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SCO8 – Lifestyles in the Afterlife

[Sondjah250904LifeStylesInTheAfterlife] – SCO#8

Southern Colorado TeaM, #8
Pueblo, Colorado

Teacher: Sondjah Melchizedek (TR, Daniel)

Topics: Q&A: Perspectives on war
Changing the paradigm
Mother Earth as an energetic entity
Reaching balance of Earth’s energy
Changing weather patterns
Group lessons
Intention & sincerity
Life styles in the afterlife
What is it like to live on a mansion world?
Parenting experience
Seeing your own life in review
Need for making decisions
Associations with peers
Overcoming challenges
Successes & failures
Whose children are in the nursery?
Why three children?
Empowerment in decision-making

September 25, 2004

[NOTE and REMINDER from Daniel: Our beloved transcriptionist cannot share your questions when you do not speak loudly enough to be recorded. So, please speak more loudly so your questions get on the tape. Thanks!]

SONDJAH: Good afternoon, this is Sondjah. It is good to be with you once more. Just as you note the increased vibration and activity around you today, so too is your world’s vibration increasing. The hunger for peace will evade many and that is why it is so important for you to have moments of stillness, time for stillness, and you will need this several times a week. It would be good if you were able to practice this daily. On your small world of so many activities and so many difficulties, you will need to find a space, make a space, make a time when you can be still and quiet.

Just as I am a Melchizedek Teacher on the Mansion Worlds, and prepare the lessons for my classes, so too, you must prepare yourselves, your lesson plans for your life so that your activities are developed and fulfilled and these have a much better possibility of occurring when you are still, when you are quiet. You can be in-filled through the guidance of your Thought Adjuster, who subtly whispers into your mind’s ear and guides you. The subtleties of guidance from on high within you are very slight, undetectable. Yet there is a constancy of eternity that resides within the center of you. Know that it is always there, that it is one with you, and desires a oneness with you that will eventuate in fusion, oneness of being in [purpose] with you. Be at peace. Before we begin the lesson today, let us have a time of questions, if you have questions. Let us take a few moments for our new guest to become settled. I had just opened the forum for questions and provision for answers, if you have any questions.

Student: I would like to offer my thanks to Persephone for the information that she brought to us last time. It was very informative and useful.

SONDJAH: We are very pleased that it was useful for you and that you were able to apply it.

Student: What is really happening in the world with all the wars and is there a perspective way to look at it?

SONDJAH: A way of looking at the wars is the last chest beating of archaic global maneuvering. We could add the phrase “by men,” as it seems as though these activities are male driven, rather than female driven. It will not develop quietly or easily—the methods, time, and the passage or transition for the inclinations of the male gender to become subdued and familial and communal in his orientation. These are difficult times for your world, as your world is in transition, your genders are in transition, your nations are in transition, the economies that are going through a global upheaval. You might call it progress, but it is the disintegration of the old patterns of living, which will be reformed into new patterns of living.

Change is essential for a new paradigm, for a new formation, for a new world in which you will live. Change, even violent change, change that is demonstrated against by those who want peace, is sometimes—not a necessity—but a precursor for peaceful relations later, as it is always proven that war does not make right and might does not make right. Only peaceful agreements make right, and all conflicts will end in peace, all conflicts will end in resolution to the tensions one day, one week, one year, one decade or one century or longer, later. The inevitabilities of destruction, of war, of global competition are apparent from our perspective, but for those who have so much invested in the markets, in political forces, power structures and alignments—peace is elusive; peace is not seen as a way of improving your position. Yet peace will come.

You have a phrase, which seems to make no sense to us, “Peace will come at a cost.” But truly, peace is free; it is war that is so costly. The mindset of war-makers is much different than those of peacemakers. The new mindset must parallel and match the new gender alignments. And when will it end? When it is so readily apparent that it is futile, when it is so readily apparent that it costs more than peace, and that there is far more to lose through war and in war mongering and aggression, than there is through peace. Thank you for your question.

Student: The island off of Haiti that the English (?) call Turtle Island has disappeared and 126,000 people…what happened?

SONDJAH: I have no answer for you.

Student: What is really going on with the…(inaudible).

SONDJAH: What is occurring here is apparent to you, yet it is occurring so much all over the world. It is hard to explain fully what our planet really is. You call it Mother Earth, and Gaia—some of you recognize it as an entity of its own, and truly it is. You humans on this planet are puny in comparison to the planet, but you have immense, immense energy—living energy with consciousness, consciousness and will, where individuals can project their wrath or their peace, or their harmony or their songs of joy, or their war chants—towards the world or towards others, and it is very powerful. What you live on, Mother Earth, Urantia, is a planet of immense energetic inertia. It does not respond rapidly to the environments of consciousness, which are upon it. Yet when that energy is powerful and directed, intentional, and ongoing, it is cumulative.

The energy of your species is affecting your world. Your world is, yes, a peaceful place, but as I said, it is a world, a planet, and an energetic entity of great inertia. Your world is not a personality. It is not a person. It is not a consciousness, but it is a state of being. It is an energetic entity —an evolutionary world that came into existence through the developments of universe evolution. When I speak about Mother Earth, I am speaking about an energetic entity—you could call it living, in that the energy has an ebb and flow, there is a balance to it. There is more than a positive and negative—there is a flow. And as the current returns, your world is reclaiming her own. I use that pronoun—I do not mean a person or personality, but simply to identify your world as a being, an energetic being. This being is now coming back into balance; it is reclaiming her own.

As was told to you by other teachers, your world’s population exceeds itself by half as much as it should be. It is twice the size of what it can sustain nicely, comfortably, easily, where everyone prospers. Your question really is about an energetic system, a world—even the population of this planet is a system, and it is out of balance. And it will continue so until its size develops to the point where it will bring itself back into balance. No, your world is not a malicious, or malevolent place to live—in fact it is quite the opposite—it is generous, it is bountiful, it is a good place to live, and the projections of evil or harm or intention of hurting you through weather patterns, through earthquakes, through the many things that occur on your planet, that affects you as individuals, may be interpreted as harmful, but they are not so with intention.

Your world is an environment of balance. Building houses on low peninsulas is hazardous, even in good times. Your world has experienced a wonderful era in the last three centuries, where there has been balance, abundance, sunshine in places where there is usually not good weather, but wonderful conditions for prosperity, for development, for growth—and yes, everyone—most everyone on your planet likes to or enjoys living by the sea, the warm sunshine, cool breezes and plentiful fruit and produce—a peaceful environment, idyllic in many ways and in some ways, a shadow of paradise. But it is fragile, and you are fragile.

When you build your houses on sand, shifting soil, you can anticipate great problems. And to continue to do so, even in the history of destruction, is at best, foolish. And as your old documents say, build your houses on firm soil, upon rock, and build them strong and you will prosper much longer. What is occurring in your world? It is simply a balance. You may be seeing even worse weather in the future, as the great amount of heat that your industries have poured into the atmosphere cause the shifting of cold to warm to become more swift and violent.

This is not the wrath of God this is simply a planet exercising its currents of energy. And in the end, there is always balance. Cold places become warmer and the warm places become cooler and the process for doing that is the shifting of currents of water in the ocean and the shifting of air currents in the atmosphere. And as you see where hurricanes are spawned in the south Atlantic, they move northwesterly, and this has always been so—sometimes more violent, and sometimes less so. You have enjoyed an extended era of peace and good weather, and now you may experience an era of worsening weather.

This is most visible in a nation that has telecommunications in an advanced state where news throughout the world is dominated by those with the most money and the most visible technologically developed cultures. Yet there are other cultures that are devastated equally and more so than your own, yet do not receive the publicity that yours has, and their plight is as difficult, their sorrow is as deep, and their deaths as real and as permanent. And you all will wake up in my classroom one day and I will greet you again.

Student: I have heard that …(inaudible)… Saint Germaine, many, many years ago created something called massara (spelling?). Do you know of this and if it’s true and will come into reality?

SONDJAH: There are numerous documentations of other theories or practices of spirituality. Saint Germaine, while I validate his existence and his cohorts as well, we do not make reference to their documents or to their structures or their developments. It is not that we are ignoring it, as we do not, but each strain of belief has its own, and you will find similarities between different strains. The more truth that they contain, the more consistent you will find them to be. I will not validate or disprove your question.

Student: Sondjah, is there something that you can tell us that we should know as a group?

SONDJAH: Yes, certainly, there are actually several things to tell you as a group. First of all is that you are most beloved. You as a group are held in great esteem. This is not a comparative description this is a description for your group. You are beloved as a group, and your group is being prospered and individually your lives are finding new centers of peace and prosperity and harmony. As a group, know that you are safe, and besides being loved, you are protected and guarded. And you, if you listen well within yourself, you will know of things to come in your life. This is not a special thing for your group, but I make this announcement to your group, so that you will be aware of it. This is an aspect of the stillness, which many do not know of or are little aware of, but as you become centered, you become more receptive to the quiet forces and vibrations around you.

Yes, it is a time for your Thought Adjuster to speak to you. Yes, it is a time for your guardian to be with you and to whisper in your mind’s ear as well, about your daily plans and the course of your life. Know too, that you are here for a purpose, and a reason. You alone may know this; others may know it as well, but you have drawn yourself to this group for a reason. You may be here only one time, and that would be sufficient to adjust your course in life.

You may come many times, and never adjust your life. You are here for a reason, and you are listening, and you are open. You are to be commended that you have not closeted yourself in one sole belief system, but are open to be flexible to many ideas. Being open you are able to listen more carefully to that which is around you. Know that you are being guided individually in your life’s course. Know too, that there is a purpose and meaning for your life, and these must be worked out between yourself and your Thought Adjuster and your guardian. For this region it is a particularly beneficial place to live. Many have been called to the mountain states and many know the reason. It is not that others are not called, for many have been called, only a few respond. We are glad you are here.

Student: …(inaudible)…. My question is, does this technique of meditation interfere with …(inaudible)…?

SONDJAH: When in communion with spirit, when in communion with your Thought Adjuster, your guardian, with the Creator, with Christ Michael, with Nebadonia, myself—it is not so much your words that we hear, but your intention and the measure of the sincerity in your heart and your commitment to your orientation, to your intention. These are measurable to us. These are readily identifiable to us. We see this in your morontial persona, in your aura. These are registrations about your consciousness, which you project. When you enter into stillness, examine the reasons for doing so. Examine your commitment to your higher relationships, and your earthly relationships.

Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this? What is my intention?” and “How sincere am I in my commitment?” “Is it a matter of one out of a scale of ten, ten being the best?” “Or is it a ten?” For millennia, religionists have continued to confuse their words with the intent and the commitment that is within their heart. This may include those at the highest echelons in any religion, to the novice who enters in. Jesus spoke to adults becoming as children. He was speaking to sincere commitment, authentic, genuine intention for personal benefit and for the benefit of others. That is my answer for your question about words. Now, let us take a few moments of stillness before our lesson begins.

Today I will speak to you about something [of which] I am familiar, “Life Styles in the Afterlife.” What is it like to live as a morontial being on morontial worlds? What do you do during your day, and what do you do during your “night?” What do you do for activities, and what do you do for recreation and rest? How do you live in the afterlife? What is it like? In a word, it is very simple, and that is the primary attribute of the afterlife that you will live, for your first several transitions. I would like you to compare your lifestyle now, to that of the afterlife. For those of you who have not raised three children from birth to completion, to their departing from the family home, you will be introduced to the nursery world. You will not have to worry about changing diapers, and there are no changing tables.

No, you will not be nursing your baby either. For you mothers who have nursed children that may seem awfully different, unusual, even strange. Caring for infants, you will see infants as another being in potential. This is a very important lesson to learn, for you are all spiritual beings in potential. You are all finaliters in potential. When you compare parentage on Urantia to parentage on the nursery world, it is hoped that you would have learned something that would carry over to you in the afterlife as parents, as caregivers, those who take care of children in the nurseries. But you are more than caregivers —you are sources of nourishment, [and] you will learn the essentials of human nourishment, mortal nourishment on those worlds.

You will learn to accept this little bundle as a grown up adult, a fused morontial being, who will eventually become that, if they so choose. What would you give such a person to fulfill that potential? And you would say, “love.” But you will learn the components of love in great detail. You will learn patience, for they will act as children, and they will have tantrums, and they will have ego difficulties, and they will mirror you in many ways, for the nurseries are a mirroring environment that reflect you and your state of being. Now it is true that after your daily term at the nursery, you may return to your domicile and say in so many words, “Whew! Wow. I’m glad that’s done!

That was a tough day. Those little guys were monsters today!” and they will be. And then, you will spend time with other guardians—morontial guardians, as yourself (I am not talking about angelic guardians right now,) and you will discuss your day. You will discuss the behavior of the children and your reactions to that, and you will reflect upon those experiences and you will ask yourself, “What is the wisdom to be gotten from today’s activities?”

Fortunately, you have your own tutors, mentors, your guardian [and] you have a full complement of advisory staff to assist you in your own growth. Many of you bemoan the fact that you have not three children [and] that you will have to go to the nursery world, as though this were some form of punishment. This is a very unfortunate perspective and attitude to have, for you in many ways will be much blessed with the rapid and incredible growth that you will gain by dealing with these small souls, these immature beings.

You will learn a lot from them and about yourself, and they will learn a lot from you. You will learn a lot about service. You will learn a lot about giving, and serving yourself, for in the end, if you do not serve yourself, you cannot serve the Creator, for to serve yourself is to serve yourself with growth, with the nourishment of growth and development that prepares you for your next transition, to the next morontial body and state of being.

When you are in the nurseries and you are conscious of what is going on and why you are there, you can augment your growth rapidly, so that you learn quickly. Yes, you will be there through the duration of these children’s lives until they grow to the time of separation. Though this may seem like a long time, but I will let you in on a secret—you have all of eternity, and there is no rush. Yes, it might take twenty earth years or longer, but that is a small amount of time in the infinite duration of your own ascendant career. Yes, you may go to the library—we will call it a library—and reference your own history, review all the scenes and all the people, and all the sounds, and voices and words and emotions—you will view yourself as you were a child, and you will wonder, “Why did I ever act that way? What was wrong with me?” Those are very good questions. They will assist you in understanding the children, and further, they will assist you in understanding how to be more mature with the children, more mature in ways to help yourself.

You will have an opportunity to see in your own life review, how you were treated. And yes, you can review all these things with your mentor, your tutor, [and] your guardian. You can ask questions of scenes and situations that you had long forgotten about and understand why you became who you became and what you became, and why you reacted as you did and why you were so active or inactive in your mortal life. Further, this review will offer you an opportunity to examine your present state of existence, to ask, “What do I need to do to overcome this?”

Well, from a teacher’s perspective, it is to learn the lesson. Some of you must learn them experientially, and most of the training you will experience in your first morontial experiences, lives, will be experiential. When you can learn from others and have an emotive reaction to that, then you are learning the lessons through other people. Vicarious learning is a lot easier, yet it will not allow you the opportunity to make decisions when you are faced with them. Only experience gives you that ability, and experience is the proof, the evidence of your growth or your immaturity.

You cannot avoid making decisions. And yes, you will have time with your peers to discuss your decisions, those insurmountable moments in your morontial life when you feel you do not have the resolve or the courage or the reserve, to take the next step. They will exhort you to take it when you are ready, to make the step when you have the resources to do it successfully. And if you hold back too long, you can be assured that they will exhort you to move on and get off your position and to grow. One of the saddest lifestyle situations you will encounter is when you or one of your classmates is unable to move ahead, but the class does move ahead, leaving them behind to participate with the next class and to be out of sync with their own class’s progression.

You will associate with those of similar body types and world types, as your own, so that you can feel acquainted and to get used to the “strangeness” of others. In the universe, there are no aliens—they are all natives. In the universe, you are all seen as one, unique in every way, but each individual is one of potential. It has been difficult for you to understand on your world the reactions of others from other cultures, yet to us you all look alike. And you will have an opportunity in the morontial worlds to associate, come to know, all of the cultures on your world, intimately, and to feel a oneness with them. And soon, your sphere of acquaintances will enlarge to include those of other planets and other types of planets, and other types of mortals, those who came from other worlds who are now in the morontial form as you are.

Before too long, you will be saying, “We are all in this together. We are all going to the same location, the same place, [with] the same status. We are all the same.” And it is up to you to become acquainted, to participate. If you are shy and receding and reclusive here, those tendencies will remain, and they will be there as a challenge for you to overcome. I hope that through this discourse today, you have begun to feel the presence of others around you in the morontial, a new status. If you are able to visualize others around you, and ask them, “How is your day going?” and yes, you will ask them that—“How’s it going?

Tell me about your successes.” Here, as you meet others in the grocery store, “How are you today?” “Oh, I’m feeling miserable. I’m feeling bad[ly], I just lost my job, foreclosed on the house [and] the kids are sick.” You will say, “How’s your progress; how’s your journey?” Of course they will know exactly what you mean, and they will tell you about their successes. And then you will ask them about their challenges: “What have you had to work on lately? I want to learn from you, how you overcame those challenges.”

You see the way of living there is not about suffering together, it is about succeeding together. The service factor is always existent in the morontial realm. You will always have the possibility, the opportunities to be teachers and students, and to serve. There is no competition between you and the person in the next domicile, there is a sharing. And is there TV? We would call it that—it is the broadcast you can tune into parts of the universe in a broadcast, and you will find that almost all that exists and all that occurs in the afterlife and the morontial realm, is oriented towards growth, towards learning, of you moving ahead, moving up, moving in.

You will revel in successes —you will be dismayed by failures. And you will be much like Job, on occasions when you live out your disappointments, for there will be disappointments. You are not perfect —anticipate that there will be disappointments, and [that] those are already planned for. You can forestall those disappointments by inquiring within yourself, inquiring with your mentor, your tutor and your guardian. “What do I need to work on?” “What is hidden from me that I do not see?” “Where can I grow?”

And they will disclose to you, as you need to, in the way that you need to hear, at the time that you need to hear, and they may say, “Well, after you are back from your holiday, from your time off, from your travels away, your vacation—why don’t we talk about it then?” In the meantime, as you are away enjoying yourself, you will have some ideas yourself, won’t you, for you have asked the question and your Thought Adjuster will assist you in coming to understand yourself more clearly.

What I find most heartening to tell you today is that there are no secrets about the curriculum. The master quiz that you will get will be accompanied with the answer book. It is not a situation of “we know and you don’t,” because we want you to know. We want you to know all that we know, and with the capacity, and the confidence to make decisions that prove that. If you ask a question, you will receive answers. And if you are forestalled in hearing an answer, ask another question: “What do I need to learn before you are able to tell me the answer to my question?” And you will be told.

You live in a developmental, progressive—yes, evolutionary—environment. You are evolving yourself. It is our job, our pleasure and our service to assist you to do that. You, who struggle so hard on this planet, cannot imagine—and if you cannot imagine, then you cannot appreciate in advance, the life that you will have. The regimen for your life into infinity will be one-third work, one-third study and one-third rest and recreation —always learning—and no dirty laundry!

A free bus system, all you need to use it is permission. You can go anywhere that you want to, where you have permission. We are not encouraging you to join the afterlife early, however. You have very important mortal, material lessons to learn on this planet. When you begin to appreciate where you live and the lessons you learn, the clarity of your life will become much more explicit. And with that, we will leave that for another lesson. In closing, we ask if you have any questions relating to today’s lesson?

Student: these children that you talk about, whose children are they in the nursery?

SONDJAH: They are the aborted fetuses, they are the children born at stillbirth, they are the children who died before they are able to make moral judgments, those who are without parents, [and] those who have not known how to be children. The status of children is much broader for us than it is in your definition. We define “children” as those who did not, were not, able to enjoy the environment of a loving, helpful family. Some of you who came from abusive, neglectful families will also revisit the nurseries, not so much as service that is obligatory, but as service that is necessary for your own growth, your own maturity to learn those early life lessons that come with nurturing fragile beings into a full life. Does this answer your question?

Student: Yes, and then you made a reference that if you didn’t have three children….um…

SONDJAH: That provides an experiential base for passing out of a class without having to take the exam. Lessons of parenthood are not necessarily learned from raising one child. Raising two children in a family creates a much different dynamic between the siblings, and three changes the equation even more greatly. To parent three children successfully—and successfully does not mean that you are responsible for their decisions that they make, their moral decisions that they make for their lives—but to successfully parent three children into early adulthood is significant. It is a major accomplishment, nothing to be dismissed as insignificant, for in those struggles of parentage you also must relive your life as a child.

And to give when it is necessary to give, and withhold when it is necessary to withhold —even when you feel that you cannot do so and it breaks your heart to do so. The three is not an arbitrary number, but a significant number based upon the potential experiences that you [could] learn as a parent with [that] number of children. The reference is from The Urantia Book, [and] there are other references in other religions which speak to a family number as being optimum for learning experiences as a growing soul.

Student: Can I ask a personal question?

SONDJAH: I can say no…

Student: Okay.

SONDJAH: So ask.

Student: I have a seven-year-old granddaughter who is very intelligent and getting in a lot of trouble at school. Is there anything I can do, not living near her, to help her?

SONDJAH: Yes, you can pray for her.

Student: I do that already.

SONDJAH: You can project peaceful environments in your thinking to her. You can project peaceful activities for her to participate in. She is bored and she is resentful of not being engaged that empowers her and her potential. You can do much to encourage those around her to assist her and to have her evaluated, perhaps placed in more appropriate environments. These are only a partial list of suggestions.

Student: Thank you, I do think she is particularly bored.

Student: I have a question on parenting. Probably I am not the only one who has…(inaudible)….

SONDJAH: Yes, strive to empower them to make decisions for themselves, not to abandon them in the decision making process, but to engage them in evaluating their situation, advising them of more options for thinking, more options for action, than they speak to, and encourage them to make a decision and state their reasons why they wish to make that decision. Then of course, you must share your own acceptance or non-acceptance, and the reasons for doing so, and then let them decide to carry that out.

The parentage which we speak to, is to empower capable souls to grow into their adult selves early, it is not to abandon them, it is not to give them more resources than they can manage or handle, it is not to withhold them because they must go through the rigors that you perhaps went through, but to empower them to make decisions with full knowledge of the consequences of their decisions. They will eventually be in that situation on their own. They might as well—and should be guided—to learn those skills early, while their mistakes can be padded through their parents’ presence.

Yes, I see some of you some day, one day in the long duration of your careers, returning to your former worlds of learning and returning and thanking us for the lessons that you learned. And we in turn will congratulate you for the lessons that you learned on your own, through our assistance. Life will be so much easier, so much more of an adventure with consistent challenge at the levels of your competency in the afterlife. You will have the resources you need, the counsel you need, the time you need to make right decisions. Do not rush your life in these material days, but give yourselves space to make decisions, to make successes, to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes, for they are as fruitful—they simply say, “not this way.” Blessings to you. It has been a pleasure to be with you today. Good day.

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