1993-01-01. The Teaching Mission Teachers – Guests, Spirit Names, Circuits
S: This is the beginning of the two thousandth year since the birth of Christ, culminating with the celebration of his birthday on August 21, 1994.
I’m excited about this. I personally have dedicated myself to think about this all year long and to act upon it in accordance with my own limited capacity. I feel that all of the study groups should emphasize that this is the beginning of a new millennium and that the teachings of the Urantia Book probably are more relevant now than they were at the time Jesus spoke them. Do you have any comments on this?
R: Yes. You are right in understanding that a new time has come in the history of this planet and the more perceptive on this planet – even those who are not yet consciously aware of the Urantia Book – are commenting to themselves and others that there has come the time for new spiritual leadership on this planet. There is a great hunger, a great thirsting, among the masses on Urantia, and you, my friends, are being trained so that you may help to fill those cups. It is no accident that this mission was timed as it was, and it is our earnest desire that soon we shall be very close to starting the first steps toward light and life on this planet.
Q: Yes. I see that the higher an individual gets, the less concept of time he has. For us who live here on this earth, we think that time is so short. I personally feel a great urgency to complete my task before too many years are gone. I wonder if you feel the same urgency, all in all, on the same basis that I do – if you feel the same urgency about time?
A: Time is a most interesting concept, truly worthy of a lesson or are two on its own. I will make an analogy that may be helpful to you. imagine yourself a very tiny fish in a tiny container placed on a beach, and some distance from you an ocean which is eternal breaks on the sand. With your material death you will awaken having made the transition from your tiny cup of water in terms of time, to an eternal sea. The pressing concerns of the limitations of time that one experiences during the brief but critical period in the flesh are for the most part left behind once you have awakened on the mansion world and have grasped a morontia concept of time.
My friend, you have accomplished much already, spiritually, during your stay on Urantia. Yes, of course, there is always more that you can do, just as in a building you can always add another coat of paint or are another ornament to the top. but your house is sound. You have worked hard to build it from its solid foundation, its first floor, all of its beams, walls, doors, windows, roof. Anything more that you do certainly will beautify what you have created and accomplished during your life on Urantia, but it is not as if you must now begin to build the house from the ground up. (01/02/94)
[The group discussed whether or are not guests from other teacher groups should be invited to attend the sessions. Also, how to add new members to Rayson’s group.]
R: THIS IS RAYSON. As always, it is an honor and a privilege to be here. I believe we have business at hand prior to the lesson.
Q: Yes, Rayson, are you aware of the conversation we had before the lesson? (Yes,) Could you give us some advice concerning each of the matters that we discussed? First should we invite guests from other study groups?
A: Certainly. Guests are most welcome. And you are advised to screen them as you have in the past, with any modifications you may wish to impose as required by the needs of the group. I have been constrained from interfering beyond a very limited area in the conduct of your group. This is for your good as it will help your spiritual growth, and that of others whom you affect in large and small ways.
The second matter?
Q: Yes, the previous custom has been that we would ask you first then send the applicant before the gatekeeper, (S). I understand that we should continue this process “as we have amended it?” I would like to clear up the amendment. Are you saying that any of us can act as gatekeepers?
A: If that is the consensus of the group then it shall be. The conduct of your group is a matter to be decided among yourselves. I would not interfere unless it were an emergency matter, which seems highly unlikely.
Q: The second phase of this, then, we have discussed specific individuals whom we should and shouldn’t invite, including (persons) Are we at liberty to decide individually on those?
A: Yes, although if the group grows too quickly it may pose a burden for (T/R) as she is still a novice in the technique of group transmitting/receiving. I cannot disclose the details of how the transmitter-receiver interacts with me, but I can tell you that this interaction also involves any and all persons present. With each added person there is an extra amount of effort required by the person you call the T/R or transmitter-receiver, and in a large group this can be quite taxing for that person.
Therefore, please try to keep the growth in the size of the group slow. It may be steady growth, but small increments would be best at this time. (01/31/93)
Q: Would you help us with a spelling lesson, briefly, for our transcripts? How do you spell Adnon and how do you spell Aneena in our planet’s language?
A: Adnon and Anina or Aneena. Either may be used.
S: Thank you.
S: And how do you spell Rayson? I’m just curious if there’s a second spelling for Rayson. We’ve been spelling Rayson “R-A-Y-S-0-N.” Is there another spelling for your name?
A: That is as good as any. The point is, the name, the spiritual name of an individual is carefully selected in such a way as to reflect one’s origin, one’s mission, and one’s level of spirit attainment. Thus, it is entirely possible and certainly does happen, that names may be altered during mortal ascent toward Paradise. This may be a surprise to some of you, but if you think of a name as a designation that provides information, it really makes quite a bit of sense that this would be the case.
Q: Is there a connection between the spiritual names that have been given to some individuals and the character traits that are in the Urantia book of people who have the same name?
A: Sometimes. Sometimes the name is one of the individual’s own preference. For that reason.
Q: Rayson, my name’s … and I’d like to know if I have a spiritual name.
A: It is delightful to have you here participating. As far as spiritual names go, my own personal decision is to not assign any further names due to some misunderstandings that have occurred. This is not intended to glorify those who received names prior to now, or to belittle those who have not yet gotten such names, but rather to simplify communication. Part of the misunderstanding has been that there is sort of hierarchy in this teaching mission based on names that are shared with beings of higher repute in the Urantia book, the Bible, the Koran, other writings. This was never intended and has caused wasted energy in the mission. Better for energy to be spent on spirit growth than on petty quibbling and ranking that has no meaning.
S: I understand and thank you for the explanation. (09/25/93)
Q: (S) and I received invitations to Naperville, Illinois, for an event that is supposed to occur in the 24th of April in which a Melchizedek – I don’t know whether it is Prince Machiventa or another Melchizedek – is to be visible to human eyes. I know that there are different types of visibility such as the imagery that occurs in ones mind, and the second level is that which was used at the transfiguration where the apostles were allowed to see celestial beings, and then there is downright materialization such as Melchizedek did when Abraham was allowed to see him – and all the other people on the world. Do you have any comment, first of all, as to whether or not the Naperville meeting will be blessed with any one of those three forms of seeing a Melchizedek?
A: Don’t spend your last dime on the plane ticket. (laughter) (02/14/93)
Q: Rayson, we have heard from several sources that Melchizedek is going to make an effort to visualize himself to students in various areas of the country on the 24th of next month and thereafter. Do you have any comment on that? Should we make an effort to visit one of the groups? Or to hold a meeting ourselves on that day to help Prince Melchizedek with his plans?
A: That is for you to evaluate individually and take your action. I have no more comment on this issue of visualization. I have commented about it before, and have not revised my opinion. (03/28/93)
(Prior to the lesson, the students discussed the fact that three or four groups of students of the Teaching Mission met in various parts of the country the previous day [April 24th] in an effort to “visualize” Prince Machiventa Melchizedek. So far as we knew, no one had been successful. Three of Rayson’s students attended the meeting in Orange county and reported that although no one visualized Prince Melchizedek, most – if not all – had a very spiritual experience and none expressed disappointment.)
Today’s lesson was to have dealt with perseverance, but in light of your discussion I shall give a short impromptu instruction on the post resurrection period as illustrated for you in The Urantia Book. In particular, on the Spirit of Truth. [See lesson on SPIRIT OF TRUTH]
The need of the humans to see is something which I, as my own individual personality type, have very little understanding of. I am simply bemused after all this time that it continues to be so important, and have tried to refrain from commenting because it is something I cannot fully understand. However, it appears to be so universal that it is obviously built into the mortal. Very few appearances have happened: the morontial appearances of Jesus, the appearance of the angel to Mary, to Joseph, the voice in the garden, to name a few. But appearances are unpredictable, and are not the first choice of communication on the part of the beings of the non-material realm.
Because of the confusing rebellion on this planet where Midwayers often appeared – rebellious Midwayers appeared to primitive mortals and misled them – we have tried to not engage in this type of activity for fear of building up the superstitious and cult type religions that proliferate here more so than on other planets which have not undergone the rebellion. I urge you, brothers and sisters, to take advantage of the sound spiritual helpers which do exist and are here for your benefit, who love you and only want to serve your needs.
The lesson was not planned, therefore not as well thought out as usual. For this I apologize. Do you have questions?
Q: Rayson, I wonder why it is that some of the T/R’s have become impressed that a teacher has told them that there would be a manifestations of this sort. Do you care to comment on that?
RAYSON: I do not understand it, (S).
S: Neither do I.
RAYSON: I really feel that this has not come from the teaching staff. In fact I know it has not. The need to see, touch, understand on your own level, is so – apparently – overpowering that it is a consistent projection on the part of the human minds involved with the teachers to hear, believe, what has not been promised. This is getting into a somewhat delicate area of psychology, but it is a problem we have debated and discussed for many, many, many hours amongst the staff of Machiventa: how to separate the teaching mission from the wish projections, fantasies, and unconscious longings of the humans – who are still looking for miracles, how to separate the spiritual from the psychic, how to foster faith – true faith – while discouraging the need for instant confirmation that all this is true.
This is a dilemma, for we have come close to tipping the balance with our means of communicating to you. To you this must seem like a miracle or a supernatural occurrence, but it is not. It is a mere circuit for us that is as second nature as your circuits of gravity. This is not spectacular. And, because to you – perhaps – it seems spectacular, you expect other paranormal manifestations. That is some of the thinking that goes on in our discussions of this phenomenon on the part of the humans.
I cannot tell you that Machiventa will never appear, for I do not know that. But I can tell you that if he did appear it would not be because a small group of you wished to have your faith confirmed. You will see him one day. Perhaps not here.
What we find hard to understand is: when you speak with the Prince why you find it so hard to accept that he is here. The most real things on this planet are things which you cannot see. The most unreal are those which seem the most solid to you. These are the things which shall pass away. It is a reversal of thinking – from our perspective that – humans suffer from.
Q: My question relates to our discussion about the human need for seeing things. I was thinking on the way over, that I find it disturbing in myself that given the fourteen or fifteen years of reading The Urantia Book, and being involved in the Teaching Mission, and knowing you, and developing a personal relationship with you, and also being more aware now of the Spirit of Truth, my angels, my Thought Adjuster, and all these gifts, that it can become such a mundane part of my life. I question whether that represents a failure on my part to respond to the gifts I’ve received, or it represents a balance of the spiritual and the material in my life. To me it seems like I failed here, because I should be more awestruck or something.
A: Well awestruck? No. To integrate the spiritual and have it become part of your daily life is a good goal. It should not be – you do not want to be Paul or Saul on the road and become fanatical. Spiritual experiences do not have to be visions like John had. It should be part of the daily life the way Jesus lived.
However, only you can answer if you have become jaded or unappreciative of these gifts and this ability. If you practice your spiritual work daily, I think you will not, because you will deepen in your understanding and communication. As in everything, we all go through periods of greater practice or more dedicated practice, and then some other areas take our attention for a while. All I am asking you to be aware of is to make an effort every day to communicate with your spiritual guides. For if you do you will be rewarded for this. And your attention will come back to that eventually. (04/25/93)
R: It’s so good to see all of you gathered here. This is a very special day. I want you all to know that on this day the power circuits for the transmission of universe messages to Urantia have received an extra power boost in the name of the present mission. This has been done after careful evaluation of responses to previous transmissions since the reopening of the universe circuits.
As you may be aware, once the circuits were reopened each and every mortal on Urantia was capable of connecting to some extent with the communication system. The extent to which this occurs in a particular person is dependent upon many factors including of course personal desire for such knowledge first and foremost, also inherent capacity for electrochemical transduction of the signal which is dependent upon one’s particular physical properties. The degree of quietude in that part of the individual’s brain which is most receptive to the signal is also an important determinant of your capacity to receive signals. There are other factors also, but I am not permitted to discuss them at this time, however be aware that the signals have been coming and since a favorable response has occurred and there has been demonstration of hunger for more signal it has been determined that the power of the signal will be increased and this has happened just today, my friends. This has been an occasion for joy and celebration. (See Lesson on FORGIVENESS)
Q: I have questions about the announcement that you made to begin with, the upstepping of the power. Is there any way that we can be affected by that in our everyday lives?
A: Yes, indeed. There most certainly is. By continuing to practice the principles that have been taught in these lessons and your Urantia book and in other religious teachings. You will find that your personal effectiveness will be enhanced, and this will be gratifying to you. You will see.
S: Thank you very much. I am extremely pleased to hear that.
Q: Does this opening, or empowering the circuits with greater power, mean that more people even with weaker chemical receptivity could then receive messages from the teachers?
A: Yes, among other things, that is true. Also the influence of those who are participants in the mission, such as yourselves, will be felt that much more strongly.
Q: You said a lot of our circuits are opening up to the universe’s offerings, which is very encouraging, but that there are also those members who aren’t as capable because of their physical state or emotional state. I was wondering if you could give an example of that? And also, tell us if their circuits are being worked on, too, and improved.
A: I can give you an example by analogy. There are those whose vision, those beings who can see as well as they need to see without glasses. There are others because of irregularities in eye structure require spectacles to function in your culture. There are those who can hear well enough to function without assistance, and there are those who require a hearing aid. The same applies to individual capacity to receive signal.
Q: But aren’t all individuals capable?
A: Yes, but some hear or sense the signal less clearly when it is at the level that it has been prior to today. When the universe circuits were opened, the signal was intentionally set at a rather low level because with it having been off for such a long period of time, and because of the nature, the unique nature of the experience on Urantia, there was concern that a higher level signal might be overwhelming for the population of this planet. Therefore the decision was made to start with a low level and observe carefully to see whether those with the most inherently clear reception of signal would respond in an appropriate fashion, rather than follow some foul negative response patterns.
Since this has been demonstrated to be, it has been demonstrated to be the case that the signal has been received appropriately, the decision was taken to increase the amplitude of signal. You should also be aware that the increase in signal does not yet raise the signal to the level that it obtains on other planets. There will be yet other up-steppings of signal amplitude in the future. Does this answer?
S: Yes.
Q: Exactly where does the signal come from, what part of our universe or creation? Does it come from Nebadon or does it come from Paradise or super-universe, different places?
A: My understanding of universe communication is imperfect, but as I understand the main signal comes from Paradise with input as appropriate from all sectors of the universes. Of course, not every single incident that is of merit can possibly be included in every transmission, so there is necessarily editing that occurs.
Q: Can you explain how its encircuited?
A: No, I am not privy to that information, although it is a most intriguing area to contemplate.
Q: Rayson, I have a follow-up on that area. Now based on our ability to – let’s say for instance we wanted to listen to a broadcast. We might determine we’d like to hear something on music or sports or this or that. Now, if we wanted to hear something in the area of love or caring, would we sort of pick up on that part of the transmission? Would it be kind of differentiated so that as you’re open to certain areas, certain areas are coming into you? Does that make any sense?
A: I believe I understand what you are asking. You are asking if one can selectively receive signal according to topics desired. No, this is not true. You will either receive the entire signal or not. And in order to tune in, as you say, to signal the first requirement is your own earnest desire to receive. But you will not be disappointed by any of the topics that are discussed, for they are truly of universal interest.
Q: Is this something like a volume control or a dimmer switch on the lights that’s been turned up a little bit rather than the sources changed?
A: Yes, you could make that comparison.
Q: I’ve a question about the power boost that’s taken place today. Will that in any way affect the work of spiritual healers and the connection between those Urantians who are spiritual healers and the Life Carriers who work through them or are other entities that work through them?
A: That is a good question. I am not certain of the answer. I would surmise that any healing work that is undertaken would be enhanced by this recent development.
S: Yes, that seemed that way to me, too. I’m also curious, I don’t understand how this works, but does the signal getting stronger in any way affect how we are perceived? In other words, does it work both ways? I mean, if the analogy is like a radio, it doesn’t work both ways, but does the person on the receiving end send out a stronger signal? Do our requests and prayers get heard with any more clarity than they were before?
R: You mean by higher entities?
S: Right, by higher entities.
A: There has never really been an impediment to the reception of prayer from this planet. That was intentionally left in place. We would not abandon Urantia because of an unfortunate mistake.
S: That’s comforting, but what about, for instance, an appeal for a contact with a teacher, that kind of thing? Is it just that the signal, is that also an area that has always been just, or are at least since the adjudication, been as strong as it will be in terms of teachers hearing us appealing to have that?
A: What is most likely to change is that as more and more beings on Urantia receive stronger signal, there will be more appeals for teachers. There will be more spiritual growth of more individuals, and there will be a greater awareness of each person’s spiritual light on the part of all individuals dwelling on Urantia. (09/25/93)
S: Rayson, with respect to the teaching mission at large, are planets that were isolated and have evolutionary life on them, are they all recipients of missions similar to this?
R: Yes, although the missions are at various stages of development, not coincident with this mission necessarily.
S: But just in the history of that planet, if it was at one point isolated at some point is it bolstered and fostered by a teaching mission similar to this?
R: Yes, of course. Father does not abandon His children in distress. Yes, whatever is required to restore an appropriate setting for eventual light and life is done. Yes, that is true.
S: I also have a spontaneous question, one that I didn’t plan. As you were speaking I remembered during the most recent remembrance supper there was an allusion to the fact that by next remembrance supper, the 2,000th mortal celebration of Joshua, that there would be some type of occurrence or some type of event. And that seemed to be a departure from what we’ve normally heard from the teaching staff, I mean it sounded like something visible and tangible. I was wondering if you care to comment on that.
R: Well, at least one such event has occurred already in the sense of the upstepping of the energy for the signal of the universe circuits to Urantia. That is a very significant event indeed. It was not expected to occur as soon as this, but it has already had profound effects on the social life of this planet.
S: As we’ve observed.
R: At a future time it will be almost as if a line was drawn in the history of this planet with a before and an after. It may not be quite so clear right now because you are living in it. As far as visualizations and materializations and such, I am not aware that anything along this line is planned because of the still primitive condition of Urantia. There would be much misinterpretation of such an event, unfortunately.
S: So then it’s safe to say those with eyes will see, and those with ears will hear, and those that don’t, won’t.
R: Well, that would be one way that you could state it, yes. All of you who are here today are more attuned in your perception of things spiritual, and that is why you have heeded the call. You are the sensitive ones, and you will note as the mission proceeds there may be others who are newcomers who are somewhat less sensitive. It is important that you be kind and gentle with them. (10/16/93)