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SEI167- Persistence

SE Idaho #167


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Persistence
o 1.2 Group: SE Idaho TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Daniel, Iruka
o 2.2 TR: PamElla
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Dialogue
o 3.4 Closing

Topic: Persistence
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Iruka
TR: PamElla


Prayer: Father, we know that as You look down at us, You see us one and You see us as individuals. You see us as we are. And You see us as one day we might be. You see us with our desires and our sadness and our joys and our abilities. May we look to You always as a solution to the world’s pain, to individuals needs and to each of us trying to be what you have intended for us. Pray that as we listen tonight, whatever happens, that we might have things to think about, places to grow in our lives and love to share with all of our brothers and sisters wherever they might be in their own belief systems. In the name of Christ Michael, Nebadonia, and God the Father, Amen.

DANIEL: We do, friends, enjoy your levity and we regret we do not live in such a humorous environment but it is part of your societal level of spiritual maturity – that humor makes some of the difficulties you face palatable. Greetings friends, I am Daniel, your guide, teacher, friend and ardent admirer. Yes! I admire you for your steadfast willingness to step out of your comfort zone to gather together as members of a family for your spiritual advancement. I am not the main speaker tonight but we have, in hope, prepared a lesson which we feel will find comfort in your minds and solace to your souls. I now take my leave but am always available for questions later. In the meantime I step aside.

Comment: Thank your Daniel.

DANIEL:: Your are welcome ****.


IRUKA: Welcome, my friends, I am Iruka visiting you tonight with great joy and delight as always. You are an inspiration. Is that surprising to you that we your teachers find you an inspiration? With all the distractions in your lives, in your cities, in your country and on your planet, you have chosen to pursue the Father. You have chosen to search out what it means to love a being that you cannot see, that you have no proof of, that you only have what is inside of you to believe or not to believe. With all the nations and the negative things that happen you insist that there is a Creator Power and that He is good. We are astounded at times that you have found this and that you live by it and that you stand by it.

We who are from planets who have seen spiritual beings, who have spoken with them, who are part of our lives, wonder if we could have done that also. We will never know but we are truly inspired by your persistence to seek, to become, to never give up. We are of course, delighted that you even listen to us, unseen, unproven, teachers. We thank you for your inspiration and we learn from you what true devotion and persistence is in the face of your experience and of your news reports. We see Father working inside of you pointing the way. We see you listening and growing and becoming, and we are delighted. Those are my words for this evening. My love to you all, shalom

Question: Daniel, are you still willing to answer a question?

DANIEL: : Of course!


Question: Okay! I was reading an older transcript and I…. you have talked about this many, many, times and I cannot get a grip on it. You talk about three things, the old triangle thing. You talk about truth, and then meanings and values. Okay, I get truth, I think, but I don’t understand the difference between meanings and value and how they all work together.

DANIEL: : Yes, this is Daniel, thank you for the question. The meaning of meanings and values overlaps. So, that is part of your difficulty. Meanings, in essence, refers to what a dictionary might say is the definition of a word and if it’s a phrase that concept expanded. Implicit in meanings, at least to some extent, are values. Words like beauty are like that. There is a definition of beauty, which one can look up in a dictionary, and there will be a value attached to that word based upon an individuals experience and understanding.

The word values, again related to meanings, goes a step further in identifying a moral or ethical or spiritual implication or definition, which could be part of the definition of a word in the dictionary but has this higher level value, hence the word values. Typically values have some level of spiritual impact, which means they may or may not have.
Have I satisfied your question?

Response: Yes, it’s much clearer. I’m going to give you a sample and maybe you can help me sort this out. We have been talking about families for quite awhile and so I want to step through this to make sure I understand. So, a truth…. We start, I guess, at the bottom, okay, I love my family. Okay, so because I love my family I want to be a part of their lives and I want to help them. I want to live close to them. How do we get the meanings and the values? Or am I on the wrong track here?

DANIEL: : No, I don’t think your approach is incorrect. The word family also has a meaning, which involves values. The definition of a family, one can find in a dictionary. There is however implicit in that definition, values, which probably will vary some from individual to individual. But, all will agree, I think, that there are values implicit in the word family or in the concept of families. You all have families, spouses, children, relatives. And of course the definition of family can be expanded as we have used it with your group, but limit it to relatives for the moment. These are people you value.

Hence you want to do what you can do to assist them, to be part of their lives, to develop that concept of family through love to its upper most levels. That idea I can tell you, is fairly universal on all planets I am familiar with. Humanoids need to be part of families. It is the basis of their strength and support. And ultimately the reason they feel comfortable in reaching out to higher, what we would call, spiritual ideals. Have I helped you my dear with you question?

Response: Yes, you have. Thank you! I think there is a lot more to learn on those levels. There always is isn’t there?

DANIEL: : Yes, and you are part of that as we have expanded your definition of families to include this group, including those members who are not present this evening. As you can probably guess this concept will continue to be expanded over time as your mind can grasp higher values and their implications. I thank you for that most appropriate question.

Response: Thank you Daniel.

DANIEL: : Iruka and I remain available for questions. Are there any others? **** have you thought of yours?

Question: You answered some of my thoughts that I had with your response to the three values of truth, meanings and values. As we progress in this mortal world and we fail to recognize some of the lessons presented before us for spiritual growth, as presented by our Thought Adjuster and our angels and the methods that they are giving here, I was wondering what are the methods on the First Mansion World when we are given, let’s say our short-sighted-ness on our spiritual growth? We have to pick up those lessons we missed here to continue. What are the methods that they teach (those methods) versus the methods they do here? Does that make sense my friend?

DANIEL: : Oh yes!

(Excuse me… I didn’t mean to interrupt you… if I understand that procedure perhaps I can recognize it here and advance here more so.)

DANIEL: : Yes that may well be helpful. Once you arrive on the Mansion Worlds you will be essentially alone – in that you will have family still living on Urantia and you will have family preceding you on Mansonia One. Those family members on Mansion World number one may or may not be with you when you arrive. Hence, I say you will be essentially alone. But you won’t be there by yourself as your text relates, you’ll have a large entourage of beings there to assist you in welcoming you to your next life. Helping you to learn what is available and is expected of you. The whole business of living arrangements as well as dealing with any questions you may have. So, while I say you will be alone, as being away from those you have been closest to while living on Urantia, you will have a host of beings that you will shortly call your friends and yes family once you arrive on Mansonia One.

This concept rather, ****, can be likened to your situation on Urantia wherein you will find individuals coming into and through your life who will assist you in spiritual development. You have already met many of these individuals. And there will most likely be others. And this concept is, or can be rather, related to what you will find on Mansonia One. Have I addressed your question my friend?

Response: You have given me a very good lesson. And as usual you have put much nourishment upon my plate. I’m trying to catch it before it slides off. Thank you Daniel.

DANIEL: : And thank you ****. **** is thoroughly enjoying you. (And I him.) And thank you for that question. I suspect it will be helpful to others. Anyone else have a question? (Silence)… The chime has sounded and it is time for us to conclude, if there are no further questions. Hearing none will you stand and clasp hands. Is there anyone who wishes to close our meeting this evening with prayer? (Silence)


Before we pray friends, this is Daniel, may I say again how delighted we are at your getting together. We have greatly missed your meetings and we trust we will have them more frequently in the future. That’s just a suggestion. (We agree… many jovial comments.) yes, we got that, Nov 15. Shall we bow and pray to our Father.

Prayer: Father, Son, Spirit, Creators of all that is and was and ever will be. We your children thank You for all You have done for us for which we are humbled. Because we clearly do not deserve it, but we understand and we trust and we believe that Your door is always open. And someday we will all walk through it into Your presence with delight and humility. Your universe is beyond our understanding but we trust and have faith that the future for each of us will be beyond our boldest imagination. And for that we thank You. Be with our students who struggle mightily in the world of their existence up stream it appears and feels, yet they persist in hope and in faith. We their teachers are delighted to be part of their development. All of us present here tonight are in awe of the glimpses of what the future holds for us. We pray we will be, all of us, up to the tasks set before us and arrive smiling on there resolution. That is the future that we see. That is the conclusion we hope for. That is the essence of our faith and trust in You. In the name of Michael and Nebadonia, our local universe teachers and guides, we send this prayer to you. So be it. Amen

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