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SEI79- What Do You Fear About Change

2004-02-08.  What Do You Fear About Change

SE Idaho #79

Topic: What Do You Fear About Change

Group: SE Idaho TeaM

Teacher: Daniel, Minearisa, Aaron

TR: Bob S.


Unknown (Bob S.): To Him, who’s presence fills every part of our being, the First Source and Center of all that is, we reach out in hope, in faith, in trust, knowing none of us are worthy of Gods grace. Yet God chooses to lavish His love on everyone.  In gratitude we respond, oh Father of all, seeking to become that person You have created us to be. Yet knowing our ascension is a long path to You. In gratitude we gather in Your name. Fill us to overflowing with Your love, as demonstrated through Your Creator Son, Jesus, our master. Amen.

Daniel: Greetings, friends, this is Daniel. I greet you with both aspects of the definition of that word, and thank Ken for his elucidating to that this evening. As your guide, teacher and friend, it has been my pleasure to work with each of you individually and as a group.

I open tonight’s meeting with the gratitude that you have shown, to allow me to be your teacher, guide and friend. My responsibility tonight is just this introduction. There will be others that will present the lesson, and I now step aside to allow this to begin. One moment please.


Minearsia (Nancy): Greetings, I am Minearsia, the instructor in residence to this SE Idaho Teaching Base. I am delighted to be with you. I am delighted by the serious, searching, discussion, in addition to the light humor, and familial attitude, that  occurred here earlier this evening. It is through serious consideration, of our offerings to you, that change occurs.

You have been told many times that correction will come to Urantia through the efforts of those of you who work to identify God’s Will in your life, and how to express that Will. We understand that it is hard to comprehend that Light and Life will come about, not because of mighty deeds by those of us of advanced status, but through the efforts of individuals, such as you. So tonight we thank you, again, for your effort, for your commitment, for your ongoing allegiance, to Michael. You are His Apostles because you have chosen to be so. For you have said “yes” to God, and “yes” to Michael, and “yes” even to the possibility of the Bitter Cup, remembered and referenced earlier this evening. (First gathering in Boise, Idaho 1995)

Tonight, we wish to shift gears, somewhat, and lighten the atmosphere with a question and answer style of forum. Much to Nancy’s dismay, Aaron will not be presenting the question. It is I.

Bob D. yeah.

The question is a repeat on one asked many years ago, regarding change. Please take this approach, rather than having a ping-pong like discussion regarding change, I would ask that one person begin. The person who begins may choose to pass to the left or right. The larger discussion does not occur until each person has shared.

The question is this: What is it that you fear the most about change? I will release PamElla that she may participate. After each person has shared, and you have all discussed to your hearts content, we will have a closing. Thank you.

Group: Much bantering and humor before starting: Individuals expressed their concerns around many personal feelings. The fears expressed are:

Lack of control. New issues.

The unknown of change.

Likes change. Fear of unknown cost.

The personal cost of change.

Impaction of free space.

Change that is imposed.

Things may not turn out the way I want.

Confidence to perform the change.

Fear of not having change, complacency.

What is causing the fear for change.

Its hard to be in control when you let someone else in (trust).

Do I have what it takes to handle this change.


Group discussion centered on the feelings of each person and trying to understand the thoughts expressed. Many, if not all, felt the same way about these concerns of fear. The preferences one would like to see, the expectations one would have,  the disappointments and then finding the truth, beauty and goodness from changes, and seeing how one benefits, from these changes.

Minearsia: Well done students! I am Minearisa continuing. As spokesman for the teaching staff, I again offer  genuine gratitude, for your willingness to learn about yourself and yourselves collectively in this exercise. I now withdraw, leaving you with my great love and appreciation. I do feel honored to be a part of your growth experience. Shalom friends.

Aaron (Bob D.): Greetings! I am Aaron. Hello my friends. Tonight I would close this meeting by taking you through  an exercise. Please come into the stillness with me. The linking of your hearts and minds may be accomplished through your intention, rather than holding hands. Send your energy in a circular pattern, with one string flowing to the left and the other to the right. In this chain of love I would have you contemplate issues, that have risen in your life, whether it is a minor disturbance, or to you a major imposition.

I would have you look at the emotional impact that this issue brings to you. The battle of faith, in the kingdom of men and the kingdom of God, generally are with the struggle to accept what is more real about you; that which causes turbulence and strife, or that beauty that you find yourself sharing now with your friends, in a circle, is (this) your fear? Is your struggle  stronger than your faith? Have you said “yes” to God? For if you can center yourselves, in the stillness, and pose these questions to your mind, I am fairly certain that what raises the turmoil, and the impact of the struggling faith, is the intention to know love and truth, and become characterized by it. Thus, are your imperfections diminished, so you can realize that the overriding nature of your being is aligned with God. The effort now is to look at these issues with this relationship, to realize that you are capable of bringing alignment with this higher nature.

There is a long road of experience ahead of you. And some of these struggles you face will carry into the Mansion Worlds, but in essence, your fate has been determined and is not on the side of failure. So even as you find yourself slipping, on occasion, take it as an opportunity to examine and to bring into focus the higher values, which can put into perspective these issues,  making it easier to act as if they did not exist, for they do not have the impact that they do on your lives.

Truly the greatest form of medicine, in your spiritual existence, is the stillness practice. You can heal many wounds and  diminish the impact by this consistent turning inward to the Source of your creation. God loves and therefore, all that is created has the potential to love, and be loved. Accept this into your being and become greater by it.

Creator Who upholds the universe, and universes, I am here with my friends seeking Your solace, Your understanding, and the beauty that You possess. Please grant into our beings the Light of Your Love , that we may possess it and share it with others. We reach to You knowing that it is possible to be freed from the fetters of the material existence, and those patterns which  cause outbreaks of behavior that we feel diminished by. We look to Your higher existence and seek the divine pattern; so that we may best be representative of our highest aspirations (of) you.

Thank you for your dedication my friends. I withdraw at this time and look forward to our next meeting. Good evening.

Group: good evening.

Virginia: Is it possible to ask a question, teachers, before we close?


Daniel (Bob S.): This is Daniel. Of course, my dear!

Virginia: I have been asked to check, by Lori, whether indeed you have visited with her this past week Daniel.

Daniel: Yes! I understand the question and my response is in the affirmative. I visit all of my children in this group, expanded, as often as I can, and in this case Lori was correct, in identifying it as me. (Thank you) You are welcome.


Unknown (Nancy): The meeting is ended. Go with joy.

Group: Thank you

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