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SEI15- Communications, Good & Bad

1999-01-22.  Communications, Good & Bad

SE Idaho #15

Topic: Communications, Good & Bad

Group: SE Idaho TeaM

Teacher: Abraham, Will

TR: Bob S., Bill K.


Abraham (Bob S.): “As Moses was plucked from the river so you, my children, have been selected; not your own will completely, but with your permission you have been nudged to the place where you now reside. And with your permission further paths will be made clear to each of you as you grow and experience and learn the essence of what it means to be a child of God. Greetings, my friends, I am Abraham.”

Group: “Greetings, Abraham.”

Abraham: “How I do delight in speaking to you in juxtaposition. That was a technique I used frequently when I was initially residing on this planet with my younger brothers and sisters, friends, to convey to them some of the wisdom I had gleaned from my  Teacher, Machiventa. I trust this does not get in the way of my communicating with you.

My friends…we are at a crossroads. The plan is about to be upstepped. I say this as one who has seen tomorrow. I know in some regards what is about to transpire and I am excited. Perchance you can sense my emotion in this conversation tonight. I do not wish to spoil  the surprise, hence I will say no more.(laughing) But I hope that this introduction has piqued your interest and that you will be as excited as I am when the event occurs. Well, with that bit of introduction I now pass the microphone to another. I trust you will find this new year to your liking! Good evening.”

Ken: “Was that Abraham laughing?”

Bob S.: “Nah, that was Bob.” [Editors note: A disclaimer: Bob S. wishes to convey that he feels and has heard from celestials that his transmission of Abraham was inaccurate….regarding the upstepping of the plan and the event. These are his desires, not Abraham’s message.]


Free will

Will (Bill): “Greetings my friends, I am your sister Will. I am honored and pleased that the efforts of your brothers to put my teachings into print along with the superb texts from the Urantia Book have met with such widespread enthusiasm.

Yes, we are excited these days…actually have always been. For the current state of affairs in the world is in great foment and bespeaks the coming crisis of faith with unbelief. We foresee the tide turning, the currents sweeping in the opposite direction from where they have been for so many years. I speak of the currents of faith gaining over the currents of despair, depression, unbelief, self centeredness, and hopelessness.

It is inevitable, of course, that Father’s will shall be done. He has His way with the overall picture even though He permits each individual to make their decision about their destiny. Never has there been any life and death decision by any being in Father’s universe that was  compelled by the force of another personality or mind. It is part of the Lucifer legacy to believe that one is forced to make decisions of life and death portent. No, always does Father’s love respect the free will dignity of each intelligent being in His universe. So when we talk about exciting things to come we cannot be talking about arbitrary actions which violate free will status. I believe you are pretty clear about that.

There are many individuals who would love to grasp faith with both arms in an embrace; who would love to believe that the universe is friendly and on their side, who would love to know a personal relationship with God within. This yearning and longing will be met, is being met in ways more wondrous than you can imagine. You think of yourselves as a secret society keeping a close hand to your chest in  the game of life lest your brothers and sisters detect that you have information that could implicate you in a situation where you would be doing more than eating fruitcakes, but be thought of as unstable and eccentric people. This is a fear that has no substance! For, indeed, even though our Master was accused by some of being beside Himself, the dignity of His personality, the graciousness of His behavior, the depth of His insight, and most importantly, the amount and quality of His love for everyone made plain to every clear thinking individual that He was genuine and saner than any other person they had ever met.

You, my sisters and brothers, are partaking of the same flavor of divinity as you align your will with God’s will. You will not be mistaken for deluded, unstable mental cases, but your good news, the same good news that Jesus had, is like salve on an open wound, like honey to sweeten a cup of tea, like light dispersing the darkness of error and arrogant unbelief.

I am most pleased to be allowed this moment with you by your esteemed teacher corps and I look forward to another occasion when I shall be in your presence. Now, my time is ended and I am returning the microphone to Aaron.”


Aaron: “Indeed, friend, thank you for sharing with our present and ever studious fellows here gathered.

Good evening friends, I am Aaron and tonight I would like to discuss the role of the human with the celestial in transferring  spiritual communication. To some degree when you seek to make contact with the spiritual presences there are many factors which go into the process. One factor is the mind state of the one willing to receive.

The subconscious plays a large role in your lives and in this arena can play an equally large role if you do not take measures to defuse the mind from turmoil through quiet focus, reflection, meditation or stillness. We are always desirous of sharing spiritual realities with you but your willingness to receive is critical to the process. I would let you know that each of you are quite capable of receiving spiritual guidance. I am having some difficulty this evening due to the sensitive nature of some of my commentary…one moment.

Many communications are laced with subconscious information. The extent to which you own preconceptions or expectations is the extent to which we have a barrier to bypass in communication. The human is not completely capable of separating the subconscious from  the communication process without the willingness to come vulnerably to the experience. When I say vulnerably I mean that freedom of mind from the clutter of worry, stress, fear, many emotions that can clog the transfer of data. The human mind filters your impulses and therefor communications are colored relative to the mind through which they are transferred. This is to be expected as we are not trying to bypass the human being in transferring spiritual wisdom; but rather, seeking a relationship with a human willing to meet the divine to serve in relationship.

The clutter I speak of is not so much the genetic inheritance or the coloring of experiences that a human has gone through, but rather the poisons of fear and stress that are part of human existence. Therefore does the stillness practice allow for the diffusion of the effect of these poisons on the mind so that one can lift his or her consciousness to the place of super-consciousness rather than in the subconscious realms.

Many of you may note when you are having particular stress over some situation in life that the communication becomes  more difficult regarding these situations and there is a greater degree of difficulty in separating one’s own mind from the reception of spiritual information. To the degree that one can not separate these influences in their life from the process is the degree to which there is an inclusion of human information that is carried along with the spiritual delivery of insight.

Most of you have had experiences where you felt that you were clouded or later found yourself to be in error And although these  are humbling experiences they also attest to the imperfect nature of these communications But perfection is not our prime goal as much as developing relationships between human beings and their Indwelling Spirits. I have often spoken to my students in the past about these very issues and how I would rather have a willingness to engage the experience by many individuals with degrees of distortion, referring to minor distortion, than I would wish to have one student who was perfect and several others how would not attempt the experience for themselves. The universe seeks for your participation. It is your personal actions that contribute to the Supreme and the development of experiential universal wisdom. Therefore we ask for your participation to the degree that you are willing.

Regarding communications: we simply ask that you seek to commune further with your Father in Heaven by developing consistent periods of reflection to quiet the stillness, through asking questions in a conversational style, problem solving by looking at each situation through the eyes of one who would seek to do that which God would do as best they can discern. With this basis we then ask that you open your mind to the possibilities of contact and seek to be connected by lifting your consciousness in a willingness to have a relationship take place.

We are not God. Rather are we simply servants, a few steps beyond the very existence you have now Therefore this relationship between ourselves and you can be seen both as student/teacher, as it is often referred to, and as family discussing the knowledge of the elder with the younger siblings. I hope in this discourse I have offered some perspective regarding how you can approach communication efforts and how you can look at the nature of our relationship one with the other; and with the prime source being the Universal Father. I am finished.”

The Teachers

Daniel (Bill): “I am Daniel, your teacher, your friend, guide and your companion. As has been indicated in the past we are in the process of exchanging established teachers with groups not always familiar with visitors as was the case tonight. I and my colleagues were most pleased to accept the offer on the part of teacher Will to address you; and as you have discovered from the transcripts of others that I often make my rounds in other groups.

We are going to mix it up, so to speak, more this year in order for there to be a lessening of human loyalties to particular teachers and the prideful expression of ‘our teacher’ and ‘your teacher, which occasionally has caused us consternation. We are all a part of Machiventa’s projected university which will manifest itself some day according to the information you have already received. In the meantime, yes, this is a Melchizedek school and as you know, we are engaged in universe education. I have been honored and privileged to teach in Jerusem for many years, having attained Jerusem citizenship status at the completion of my mansion world experiences. But this is a new kind and dimension of pedagogy for I was not exactly a teacher in my mortal life, more what you would call a ‘headshrinker’/physician combination.

To come back to mortal status is not possible for those of us who have completed that career, but having come from a planet which was much more advanced than any planet in the System of Satania, I am finding this experience of mortal companionship to be  absolutely invigorating and thrilling! If you could understand how appealing are the rebel planets of Satania to those of us who come from more advanced worlds you would find it easier to accept our expressions of love. You see, we are not accustomed to the cynicism and negativity with which you have been raised as a defaulted and rebellion torn planet. We were fortunate to grow up in a normal environment where the administrations of the Sons of God are clear and understandable. So it is most precious for us to interact with you mortals who we all consider to be abused. You are all abused children and we seek to heal your wounds by teaching you now to experience the love of the Father and to see His nature portrayed so perfectly in Christ Michael, His beloved Son.

Now that you understand that you are not orphaned children, that you are not illegitimate, but you are truly God’s offspring and that you have dignity and worth despite any of your failings and misfortunes; now that you understand this reality, your true nature and destiny, you are truly are the light in this world! Even as Jesus told his original apostles that they were the light of the world and should not cover up their light with a basket but put it out where it could be seen by everyone, this, my friends, remains His charge to you.


Go from this evening’s meeting now with hearts full of faith and joy. Next time we meet we may have time for questions. Tonight I ask you to bring your questions to your Indwelling Spirit and find your answers there, for that is your ultimate Source and most true and  reliable guide.

In behalf of all who are gathered here I, Daniel, embrace you and pass on to you the currency of the universe, the love of the First Source, the Second Source, and the Third Source. Good evening.”

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