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SCO17 – Cosmic Service Project

Eregon010706_SOCO_CosmicServiceProject – SCO#17

Southern Colorado TeaM, #17
Pueblo, Colorado

Teachers: Eregon, Nebadonia, Monjoronson, Christ Michael and Un-Named

Topics: Cosmic service project
Technique for making up deficiencies
God-ward direction and decisions
Nature of your uniqueness
Hunger for guidance
Reaching out in trust
Transforming your world
Energy flow and spirit connections
Purity of spirit
Imparting wisdom
Fear must be abandoned
Repair from the ravages of the Lucifer Rebellion
Allow for self-correction
Year of guidance, goodness and peace
Maintain your optimism
The banquet table

TR’s: Contributing receivers (2)

January 7, 2006

EREGON (TR-1): I wish to greet this group of children of light, children of grace. It is a pleasure to find you once again, gathered, to commune with us, your friends—your loving friends—we who care so deeply for you and love you so much. I am Eregon, a teacher who first sojourned with these two daughters of light, some time ago, when they were desirous of instruction on receiving these transmissions. It is gratifying to be once again, with these two, and so many more.

You have noticed that the Correcting Time is a very organic process, not always on schedule, not always predictable, but dependent upon your desire and your commitment and your availability, for we will never coerce you, nor ever have we coerced you. It is not the way of the good, true and beautiful, which is what we offer in our counsel and in our care, and only that. I have great pleasure to be once again visiting and greeting each one of you. There is little of mystery about means of transmission. It requires merely a willingness and a letting down of barriers and inhibitions. This one is a reluctant transmitter at times, but is learning to be more relaxed.

The Correcting Time and the Teaching Mission, which facilitates it, are not requirements for your eternal career or your eternal survival. It is merely a service that your Father / Brother / Friend, Christ Michael, has initiated with the approval of the Most Highs, even to the Universal Father, as a technique for making up for the great deficiencies under which you have labored for so many centuries. Yes, it is a cosmic service project. But as I say, it is neither required nor demanded, but embraced willingly by all who participate. The lessons, which are imparted, are not only for this group, or these two, or these three—those who gather in small groups.

The lessons are not only for these groups; the lessons are intended to be distributed and will remain for all who later read the words on the page, or hear the transmission from the taped device. The service is for the planet and those who care to, or wish to be of service themselves in transmission of these messages. These ones are greatly appreciated, and as a teacher of these processes, I would invite each of you—if you choose—to cultivate this technique for yourselves. Each of you may sojourn with a teacher; you may do this individually, or you may team up, as you are doing now. Each of you has the capacity and can then—should you wish—enlarge your own circles into even larger circles. This is but a suggestion, an observation and an invitation.

Your Father in Heaven, who dwells with you so intimately, will never waiver. The Father’s love and presence never waivers one iota, no matter what you decide regarding this process and this service. Your Indweller, this Eternal Pilot of your ship of mind, as your text describes, is ever trusty, ever true, ever present, and awaits only your decisions on which direction you wish to go. For each of you, your direction is God-ward, this we know and this we salute in each of you.

By this effort to cement in your own minds, this relationship with this Indweller, you will be led into every path of righteousness, and every sunny glade, even when sometimes the by-ways on the way can be shadowy. But this is not any detriment to your progress, if you have made your decision. And so that is the most important of this spiritual relationship that you can cultivate, that “still small voice” within each, that voice where when you are very quiet, in your quiet times and you can ask, “Are you there?” And the answer you get will reassure you.

This is the most important relationship. Learn to trust your thoughts, children; learn to trust the process of thought. Once you have made these decisions—and you cannot make serious error—once this decision is made, it will assist you to further cement your relationship. You are a spirit being; God is your Spirit Father. It is a natural result; you are a spirit child—each of you—and in this way, you communicate with spirit beings. It is not science fiction; it is not nearly as fanciful, as some would like to make it. It is simply the way it is. And following the opening of spiritual circuitry, which is still ongoing, it has become much more easily facilitated.

And so I encourage and invite each of you, in your own way and in your own time, to explore, if you wish. There are many here today, who would speak with you. For the moment, I would encourage each of you to continue loving one another; continue reaching out to those who need the light, which you carry. Continue to be the beacon for those who grope in the darkness, and know that you are loved, you are fellowshipped, you are guided—but most of all, you are loved and you are known. We cheer you on, we salute you and we love you, very, very dearly. And we treasure these times of communication.

And so for now, I wish you a good day. And I wish once more to meet with you in the future and I will look forward to that time. Adieu.

TR -2: I keep hearing, “Nebadonia is present; Mother is here.”
Student: Oh, good!

NEBADONIA: Yes, I am with you, my children. Although you know in your hearts and minds that you are never away from me, for I am as we have said before, the very air you breathe, and the body you breathe it with, both what you perceive and the eyes with which you perceive. I permeate my universe, and I am aware of each and every conscious being—yes, more than mortal, am I aware of. My children are too numerous, for you to comprehend, my loved ones. But be aware that each of you are treasured, as if you were an only child of a great and royal family, for in truth, you each are that.

You are unique in our plan, in the fabric of our universe, in the outworking of the details of our universe. Each of you does have a part, and that part is somewhat determined by the nature of your uniqueness. Take a diadem, a tiara of a thousand jewels—if one was missing, would it not look marred? This is why we cultivate each of you. We bend over you so tenderly. You reach out your hand for us as you cross the streams of life, and we are always here to hold you, to steady you, to secure you, as you yourselves go about meeting the challenges, knowing you have the immense back-up of a loving parent available at all times.

Yes, you can trust us with the details of daily living, but only if you are willing to share your thoughts, your invitations, your hunger for guidance, can we step forward and be truly present in your awareness, for we are always here, watching and guiding. And when you reach out to us, when your spirit eyes seek our spirits and perceive us, then may we interact in a much more detailed fashion. And it is all for your benefit, as well as for the benefit of all. We encourage you because your growth encourages us.

We do truly treasure you, not as a treasure you would hide away in a museum, but as a treasured relationship with one for whom you would love to share all the moments of your life. So we feel toward you. And you are not alone, no matter how alone you might feel in regard to human companionship from time-to-time in your changing lives. Please remember us, when you feel these ways. We are ever present. We love you with a tender love, and even the love you hold for your children, merely foreshadows.

We look forward with great and joyful anticipation, to greeting you on the mansion worlds, and getting to know you even better, as you develop your spiritual selves in the future. Be not afraid, little ones, for you are most tenderly watched over and guided, through all the days, all the decisions, all the journeys, all the challenges, and yes, the friendships and relationships of your life. Yes, we can see, perceive the potential for your growth, for you and those you love, by coming into certain kinds of associations, and we encourage this where we can. We love you all so much, and desire your highest and holiest good, of which you can only have a dim imagining at this point in your careers.

Your countries, your nations, your civilizations and systems, all will continue to evolve, to become higher, brighter and more noble. As the souls upon this world lift their eyes to spirit, so will they transform the institutions, the cultures—even the families of your planet. With each heart in an individual motion God-ward, you each contribute to the upliftment of your entire globe, and we thank you.

We thank you for these efforts, the results of which you are not likely to perceive from your viewpoint. But let us assure you, in retrospect, you will be able to see and understand that the things you have done here, what you have become involved with, which is spiritually motivated, is meaningful, worth-while, true, beautiful and good, my children. And we thank you for coming together and also remind you that you can experience our presence and that of your teachers, individually, two-by-two, three-by-three, or in a large group. You do not need to gather a group to feel our friendly presence, for we are very literally and truly, always with you. I am your Mother, your loving Mother Spirit, and now I recede and leave an opening for another. I love you, my children! Thank you.

Student: Thank you, Nebadonia.

TR -1: I keep seeing this one word, “Questions,” with a question mark at the end of it. I wonder if there is somebody here that is going to answer questions, or if anybody has questions?

Student: I would like to know how we can have more energy to serve you better, to serve Father? As we get older, how can we gain strength and energy, all the tools we need in that life cycle?

UN-NAMED: TR-1: There is an energy flow that goes through every life. You know that when you are young, you have much physical energy, a lot of stamina. You grow into young adulthood and the flower of woman-hood and man-hood, and have families and you spend great amounts of energy in both physical and mental ways. Along the way—or perhaps you learn early in your life—about the spirit connection and yet, not all are blessed this way. Many adopt the spirit connection along the way. You have noticed this spiritual connection intensifies and boosts even your physical energy and your mental energy when you incorporate these.

As your physical and mortal vehicles age and begin to slow somewhat, as things are here on this planet, there is often a concern of flagging energies and the lamentation that one is not doing as much as one wishes one could do, and that somehow this physical lack is needs be, indicative of one’s contribution or ability to contribute in a significant way for good. I tell you this is not the case. You are “purity of spirit,” an attribute that can become brighter and more luminous as you grow in grace, experience and wisdom, simply by the process of existing a longer time, deciding more things, making more progress, using the wisdom and the experience to create beauty and goodness in your future.

These are the attributes upon which you must draw when wishing to have more to contribute to your world. Your experience alone, imbued as it is with your decisions of long ago to sojourn with God through this life, are of immeasurable value. It is your task to discern the ways in which you wish to impart the wisdom that you have earned. This you may do in your acceptance of your own beauty, the acceptance of your own worth and the hard-won lessons that you have gleaned, and this answer is for each of you, that you become aware of your worth as receivers of wisdom and knowledge through your experiences.

Reflection in stillness will also help you in this regard. This has been stressed many times in these transcripts and yet, it cannot be over-stressed, that you will gain great power and strength from sojourning more and longer with your Indweller, sitting with God. And this does not have to be an onerous duty, but a delightful respite from the humdrum or the frenzy of daily life. You can snatch bits of time here and five minutes there and a minute here, when you simply turn your mind God-ward. That is all it takes, just the decision to turn your mind God-ward.

If you feel you need a boost of energy, simply ask for it, and turn your mind God-ward. Try to see yourselves as the shinning burnished gems that you are. You—each of you—came into this plane in an unfinished state, with jagged edges and pointy corners. If you could only see yourselves as we see you, you would be so pleased and so comforted and so reassured. In your times when you feel your energy flagging, if you feel you do not do enough, do not give enough, are not enough—and each mortal has these seasons—forget not who you are, what you are, and how far you have come, and how much value this is in your milieu, your daily surroundings. And I guess the simplest thing I can say in response to your question is to simply ask, in the moment, cultivate finding that presence with God in any spare moment. Make it a habit, and you will find that you have much more creativity and much more energy with which to express that to your world. Thank you for that question.

Student: Thank you. It was very valuable.

Student: I have a question. I would like to know if you can give us any insight or advice as to the best possible way to help _____ regain himself?

UN-NAMED:  This child of God, who has returned to your doorstep, returned to the embrace of his family, let me assure you that in this one act alone, his health has been improved immeasurably, simply by his being accepted into the bosom of the family once again, has been a great healing in his very being. This continued acceptance, this loving acceptance, will contribute more than anything else to his continued improvement, for self-worth and self-recognition—the recognition that one is worthy is being reflected by you to him, and so he sees himself as would any lost soul, when once again looked upon with the eyes of love. This can only be healing. You should continue to see great improvement in this child of God, upon whom you have bestowed, and are bestowing a wonderful love. Is that a sufficient answer for you?

Student: I think so. Thank you. I will keep loving him . . . .

UN-NAMED:  Indeed. Out of this decision to love, will come all other needful things, for his physical and mental well-being.

Student: Thank you.

EREGON, TR-1: I am Eregon, your long-time friend, teacher and visitor. You want so much to be included, so much to be used and employed in heavenly work. You must trust that this is happening. You are somewhat victims in time and space, in so far as you have a difficulty of gaining the long view. This is the normal view for those of us on the other side of the veil. If we perceive your difficulty, when time concerns and space concerns seem to inhibit your growth and progress, you must know this is not a fact, however grim may seem your lot at times.

You are the most blessed of mortals, for you have been gifted with the revelation of your sonship with God, your very real and literal sonship with God, and your very real and literal brotherhood and sisterhood with your fellow mortals. Yours is not to be a life of grim determination and fear, if you so choose to rise above these detriments. Your life is to be lived in the present moment, as we have instructed you many times. This is a lesson that is of great value and one, the practice of which will greatly improve your lives and your outlook on your lives.

Fear is rooted in the past and in the future, and the uncertainty or the sorrow of times past, with the uncertainty of future events. Fear must be abandoned. The present moment contains all of everything you could possibly need. When you find yourselves mired in these uncomfortable feelings and thoughts, you may request to be fellowshipped, and it will be so—it is so, it always is so, in the moment. If you persist in thinking about the future, you may alleviate the distress of this practice by projecting with certainty that you will always be fellowshipped, protected and directed, in that uncertain future.

This is the truest and the most beneficial way of viewing your future. You may say to yourselves, “Saved thus far; safe this far,” right here and right now, you are safe. Certainly your future is safe. You may look back into the past and you may see that in spite of decisions that were less than good, motivations that were less than pure, events that were less than helpful—in spite of all these, you have been brought safe thus far.

There is no reason to believe this safety will not continue. However, if persisted in, this fear can drain you of your present moment and your creative proclivities. You may [be] weary of hearing this message, for it seems so simplistic, and we say yes, it is simplistic, but the simple is always to be preferred to the alternative. Our Father in Heaven, while the most perfect and the most seemingly complex force and being and personality, is yet quite simple. Our Father in Heaven is motivated by love and wishes only love in return. In this you may give [to him] in the form of gratitude and certainty of his watch-care and love for your lives. You in turn, pass this on to your brothers and sisters.

This idea of Christ Michael standing in front of you, shielding you, as it were, from the stretch of lumps ahead, which comprise this coming year, is a very good one. Cultivate this picture in your mind. Christ Michael is your protector, is your buffer against the uncertainties of the future. Ask often for his mind, for his thinking, to replace yours when it is not serving you well. You will never be disappointed at the results, for you do not live your lives alone. I am Eregon, your friend, your teacher, one who cares for you and sojourns with you. Good day.

Student: Thank you.

TR-1: Well, I heard, “Monjoronson is here,” and then I heard, “Yes, it is I.”

MONJORONSON, (TR-1): I would greet you too, in this new day of this first day of this New Year, a year which you will see, is going to be filled with many wonderful occurrences. Your teacher speaks rightly, with this instruction to think always of the future with optimism and joy and peace, for this is the truth of the future for those who believe and have faith, and who are dedicated to the upliftment of this planet. The tatters of the ravages of the Lucifer Rebellion, are being knitted up, are being mended and sewn together. Once more will the whole cloth of beauty and peace, overshadow and enwrap this planet. You each are a part of this repair.

There has been much damage done, and yet not so much that it cannot be repaired. For this I have come, and will one day, stand before you as your friend, as your companion and your helper, in your desire to be of service. In the interim time, be not dismayed by your seeming inability to get your “wheels” going. The Correcting Time is a correcting time for all, even those and maybe even especially those, who wish to be of this greater service. Allow yourself to be instructed and informed in your inmost heart, in your times of quietude with the Father, instructed as to the correcting of your own beings, your own motivations and directions.

I would say to relax, children. Be not anxious; relax into your present moment, and remain at one with your higher self. Allow this higher self to work through you; remember to build the bridge and maintain the bridge in each day, in each moment. See the bridge in whatever way is useful for you. Construct, build, maintain and use this bridge; it is a gift given freely to you, this advice. It will serve you well. I and my entourage, my cadre of helpers and assistants are working steadily in this realm. We are, and I am available for these types of visitations when you are willing. Prepare yourselves for a year of guidance and goodness and peace. Maintain your optimism, for optimism in the present moment creates goodness in the future. The time of darkness is waning; believe it, children! It is waning; the new dawn is breaking. I am Monjoronson. I bid you a good day and peace in your hearts today. Carry this peace with you; allow it not to be shattered by thoughts of lack or failure. More—much more—will be revealed to you. I leave my peace with you; please pass it on, and good day.

Student: Thank you, Monjoronson.

TR -2: I keep hearing, “You are the light of the world.”

CHRIST MICHAEL: It is I, Michael. Goodnight children, I bless you with my good wishes for your coming year, also. Yes, you are the Light of the World. It is only you who carry my love right in your heart, who can be the Light of the World. It is only my light that can be shed abroad and shared with many. We are the Light together, children and Parents, human and Divine, in one family, united. Our cause is great and just and noble; our light is beautiful and warm and sustaining. We offer these gifts to all; we include everyone in our great family. We invite everyone to our banquet table. As you carry your torches abroad in your daily travels, no matter how seemingly small, you are doing a service of great worth and value, from the aspect and viewpoint of your celestial family, children.

Bring, invite as many as you can to our banquet table, for we love you all with a great love, and we share with you each, our bountiful blessings, our soulful sustenance, our rich desserts of spirit gifts, and we would leave you intoxicated with the presence of spirit, not in a way that disenables / disables, but in a way that enriches and expands your viewpoint, with an altered awareness of our continuing presence. I do love you, my dear daughters! Thank you for sharing your time with me, with us, with the family of Light, and yes, you do feel Nebadonia here too. We delight to fellowship with you. Whenever you have even the smallest moment to turn your focus of awareness toward us, know that we are not only available, but truly present to comfort, to share our love, to guide you and sustain you, as I promised and you are reminded, I do go through all of your life with you, once you dedicate yourselves to me. I am beside you in every challenge, in every difficulty.

And my loving presence can sustain you through all your doubts, your fears, your falterings. It is what you need in those times, when you feel less—even less than humans, but certainly less than spiritual. Come back to me in those moments and I will give you strength and succor, for I am ever your Brother, Friend, Counselor, Father and Creator. My love knows no bounds, for I am with you always. Good day, dear daughters.

Student: Good day, Michael.

CHRIST MICHAEL: My peace I leave with you. It is yours to have and to share.

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