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paper- The Design Team Process 18.11.04


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18.11.04 The Design Team Process – The great benefit of having a set of timeless, universal, and irreducible values and consequent ethic and morality is that we can now use them in analytical formats to validate existing laws, policies, attitudes, prejudices, procedures, and particularly cultural, ethnic, racial, and gender assumptions. The seven values, ethic, and morality have already been discussed at length in several of the author’s papers including Seven Innate Human Values and Making Sense of Ethics, A Universally Applicable Theory of Ethics, Morality and Values.The Design Team Process describes the “Design Team” that is composed of 5-11 team members who use the “Raphael Design and Validation Schematic” that guides their inquiry. Specific roles of team members provide functions within the team to gather their collective intelligence during the inquiry process. The synergy of all elements produces outcomes that are often surprising.

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