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RIO125- Most Highs Rule In Kingdoms of Men

2005-11-19.  Most Highs Rule In Kingdoms of Men

Rio Rancho #125

Topic: Most Highs Rule in Kingdoms of Men

Group: Rio Rancho TeaM

Teacher: Andromadeus

TR: Gerdean


Andromadeus: This is Andromadeus. I greet you again in the interest of greater understanding of superhuman ministry to your world. Much despair lives in the hearts and minds of humanity today due to a common misperception that the world and all therein is out of control, that there is no supervision, that there is no order in the universe and no loving hand to oversee the growth of the oversoul. I am pleased to relieve you of those anxieties.


You have heard it said “The Most Highs Rule in the Kingdom’s of Men” but it might seem to you that the Most High’s have all gone on hiatus from their duties. You are seeing the universe from mortal eyes, and not from the eyes of a divine perspective. Angels provide “Superhuman Ministry” to the worlds of time and space. You see angels depicted in art as having wings and beatific demeanor, guarding children from harm. There are also artistic depictions of legions of muscular angels doing battle in heaven, yet another interpretation of the mortal mind — for while spirits may do battle, it is not with the swords and shields of your bloody battlefields. Their battle is for “victory over the beast” and the beast is fear and darkness.

Thus, I urge to quell your fears by assuming a greater appreciation for armies of God in the persons of the ministering spirits of angels, called Seraphim, which include the orders of Supernaphim, Seconaphim, Tertiaphim, Cherubim and Sanobim. My task is to help you understand the focus of the angels which fall into the categories of service sectors as set forth in this website, these service sectors being representative of universe order, so that you may begin to be of service to the celestial helpers, as they also serve you.


When I next visit, I will discuss briefly how it is that the Most Highs rule through the services of the seraphim — angels of the nations, angels of the churches, angels of the races, and so on. In our Superhuman Ministry to the children of time and space (such as you on planet Earth), we invite your participation, for your conscious participation in assisting these angels will accelerate our efforts, bringing about the needed and necessary changes that are appropriate for you at this time in planetary evolution on your world.  I will return.

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