Tag: The Scribe

GEO170526- Forever

2017-05-26. Forever Illawarra District, Australia, May 26, 2017. Teacher: The Damascus Scribe. Subject: “Forever.” Message received by George Barnard. The Scribe: “Forever is a term that

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GEO170608- In My Name

2017-06-08. In My Name Illawarra District, Australia, June 8, 2017. Teacher: The Damascus Scribe. Subject: “In My Name.” Message received by George Barnard. George: “I know

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GEO170821- Unity and Cooperation

2017-08-21.  Unity and Cooperation Illawarra District, Australia, August 21, 2017. Teachers: The Damascus Scribe. Machiventa Melchizedek. Subjects: “Unity and Cooperation”. Message received by George Barnard.

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GEO170914- The Same Project

2017-09-14.  The Same Project Illawarra District, Australia, September 14, 2017. Teacher: The Damascus Scribe. Subject: “The Same Project.” also “She followed Your Thoughts.” Message received

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