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REB-1B.2 Confessions: Angelic Inspiration®


2012-01-01. Angelic Inspiration.

“Confessions of a Rebel Angel; The Wisdom of the Watchers and the Destiny of Planet Earth.”. – Book 1B. Chapter  2. ~by Timothy Wyllie

‘The Astral Realms, Institutionalized Brutality, Sexual Repression, A shooting, and the Spirit of Art”



Confessions of a Rebel Angel.  Book 1B. Chapter  2.  Angelic Inspiration.

Angels have a natural revulsion to wanton cruelty. Granted, sometimes the truth can be cruel, but even then it is always liberating. Wanton cruelty is the product of darker, denser emotions than our delicate natures can handle. And it is never liberating. We try to look at it with compassion, but the observation of it sullies us and we find our own hearts hardening against those perpetrating it and against an authority that would allow such things to happen. And yet we are fascinated. It is the attraction of opposites. Cruelty for its own sake is so completely foreign to us who don’t seek to dominate others that we are drawn to observe it like winged insects to a flame. This is also what we fear most—being pulled down into the roiling, dank mist, churning with the thought forms that populate the lower astral regions of the world mind.

We are, in part, prepared for the taxing experience of coming close to mortal beings in the simulators of our training academies. I say in part because nothing quite prepared me for the first few times I was pulled into the lower astral realms. It was unlike anything in my angelic experience, a vibration so painful to my being that it took all my strength and focus to pass through it. In this region lurk the particularly loathsome quasi-living thought-forms like hatred, revenge, and cruelty, which are fueled constantly by the emotionally powered thoughts of human beings in a feedback loop that is sadly self-perpetuating.

This, of course, is also true for positive thought forms, such as love, truth, and kindness, which inhabit the higher regions of the astral planes. This is the region referred to by different belief systems as the collective unconscious, Dreamtime, the Bardos, the astral realms, hell and heaven, or the realm of demons and angels about which Emanuel Swedenborg wrote so copiously. Within these realms a human consciousness will be drawn to those thought-forms most relevant to her or his emotional state and spiritual progress. It is also a psychic space that acts as a buffer between the world of mortals and the less dense frequencies of the higher worlds.

The reason I write mortals here, rather than humans, is that this applies in principle to the other inhabited planets, whether or not isolated. Mortals have little conscious choice but to enter the astral plane when they are asleep and dreaming; angels, in turn, are a lot more cautious about putting our toes in the water—it’s not really our realm. As I’ve said, only those angels who were created for such a venture and who’ve been highly trained would ever dream of taking on a world like this. It hadn’t started that way for me. Life for all of us on Earth was continuing much as normal until Lucifer’s revolution broke out on Jerusem, the capital planet of this System. I can say I find myself here as a result of the choices I made at that point. Since then I’ve had to learn how to manage for myself— not the easiest matter for an angel.

I am a Watcher Angel and my name is Georgia.


The following is an excerpt from the Timothy Wyllie’s book series on rebel angels, specifically an account as described by the angel referred to as ,’Georgia”.

Click on book to view more at


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