sometimes something that someone says could hurt the feelings of the T/R who – even though as hard as he or she might try to stay out of the way – can’t help hear – some of the words. My intent is not to split hairs but I have that kind of a mind that when something is not clear, I like to have it clarified or I like to clarify it myself. And any ensuing discussion which is brought about because of that, I feel, is good. It has been my understanding that the teachers welcome sincere discussion because that is what causes good relationships among peoples and beings. That was my intent, and I hope that you are not discouraging any of this in the future.

I’d like (T/R) to become aware that I hold her with utmost respect and admiration for doing this, and that I really hope that she is not hurt in any way from any comments that I might make.

S4:      I think it’s very important – I am particularly bad at this and continue to try to learn to do this better – it’s very, very important to learn to phrase a question or a comment so that it is completely non- confrontational. And maybe you have to think about it for a long time before you come up with just the right wording, but it’s all important in my mind.

S5:      Rayson, I never thought of changing TR’s. I feel so comfortable with (T/R) and you and the relationship you have. I really enjoyed the discussion, though I guess at the time it seemed a little confrontational. The results seem to have been beneficial, and I hope that both you and (T/R) are alright with that.

RAYSON:   In answer to all of your comments, I offer this. It is not only the biases of the channel that may make a particular lesson or concept seem at variance with what you read in Urantia book, it is also the bias of the teacher. Not every teacher, including myself, sees particular items exactly as they are presented in your book, and you have all experienced this through this channel and other channels, if   you recall. It is not my job as a teacher to this group to reiterate the book. That was already done quite well by many others, most of whom are at a much higher rank than I hold in the grand scheme. Rather, it is my job to try to present concepts at the human level through a human’s brain and a human’s mouth and respond to discussion. And that does seem to be happening adequately with the channels that exist, and the ones who are being prepared.

This is not meant to be a legalistic exercise in theology, and it is important that you all understand that. There are other avenues that can be pursued if you wish to have legalistic discussions in theology. They are not in place yet, but will be offered in future. I am certainly not a perfect authority on the matters of the universe. I only offer my own vantage point.

S:        Rayson, you are well-suited for this group and we do love you.

S2:      Yes, indeed and we do appreciate and get inspiration and motivation from your lessons. They are wonderful, and I’m glad it’s not a reiteration of the Urantia book. We have eyes to read with.

S3:      I just marvel at how adept you are, Rayson, at coordinating different parts of the Urantia book which are not connected in the book itself. For example, the concept of worship is completely different from the art of living which is given in the Rodan papers, and I was marveling, during the course of the morning, how well you were doing with the different concepts in the Urantia book and in the Rodan papers. I congratulate you.

RAYSON:   You must remember, my friends, that I too was a mortal being once, and not only do I have my own biases as a mortal being, but I have my biases from my existence beyond that life and I am not of the level of those who transmitted the papers.

S:        We understand that. We sure do appreciate it.

RAYSON:     Some of the mistakes are mine rather than the channel.

S:        And let us not forget that without this group Rayson would not have a chance to learn and grow as well, which I think is part of this process, yes?

RAYSON:  True.

S:        Rayson, I really thank you too for the fact that you continue to use the Urantia book teachings with which we are familiar as a groundwork for your lessons. Without that framework, which a lot of people don’t have handy, you bring it in a very personal way, very understandable, coordinating the thoughts and concepts of the book usually in different ways that make it more and more applicable to our daily lives and to the mission. And for that I really really appreciate what you’re doing every day.

RAYSON:  Thank you. This group will in the not too distant future receive a channel who has almost no knowledge of the Urantia book and so this issue of adhering perfectly to the book with respect to details will be even more confounded than it presently is with this channel. If that is not acceptable to some of you, you may wish to excuse yourselves when said channel starts to transmit because it may be very annoying to receive teachings that do not directly link to the Urantia book as you have become accustomed to. This is something for you to ponder on and discuss among yourselves.

The advantage of such a channel is that there will be a completely different vantage point with respect to a number of issues that will be presented. The disadvantages I have already stated. But remember, my friends, that your mission is ultimately not to remain an exclusive group, but rather to take these teachings out to the great mass of people and spread them in the only way that they can be spread that will really persist through your behavior, through your actions. I must now leave. I bid you farewell. (08/28/93)


RAYSON:     The director’s of this teaching mission are most pleased. The benefits of the lessons go far  beyond the individual participants – far, far beyond. You are all growing very much spiritually and are working hard. You are to be commended for your efforts as well as for your courage in going out among your fellows and serving. Thank you. Farewell. (02/14/93)


Q:       Is it correct to say that, since the adjudication of the rebellion has been completed, there are no mischievous beings who would deliberately mislead our transmitter/receivers?

RAYSON:  That is correct. Yes. (04/25/93)


RAYSON:   If I spent years on the fundamentals, you could be seriously retarded in your own growth.

S:        That makes sense.

RAYSON:   Even in the lessons, as you have probably noticed, there has been a definite increase in complexity over the months.

S:        Yes. I’ve noticed that.

RAYSON:     Like the proverbial carrot before the nose of the donkey, we try to keep you moving forward at a steady pace.

S:        Do you feel that you are succeeding?

RAYSON:   What do you think?

S:        I hope so. It feels like it.

RAYSON:   Yes, we have all of the indicators to show that the mission is doing well. (12/18/93)


S:        (A reader/believer) telephoned me some weeks ago asking how to get a teacher. He has a group meeting at … and they want a teacher. I told him they should get their group together and read the sermon on “counting the cost,” and if, after reading it, they still wanted a teacher to let me know, and I would pass their request through Rayson to Prince Melchizedek. They have done so, and I want to do that now. I would like to pass on their request for a teacher.

RAYSON:    I will do so.

Q:       He said that (a member of his group) had a feeling that some entity was trying to contact her. She thought she might be losing her mind. Is this individual a recipient of a teacher who is trying to get through, or is this her own imagination?

RAYSON:      One moment. It is both (chuckling). She will unbalance for a while, but the contact is real. You must understand that many individuals are contacted and then found not sufficient. So there will often be experiences which are indeed real, but do not bear fruit for many reasons. But she should try to stay centered and balanced, and not try to fixate on her sanity, and let it happen – which is, I understand – almost impossible for the human mind to achieve. But a clear pond reflects images back truthfully. A pond with a rock thrown into it ripples and distorts. She should keep the image of a clear pond when contact is attempted and try not to throw a rock in the water.

Q:       He said the word “Ramon” was felt over and over again by one of the people in his group. Could this possibly be Rayson?

RAYSON:     I have not contacted that group.

Q:       He asks: “Does the name Hash-hem refer to a teacher?”

RAYSON:    That is correct. (Is it?) Yes. (01/21/93)


Q:       (S) of (Mission Group), who we were talking about the other day when you communicated a request for a teacher for his study group, called to thank you for passing his request on to Melchizedek. He said that shortly thereafter at least two people in his group began to feel that they were being contacted. He said that (S) thought she was being contacted, (S2) thought that she was being contacted, by teachers. (S) thinks that the teacher might be named “Racine.” Do you have any comments?

RAYSON:    One moment. Yes, they are in contact and need to work with the teachers. It would be useful for them to gather information from other groups – including tapes and transcripts – toward this end. We realize now that this teaching mission will meet certain road blocks we had not quite expected, such as the occasional rejection of a teacher by mortal beings – either by the transmitter himself or herself, or by others. We had hoped that this would not be, however, we shall wait and see how this new situation develops.

Q:       He asks whether or not Hilson, or Loriyana, or both, are personal teachers?

RAYSON:    They are both teachers, but both may not remain. That depends on the humans involved…

Q:       You have heard our discussions of the transmissions of (S) as a T/R and his present teacher, Aneena. Do you have any comments that you would like to make concerning this matter?

RAYSON:    Yes. Michael’s sojourn on Urantia was intended, among other things, to serve as a model of behavior. He was the one and only human born of woman who ever so graciously expressed His spiritual virtues despite the strong draw of the animal. We all do well to remind ourselves, myself included, of how Michael would approach a given situation, striving always to express His actions with love, goodness, truth and beauty at the forefront.

Throughout your ascension career, of course there will be conflicts among personalities. This is unavoidable. However, there are so many ways of acting given a particular situation or conflict, which way shall you choose? The animal way? Or the spiritual. That is my advice.

As far as the question of the new teacher, the teacher came by invitation and is a genuine teacher. (S) has worked hard. More than that I cannot say at this time. (01/31/93)


Q:     We thank you for being our teacher. When we were in Woods Cross we were told that Ham was sort of an organizer of the teachers, or a leader of the teaching group. Is that still what he is doing? Or is there a new person doing that position?

RAYSON:   One moment. Ham is still very much a participant in the mission. Those of us who have direct contact with Urantia mortals through the transmitter/receivers are only a fraction of the total participants and some teachers will appear and then contact will be lost for varying periods of time due to a number of circumstances, including emergency missions elsewhere, calls to universe headquarters and other matters which we are not permitted to discuss. The mission is in certain respects taking form even as it occurs. That is part of the reason that there has been a degree of variability.

However, Ham will reappear, possibly in this very group, if there is a receptive transmitter/receiver. The match between teacher and mortal is not always easy. Not only must the mortal be highly desirous of serving but there must also be a capability on the part of the mortal to receive physical energy forms without incurring bodily damage or emotional damage. Therefore it is difficult to predict where a given teacher, for example Ham, may next appear. That is the best answer I can give you at present.

Q:       It sounded from what you were saying as though this mission were on other planets as well. Would it be likely that it’s on all of the planets not in Light and Life?

RAYSON:      Moment. I am not permitted to reveal the facts but basically you are correct. Are there other comments?

Q:       How do the teachers get to this planet? Do they come by Seraphic transport?

RAYSON:    Sometimes. Other times the transmission is done from beyond Urantia.

Q:       In other words, you can be somewhere else and actually communicate through a T/R on Urantia, is that correct?

RAYSON:    Yes. Generally we try to be in close proximity and there are generally observers present as well.

Q:       I understand you were on Urantia and standing very close to Mary for a long time. Are you still close to Mary?

RAYSON:     Yes, at her behest. But then I am close to all of you. Can you not feel it?

Q:  Yes.

Q:       Was that you who visited me last week, or somebody else?

RYSON:    I was with you . ….

Q:       I hear, Rayson, that you have been visiting other groups in the area. They are all sending back very good reports of the work that you are doing there. I want to say thank you. I feel that you must be a leader of teachers if you are able to do that. Of course it might be that we’re not keeping you too busy here, but I just wanted you to know that you are loved and appreciated by other groups than this one.

RAYSON:    Thank you, (S). It is an honor, as always, to be here. I would not characterize myself as a leader of teachers, but rather as a willing and grateful participant in an exciting and challenging mission for our Father.

S:        You seem to have talents that are useful and need to be applied in other areas. (Thank you.) (02/21/93)


Q:       We spoke last week of my ability and willingness to be a T/R and I would like to reiterate that. And if the process could be stepped up it might be useful so that the position of T/R could be shared so (T/R) could sit on the side as well. I just wanted to let you know that I am willing. I know you talked about fear, but fear is only until one does it. If you let the other side know I am ready, and if you think useful. Should I meet with you alone? If (T/R) is willing? Will I get what I need here?

RAYSON:     Yes, my daughter. There are a number of ways that you can approach this. Most have found it useful to embark upon a series of practice sessions with a trusted friend, during which time in the safety of one’s home or elsewhere you can achieve the stillness and practice contact with the teacher. That may well be the best course to follow for it has yielded much success in other situations.

Q:       Rayson, would you be willing to practice with (T/R trainee) sometimes?

RAYSON:   Yes, of course, at her request. Certainly.

T/R trainee: I request it now. I feel you I think. I’m going through kind of a lonely time, but I feel you, and thank you for being there.

RAYSON:  You are welcome. Each of the teachers is given special dispensation to spend extra time with the students of the teaching group, so your perception is most likely correct.

T/R trainee: Today, I was walking my dog and all of a sudden out of the creek bed rose this wonderful, wonderful heron. And in that moment I felt specially blessed by the Father’s gift. At those kinds of moments I feel very – just aware of everything He has created and consider that a special blessing.

RAYSON:     Yes, that is the right way. You are doing very well. (05/22/93)


Q:       (T/R trainee) [Long commentary on her progress as a potential T/R. It ends by:] Is there anything else that I can do to facilitate? I’ve spoken with (another T/R) and gotten some background – but I know they are there and I am here. How do we come together?

RAYSON:    Often our very desire to serve is the obstacle to the completion. Use relaxation techniques to  quiet your desire, which is sincere but is getting in the way of receptivity, for it keeps you in the realm of the human ego and want, and it therefore becomes harder to make a connection. Relaxation techniques  do not have to, necessarily, be metaphysical. It could be something as simple as a warm bath or a television show which relaxes you. Try to make your mind as a, clear pond so you will see the reflection more clearly. It will take time. And perhaps it will not always be totally connected, and it is just a matter of practicing . ….

S:        When there is a new person who is desirous of receiving a teacher, I’m wondering if that is something that Melchizedek or Ham do? They choose the teacher? Or can a person say “well I want (??) this teacher ..

(End of side A of tape. Side B continues:]

RAYSON:    Brother Ham is the person, being, who assigns teachers to humans. However, much scouting has occurred with permission from Ham and Melchizedek for teachers to make connections or try out humans to expedite the teaching mission. They are more compatible, mindaly, between individuals, teachers and humans, so the teaching staff has been allowed to have a trial with certain humans. But the assignment officially comes from brother Ham, although requests, of course, by humans are acknowledged and given priority. (05/29/93)


RAYSON:  The substance of these lessons has been designed such that the important elements shall be repeated many times so that those who may be absent from a given session will not miss the teaching.  But thank you for your consideration. And as far as the teachers, if anything there will be more teachers as the mission continues its progress and growth. As the first group of students goes forth as individuals and others are touched there will be greater numbers of persons requesting teachers. We are ready for the call. (06/19/93)

S:  My question pertains to a letter we got this week from a group, and I think it’s in Delaware, that they ask us to write and give them encouragement because they have private teachers but apparently they do not have yet a T/R. I was wondering whether there was, other than encouraging them and giving them some of the experiences of our group, whether there was any message for them.

RAYSON:      The message is to be willing to allow one of their members to serve as the human conduit without resentment or jealousy, for it is most difficult for a transmitter receiver to emerge when there is the natural mortal vying for position of leader. It is important to understand that your transmitter receiver is in no way the leader of your group but is merely one who has offered to participate as a conduit, not  the surgeon or even the assistant, but merely the one who hands the instrument. This may be helpful to the group of which you speak.

S: Thank you.

RAYSON: And remember, my friends, that while Melchizedek oversees this teaching mission, and indeed the whole correcting time, he is a busy, busy administrator, and like all administrators delegates very, very much to those beneath him, so to speak, including yourselves. There is as much work for you to do, each of you as an individual, as you are willing to do. (01/22/94)


Q:       Teacher Bertrand, I have intermittently served as a transmitter/receiver for Rayson for some period now. Since near the time I began to serve in that function I’ve had a sense that I would get a separate teacher with a name something like Quin-ton. Now I sense that the time is very close, indeed, and that I may serve as T/R for both Rayson and Quin-ton. Do you have any comment?

RAYSON:    [by Bertrand] You are correct in your understanding of your personal teacher. Personal teachers are generally specifically assigned to an individual and are not subject to group transmitted missions. Those are usually a part of the assigned teachers to teaching classes, such as Rayson and myself. Your personal teacher is assigned as a helper for you when your assignment has been given. They are your assistant, and generally will not require verbalization to others.

It may occur from time to time that a personal teacher may indeed have something to say, but in most cases will be private. (05/12/93)


Q:        Rayson, yesterday I received a list of over 200 ascendant mortals and other personalities that had made contact with human beings on this teaching mission. Could you comment on the accuracy of that, and whether or not that is only a small portion of the number of personalities involved.

RAYSON:   That is only a very small portion! There have been many more contacts. However, many of these the human does not recognize as such, or discounts as imagination.

Q:       What do you mean to say, that a person can be contacted without knowing it as such?

RAYSON:      Yes. A person’s mind cannot be used for transmission without free will consent by the humans, but there are many contacts between celestial beings and humans that occur daily. In many cases the humans disbelieve it.

Q:       [Question too soft to be understood on tape.]

RAYSON:   We do not teach the transmitter/receivers individually per se, although they do have access to more range of meaning than they are capable of expressing in words.

Q:       Rayson, I’ve recently been thinking that, like you said, there have been many contacts between celestial beings and humans for a long time, happening daily – maybe even hourly. Since the advent of the Melchizedek teaching mission, people have used it as a context in which to base their thoughts of what the origin of these contacts may be. Maybe this shouldn’t necessarily be the case. Maybe we should just open our minds to the possibility that its not a Melchizedek teaching mission teacher, but maybe an angel or Melchizedek, himself, or some other being, on a separate mission. It is not necessarily good to lock ourselves into that one mode.

RAYSON:   Yes, of course, (S), for you are the recipient of all spiritual gifts on Urantia, and I have informed our group that there is at least one additional mission which is happening on Urantia concurrent with this one. And also that you have your helpers – Angels, Midwayers, Spirit of Truth, and Adjuster, and many other celestial guides – which constantly try to make an impression upon the human mind. So to narrow your interpretation to just this teaching mission would be to make invisible many other valid spiritual contexts which occur all the time. (05/29/93


Q:       Rayson, I have a personal question. Some of the evenings when I’m alone and trying to make contact or trying to reach the stillness the feeling in the top of my head is like steel brushes going around. Last night it came in from the top and was far more intense than I have ever felt before but no voices, and I can’t make any sense out of it. Are the celestial beings trying to adjust my mind to receive messages or are they trying to adjust me for healing purposes or just what’s going on?

RAYSON:  The celestial beings have always been there. It is your will that is adjusting. If you would like to transmit, you may certainly do so at any time. Perhaps you would find it easier to transmit in written form by using a writing tool or a keyboard. Some find that transmission occurs most easily by drawing pictographs. This is indeed an effective way of conveying a message, when one has the necessary talent. Also, transmission can be done by transducing the signal into simple or complex behavioral terms. That it, receiving signal and then modifying one’s behavior with subsequent human contacts. Does this answer? (S: Yes.) (09/25/93)


RAYSON:  Before we start our lesson today, I’m going to give you a bit of instruction on transmission for those who wish to participate as transmitters. I know that many of you here have wished to do this, and have earnestly striven toward this end. That is good.

It may be that for some of you at least, the final block is a matter of relinquishing complete and total control of your conscious mind to outside influence. This is not an easy matter for Urantia mortals. It engenders fear, and with good reason. Therefore it is of utmost importance, if you truly wish to do this thing that you call upon your faith and your trust in Father and His servants.

Consider that your function as a transmitter is along the line of service. You will not be harmed in any way, nor will you be exalted, but you will help the cause of this mission on Urantia by your   participation. You will not be weakened, certainly. If anything, by allowing higher mind to mingle with your own, you will be the stronger in your dealings with your fellow Urantia mortals. Now we will move on to our formal lesson for today. (See Lesson on GOODNESS)

S:        Thank you so much for the sense I’ve had quite a bit recently, of your presence and the comfort that gives me even though I’m not talking to you.

RAYSON:    You are most welcome, my dear. Have you sensed the upstepping of the energy that we discussed a few weeks ago?

S:        Well, I haven’t been as faithful in my working on this as I had hoped to be. I’ve been doing some earthly things, but I do feel more in tune and more comforted.

RAYSON:  Good, very good.

Q:       Rayson, you were expressing some regrets at your inability to communicate when the tape ended, and although I certainly don’t agree with you, I think you ought to pick up there.

RAYSON:    Well, as you know, I am an ascendant being as you are, and my understanding of spiritual matters and mota is far from complete so I am learning as we go, as you are. I welcome your comments and questions. They always help me to progress along these lines.

Q: Concerning the preliminary matter that you discussed, the matter of those who desire to become transmitter receivers, is there any correlation between the physical ability of the brain and the ability of the teacher to reach the mind?

RAYSON:    Well, in a sense, yes, but where there is a decreased physical ability on the part of the brain that can be overridden by faith and earnest desire to participate, if those two are present in sufficient amount.

S: Thank you.

Q:       Are there any, are there certain individuals in the room that would be able to do this?

RAYSON:   You are all capable. The easiest route for each may vary, however. Some may find it easier to transmit directly from body to body and may channel spirit energy through direct personal healing.

Others will find that verbalization is easiest. Others will find that artistic expression in song or in  graphic display is best. Still others will find that the written word is most easily available for this means. Think of all the modes of expression that are available to mankind. Any one of them can be used as a medium of expression of spirit-channeled message. It does boggle the mind, does it not?

S:        Wonderful answer, Rayson. Thank you. It really was expanding. I speak for myself, but I had more or less thought of transmitting as being more in a verbal one-on-one with you and another person. And thank you for that answer.

S2:      Rayson, I request that you communicate – I know we can do it directly – but communicate to the Planetary Prince our appreciation and thanks for His allowing you to come here and talk with us on various occasions. We are extremely blessed by this particular phenomenon, and we would like for Him to know that we all appreciate it and we love you.

RAYSON:     You are much loved in return, and the message is sent. You see, my friends, goodness is part of worship. Are there other comments? If not, then I shall bid you farewell. (10/09/93)


S:        Pursuant to your advice to see a neurologist I saw one yesterday. I went over and had an MRI, a brain scan. I took the negatives to Dr. A_ head of the neurosurgery department, and he examined them closely. I also took them later on to the duty neurologist in the neurology department, and he examined them closely. They could find no evidence of any aberrations, tumors or anything like that except the scar from the original tumor that was removed. They were very pleased with what they saw.

RAYSON:    That is wonderful news. So now you probably are curious about possible spirit involvement causing the phenomena that you have described.

S: Yes.

RAYSON:   Yes, that is quite possible. Remember that communication with higher mind can occur in any conceivable fashion, verbal, visual, auditory, and so on. Have you discerned any particular patterns?

S:        Well, it comes and goes, but the thing I talked to you about occurred during my meditations at night. During the daylight I – and this is what I saw the neurologist about – I was conscious of changes in intensity of light. It was as if you were sitting in a dark room with the TV facing the other direction, and the light intensity would go up and down, up and down, up and down. I was at various parts of the house when this phenomenon occurred on several occasions. Earlier this week during my morning shower it happened repeatedly. I was able to consciously study what it was. It was a change in light intensity from bright lights at daylight to the red shift of light bulbs. When it was appearing and disappearing, it was as if it were a light flashing on and off. That was what I talked to the doctors about.

RAYSON:    Do you have the sense of message?

S:        No, that’s what I’m worried about. I don’t get it.

RAYSON:    Nothing comes into your mind. There are no dreams. You do not feel impelled to write anything down or transpose with your keyboard?

S:        Well, I feel impelled to record the message that said “I’m fine.”

RAYSON:        Did your physician offer any electrical readings of your brain?

S:           No, he did not.

RAYSON:     You may wish to have this checked to be absolutely sure this is not a seizure phenomenon.

S:        OK. Thank you.

R:       Such a phenomenon can indeed occur in the absence of discernible brain pathology. It may be that your capacity to perceive spirit presence is being developed for reasons that are not clear to you or to me. Do you sense this?

S:        I thought it might be the case, yes. Although I don’t know to what purpose I would, see spirit personalities. I don’t need to see them in order to know that they’re real.

RAYSON:   You have done any formal transmission?

S:  No, no.     Have you attempted to write?

S:        In the sense that I sit down with my computer and try to get inspiration about something, I’ve tried and it usually ends up in a letter to someone.

RAYSON:   Are the letters spirit lead?

S:        Well, I think they are, yes.

RAYSON:     Are they to particular individuals?

S:   Yes.

Would you like to attempt this sort of transmission now? Perhaps the time has come. I will work with you, if you wish.

S:        I’m not sure it would worth your time. I do feel that – just as I have felt for the last two or three years – there’s celestial guidance in my letters because I’m so un-(Student) in them. I used to feel proud of being able to write letters that would make people angry. And now I write letters that are peaceful, kind. I really appreciate the offer, but I don’t think your presence is necessary for me to continue along these veins. I’m sorry.

RAYSON:    As you wish. It could be very interesting for you someday to try this.

S:        Yes, someday it could be very interesting, yes. I think I’m planning this afternoon to write a letter to an individual who sent me a very long letter pertaining to Gabriel of Sedona and his belief in the validity that he is the only representative of Melchizedek and Jesus on this planet. I have been thinking about the form in which this should be put, and I want it to be put in loving form, but I think I know what I want to say and it probably is because of spirit guidance.

RAYSON:    There is probably a mortal who once was a man of high political rank as yourself who has taken you on as a student and is helping you in this form.

S:        Well, I certainly do appreciate it, and I need all the help I can get.

RAYSON:   I advise you since you ask regarding your light visions to attempt two things. One is if you have any drawing materials with color to attempt to draw them on paper or with paint. This will be difficult at first, but if you practice you should be able to achieve a close rendering of what you perceive. The second thing you may wish to try is when another such sighting occurs to sit with paper or keyboard and start writing whatever comes into your mind. You may put it in the form of a letter or simply write freely and see what happens. You may be very pleasantly surprised because there is a strong likelihood that          you are being contacted by your own personal teacher.

S:        Well, he or she certainly got my attention. I certainly want one.

RAYSON:     Yes. So, you may try those two things. You are certainly very capable of transmission, although I sense you are reluctant.

S:        I don’t think I’m reluctant, but I don’t know. I’ve always had a hard time letting someone else have control over my mind. Subconsciously that may be it.

RAYSON:      Is there not as much control in dancing with another as there is in conducting yourself alone?

S:        Did you say dancing?

RAYSON:      Yes.

S2:      You’d probably lead, (S).

S:        Yes, that has always been the case.

RAYSON:   You are very capable at dialogue, and the transmission is far more of a dialogue than it is a mind takeover. Certainly your own mind is always free to interject, comment, or even withdraw at all times during the transmission.

S:        So it’s just your voice box that you’re surrendering, so to speak.


S:  Would that be accurate?


S:  Almost like a translator. If we had someone in the room from Peru and someone who knew how to translate for that person, that translator would be in the position of temporarily not voicing their own thoughts and opinions but voicing the opinions and thoughts of that Peruvian person.

RAYSON:    Yes, very much like that.

S:        Well, I certainly hope that I get a spiritual teacher.

RAYSON:      Do not fear that you will not transmit the message perfectly. We do not seek perfect message transmission. It is the human translation of idea that is so critical to our particular mission, and actually by inserting your own imperfect style you help this mission be conveyed to yet more Urantia mortals. Do you understand that.

S:        I think I understand that, yes.

RAYSON:     There are many, many mortals on this planet who understand the form that your mind gives ideas and accept that form far more readily than they would accept the same message through another being.

S:        I understand that.

RAYSON:    You have lived life. You have experienced history, and your behavior is marked by constraint and judgment. And these things come through in ways that are subtle but definite in your own expression. This will be appreciated by those who read your particular transmissions, and there are very few who have your particular background who are actually transmitting now.

S:        Thank you.

RAYSON:    You are welcome.

S:        I did want to tell you that your, the book of your teachings entitled Rayson and Friends prior to 1993, in other words for ’91 and ’92, the original last night was off the press, and it’s now ready to be duplicated. And I will soon have copies of it for distribution.

RAYSON:      Thank you. That will do much good.

S:        I’m excited about it.

S2:      I think it will, too.

S:        Thank you for the lessons. They’re just wonderful.

RAYSON:  Yes, they have gone well. I appreciate your gratitude, and I remind you, my friends, that while considering becoming a transmitter may seem a little overwhelming to you, remember that it gives you a unique opportunity for spiritual creativity that very few Urantia mortals have ever experienced. Is that  not marvelous?

S:        That’s why I’m so amazed at this whole thing.

S:        Very intriguing.

S:        Yes, I’ve lived an extremely exciting time and age, been given extremely exciting opportunities.

RAYSON:   Anyone can be a court reporter, but who can be the attorney in charge?

S:        Thank you for being with us today. I’ve run out of questions.

RAYSON:     Well, let me remind you that once you become a transmitter, which you will surely do, your present belief about control will alter in the following fashion. You will believe that the one who lacks control is the listener in the group rather than the transmitter.

S:        Thank you for that insight.

RAYSON:  And I will remind you when that occurs. Never fear.

S: Thank you.

RAYSON: I bid you farewell. (10/23/93)


S:        Rayson, for a while during the past week I had a sensation of, I think the presence of celestial beings which gave me great joy. I thought it might be you. Could you confirm whether I sensed properly the presence of celestial beings, and if so whether they were you?

RAYSON:    Yes, I have been with you very much these last many weeks, and I am, in fact, prepared to transmit through you when you are ready to channel.

S:        Thank you. I have been looking forward to that.

RAYSON:  Perhaps you would care to start practicing.

S: Thank you.

RAYSON: But are you comfortable having your entire being penetrated by another personality?

S:        I think I’m getting comfortable. I have been pretty independent all of my life.

RAYSON:     Have you not been subjected to x-rays?

S: Oh, yes.

RAYSON: Perhaps if you think of it in that vein, yet without any damage accruing to yourselves, it would be helpful – rather than resorting to sexual connotations. Yes or lying in the sun and receiving its radiance.

S:        I think that’s the way I felt.

RAYSON:    Yes, we have been practicing with the permission of your Thought Adjuster, for you have indicated your readiness.

S:        Thank you. I will practice with (S2) then.

RAYSON:     Yes. We have also been working with (S2), and she has also expressed her willingness.

S:        Would it be helpful if we practiced together and if whoever was trying to transmit were asked questions by the other one?

RAYSON:     Yes, certainly.

RAYSON:      Yes, and you are very much loved, my dear friends. Do you understand better now the nature of material life and that which is beyond it?

S:        Yes, I understand why we’re having to undergo imperfections. It’s a mixed blessing, the imperfections.

RAYSON:      That which even a Lanonendek Son cannot access has been freely and lovingly given to you for all eternity.

S:        That makes us special. Even though we’re behind. And we know a million years from now we’re still not going to know it all.

S2:      But who cares?

S:        We’ll be still in school, so to speak.

S2:      We still have plenty of time.

RAYSON:    Would you rather be a seraphim, frozen in your potentials?

S:        Goodness no, this is exciting.

S:        I’d rather be a son of God.

RAYSON:       With no beginning and no end.

S:        Yes, because I get my “no beginning” from my Thought Adjuster when I fuse with him, her, or it. (12/04/93)

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