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RIO109- Our Eternal Parents

2005-01-30.  Our Eternal Parents

Rio Rancho #109

Topic: Our Eternal Parents

Group: Rio Rancho TeaM

Teacher: Tomas

TR: Gerdean


TOMAS: Greetings. Good afternoon, faithful flock. I am Tomas, your teacher and old friend. It is good to be in your company once more and to observe your development and your steadfastness to your faith walk in the face of the many difficulties life presents and the many changes that come to pass in your daily lives. In all these things, be assured of the watch care of the Eternal Parents on high who, as you know, are mindful of your steps and tender of your feelings in your experiences.


Our Parents want you to grow up, to be spiritual adults, but are ever mindful of the fact that you are yet children. Many of you are even as spirit infants, only learning to seek understanding of your environment, responding to the stimuli of the colors and sounds that come into your consciousness, but always and ever are you assured of the protection of the Father and the ministry of the Mother — the Spirit Parents that protect us in our path to grow up to be like Him.

What does that mean, “to be like Him”? What does that mean to be like Him, to want to be like God? God being so far-reaching and omniscient, it seems virtually impossible to think about wanting to be like Him. And yet we encourage you to learn about the God that dwells within you, in order for you to harness your will, engage yourself in harmony with His will, and thus begin the ascent into godlikeness and spirit identification such that you may develop the everlasting, immortal and eternal soul that will fuse with that God fragment within, rendering you thereby an eternal citizen of the Grand Universe.

Be patient with yourself and with others, for everyone has those days wherein they revert to their less than godlike qualities. The nature of God is inherent in you because of the indwelling Adjuster, and therefore you are like Him in your compassion and your creativity, in your desire to express yourself and to express his affections and give glory to that which serves to light the path and lead those who suffer out of pain and darkness. These are all godlike qualities which you share with the divine because you yourself are part divine.

Yet it is only part. For part of you is yet undeveloped and as the saying goes, you have feet of clay. Indeed, the dichotomy, the conflict for each mortal, is that while the spirit is a goal, the flesh is a fact, and the facts of life must be dealt with on their own terms. Even as you in your ideals seek to elevate those terms to reflect the tone of the divine as you understand it, to represent goodness, truth and beauty, harmony, love and progress, peace, safety and security in the spirit, all the while understanding that in the material sense there is change and danger and insecurity at every turn.

This is our goal for you, that you learn to conform your will to the Father’s will sufficient that even as you walk in danger, “yea, though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil for Thou art with me.”

This simple scripture constitutes the bread, the substance of our work with you, our presence with you in your superconsciousness, even in your consciousness, for through your own will to follow the divine will, you will be able to master the mortal fears and mental patterns that presuppose the supremacy of the material over the spiritual, when we who are your teachers and mentors know full well and yearn for your understanding also that the supreme, the divine, the spirit is far more powerful and predominant than the material world would have you believe.

Rest in the spirit, not in the words, but in the spirit itself. Find that divine spark of life that resides within you and hold fast to it, allowing it to embrace you and uphold you, allowing it to confirm your perspective through its guidance, that it may help you grow to be more than you are, that you can learn to become more than mortal, more than spirit infants, but walk upright as dignified sons and daughters of the living God, which is your birthright.

Let not the world pull you down. Let it not rend you asunder, but fight the good fight of faith. Forge ahead in confidence of the supremacy of the spirit over all.

I and we are glad to have your association and your friendship. Are there questions of you in your faith path that you desire to share with your fellows, comments, questions, for your teacher or for yourself to hear, confirming your willingness to learn and grow in the spirit, in comprehension of that which is greater than we are?


Elena: Well, I would have a question. I have — even from last fall or late fall or early winter, whatever, — been feeling like, you know, I needed to pull back significantly and I don’t seem like I am very good at doing that. But I’ve been drawn to that a number of times and am still drawn to that. Would you comment on that, please?

TOMAS: Tell me what it is you are drawn to. You are drawn to withdraw?

Elena: I have a feeling that I need to pull back from a lot of things, and not set up such a huge task list, and busyness and things to do, and yet when I try to do that, it doesn’t seem to be very successful, so … and yet I still have the feeling that that’s what’s needed. But I don’t seem to be a whole lot closer to doing that at all.

TOMAS: You are undertaking a tremendous exercise in self-mastery. You have, like a willow branch grown in a certain manner all of your life, and now the circumstances are showing you that your branches have been crowded and are able to release their constraints on how they have grown to how they might grow were you to have the opportunity to embrace the freedom that would best serve your branches. I want to add that if you, as a willow tree, have been pressed against a building, your branches have been restricted because of that structure. And now you are feeling the need to allow that structure to be taken away in order for you to grow into your potential.

It is a trauma to anticipate that armature, that structure might be taken away, leaving you to stand alone in the elements. And yet, on the other hand, it is inhibiting your own growth. This sense of anxiety for the future is based on the security you have found in that support in the past, but your yearning does not abate; it continues to tell you that you do not need that structure to uphold you, that in fact, you would do well to do without it.

You must recognize where you are in your growth. Understand your point of development and decide, one day at a time if you must, how far you can go on your own without that structure. It is as if you were weaning yourself from a dependency. And you know you are getting to the point in your development as a spiritual child that you ought not have to depend upon that substance or structure any longer, and yet it is still unnerving to think of having to do without it.

On days when you are feeling weak, you will rush to that structure even though it holds you constricted from your potential. And when you are feeling strong, you will dash out, away from it, exhilarating in the sense of freedom you have from those constraints. Eventually, you will understand your own strength, your own ability to operate without that to uphold you. You will know that the spirit upholds you in and through all the vicissitudes that the structure had for those many years. In this way you are being given eyes to see the temporary nature of that scaffolding which has served, but which you are outgrowing, and which you will be able to eventually master through your decisions to depend more upon spirit and less upon the material.

It is as if you were to reach out your hand and say, “God, take my hand. Let me hold your hand. Uphold me in my path.” And you begin to walk upright, as compared to he who has a stake in the ground upon which he leans, or a cane upon which you lean to support yourself. Eventually you know that by doing so, you are allowing yourself to continue to be weak and frail, when if you were to trust that hand that holds yours, you would be able to let go and thus spring out and away from a paradigm of reality that once served but which no longer serves your peace of mind. This is spiritual evolution.

Does this help?

Elena: Yes. I’m not exactly on the initial steps or what next step to take, but it reinforces my general feeling or concept about what I am feeling pulled toward, I think. Does that make sense?

TOMAS: Yes. I am glad that you feel bolstered and reinforced in your own perceptions. Your spirit within will not mislead you. The divine guide within is looking out for your interests – your eternal interests. And, as I said, while the spirit is a goal the flesh is a fact. You may have felt that these material scaffoldings have been essential, and indeed they have been, but as the spirit conveys to you that you no longer need to depend so heavily upon that scaffolding, but that you are able to depend more and more upon your living faith. You are then giving yourself an opportunity to perceive as spirit perceives, to have that farther view which gives you a greater perspective. And while that is at first somewhat unnerving, not to say terrifying, you will gradually grow into the confidence of knowing what you know, based not on your human understanding, but upon your understanding as it comes from the Spirit of Truth.

Elena: Okay.

TOMAS: It’s a process. Be patient with yourself in the process. And do not allow others’ opinions or judgments of how you are carrying your pack influence how you walk the path. It is your choice to walk the faith path and to go the second mile.

Elena: Thank you.

Esmeralda: I hope, Tomas, that I’m not a part of that structure that is giving Dorenda a problem.

TOMAS: I cannot conceive that you are a problem, for you love Dorenda, and you love this entity who is your sister in ascension. You have provided structure, certainly, and value that has served and will continue to serve if it is a part of her value also. If, however, she lets go of any scaffolding which no longer serves, that is not a reflection of any lack on your part or any rejection of you, but rather, an acceptance of herself as her own entity, and this is the desire of any loving parent, that their child take the advantages the parents have lovingly given in order for them to grow up and develop their own wings to fly, their own tools to forge their way, their own heart to follow.

Certainly the human parental influence plays an important role in the development of their offspring, the primary gift, perhaps, being that of character. Dorenda’s character is of the utmost, and this integrity of hers, built upon that scaffolding you provided, is material that her divine guide can use to pick and choose now what can continue to serve and what can be given up as the scripture, again, conveys: “When I was a child, I thought as a child, and now as a woman, I put away my childish things.”

And so this is possibly some of the construct that Dorenda grapples with because of its impressions and the conditioning that provides. Eventually we must all sacrifice the temporal conditioning to take with us into our spirit adulthood those values which serve not just in this world but in all the worlds to come.

Encourage the best in her and in all of your children – not only your biological offspring, but all those younger brothers and sisters who long to become all they can be in the spirit, not limited to the things of the flesh, for then when the flesh falls away and they stand alone in the resurrection hall, have they had enough opportunity in this life to develop the soul, such that it will be rejoined by the adjuster and the life can commence undisturbed.

Building souls for eternity is the job of the spirit, and as you in your own personal faith path align yourself with spirit, you will see the value of relinquishing your hold as well on the material life, so that you and those you mentor may begin to take those faith steps into the dimension of reality that will live and thrive beyond this mortal sphere.

The beautiful thing about the Family of God is that it so nobly incorporates the family of man. And in truth, you are sisters. More so now than mother and daughter. Even though you will admire each other anon for those gifts of personality that you have forged in your relationship together, you, Esmeralda, may permit yourself to be the child, that your daughter may teach you. And you, Elena, may feel privileged to be your mother’s parent, that you may teach her, now, those things which she had hoped that you would come to know.

And in this way, you continue to assist each other into the next world and many worlds to come, as sisters — both daughters of our Eternal Parents – ever making life more beautiful and abundant for each other and for those you touch in your path as you pass by, as you serve and as you give glory to God on high.

Esmeralda: Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS: It is a privilege for me to have a set such as yourselves in my class – a pair of biologically connected students. It gives me an opportunity to perceive the value inherent in the Father’s divine plan of allowing the Parent/Child relationship to glorify those values which He imposes in the scheme of ascension, that we can indeed parent each other and comfort each other, that we are indeed one large family – sisters and brothers connected by the human experience en route to the shores of Paradise.

It is a testimony to your strength of character, both of you, that you fear not the spirit, but that you rejoice in knowing your Universal Father and in your acknowledgement of our Father/Brother Michael and his consort, the Divine Minister, Mother Nebadonia. They are the mother and father we look to in this next phase of our development, to see how it is they would have their children raised, how they would us behave, and comport ourselves with each other in this large family. What a privilege we enjoy!

Elena: Amen!

Elena and Esmeralda: Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS: It is my pleasure to observe your soul-searching and your yearning to be the best you can be in all things and on all counts, particularly to that aspect of divinity which is the thing that lures us forward. Even in the face of obstacles and difficulties and setbacks, we still seek to know the spirit and be more like it. Thank you, for your efforts in this regard.

Elena: It sure is nice to have—to be with you again, Tomas. Thank you.

TOMAS: I am heartened to hear your testimony, and gladdened to be back in your embrace. Change is inevitable on this path, and with change comes a certain amount of emotional and psychic upheaval, but having confidence in the spirit and trusting in the spirit of you each and all, I am able to bide my time and wait for those maelstroms to pass, for I know that the Father’s will will prevail, and the spirit which lives within you yearns to express itself, to know more about itself, to become more of what it is destined to become, and that it enjoys the association of other like-minded souls en route to the divine Father of all.

This is something I have learned over time. And it never ceases to gratify my soul when I see others grapple with this and come out spiritly triumphant. [Spiritly. Is that a word?]

Elena: Huh-uh. We know what you mean anyway.

TOMAS: Spirit is not always personality, even though it is known through relationship. Spirit is also energy, and in those times when you are in conflict and have no sense of relationship with spirit, you are even so mindful of energy, and whether it is there for you or not, whether it is a valuable energy or an artificial energy, whether it is something that will see you through or if it is something that will burn out at day’s end, spirit is eternal.

Are there other questions or concerns? (silence) I am happy to see the progress being made in terms of the group coordinating a convention of souls in the near future, for this represents a triumph in spirit advancement for us. While I have been a faithful steward of this area for some time, even with my many travels, I have great joy in recognizing that my family of fellow workers in the Teacher Corps are being given another opportunity to shine, as it were, in presenting the reality of our mission for Michael on your world in this area.

We will be your hosts and hostesses. You are all our guests. This will take away the sense of responsibility for everyone’s well being. The midwayers have been working and will be happy to work through the weekend of having all these guests, as will the angels and all those who enjoy a coming together such as this to refuel their own sense of service in the invisible realms, for you see you are our proof that we are being effective and doing what we came here to do.

You are the living testimony that Michael is succeeding on his world. You are still our hands and feet, eyes and ears, and in many ways, the hope of future generations, just as any parent looks to their children as the hope for tomorrow. You are not alone in your efforts, and we aren’t either.

Elena: Tomas, I wanted to ask you something about that. Was it presumptuous of us to – in our planning, when we were talking about music, and to presume the participation of the artisans, or by selecting certain pieces to kind of plan on them kicking in at the right moment?

TOMAS: Let me assure you the presumption was appropriate. If you were a child at a birthday party, would you feel you had imposed upon your parents to provide napkins for the cake?

Elena: How about the cake? I’m relying on you guys for the cake!

TOMAS: I am ice cream. Michael is the cake, and our Father is the candles thereon that illuminate the room and your bright faces gathered around to celebrate birth in all its aspects, to celebrate life in each of its phases, and to honor growth, even growing pains, as we grow up to become that which is our destiny.  Anything else this afternoon?

Elena: I don’t think so. Anyway, that does it for me, thank you.


TOMAS: We very much appreciate your efforts. There is no effort to small or too great that can be done for the betterment of the human condition in terms of its place in the scheme of universe design, easing pain, easing stress, providing ministry, giving comfort, offering understanding, being tolerant, loving, merciful and hopeful, even in the slightest degree is a contribution to the whole. Let us rejoice and be glad in our place therein and give thanks to God on high for his acceptance of us as we are and his undying love for us in his patience as he awaits our fullness of purpose. Be of good cheer. Amen and farewell.

Group: Amen. Thank you, Tomas.

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