Tag: Midwayer Sharmon

GEO030104- A Numbers Game

2003-01-04. A Numbers Game Illawarra District, Australia, January 4, 2003. Midwayer Chief, Gorman. Subject: “A Numbers Game”. Received by George Barnard. Gorman: “It’s Gorman here. I’m

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GEO091223- A Process of Balancing

2009-12-23. A Process of Balancing Illawarra District, Australia, December 23, 2009. Secondary Midwayer Sharmon (MNO-6). Subject: “A Process of Balancing.” Received by George Barnard. Sharmon: “Well

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GEO111101- Co-creation and Inspiration

2011-11-01. Co-creation and Inspiration Illawarra District, Australia, November 1, 2011. Midwayer Messenger Sharmon. Celestial Artisan Athena. Subject: “Co-creation and Inspiration.” Received by George Barnard. Sharmon: “This

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