11CT-40sp- Los Maestros Esperan
2009-02-07. Los maestros esperan Ubicación: Michigan, EEUU #40 Fecha: 7 Feb 2009 Maestro: Maestro Ophelius Receptor: Chris Maurus Sí, estoy aquí, el Círculo está aquí,
2009-02-07. Los maestros esperan Ubicación: Michigan, EEUU #40 Fecha: 7 Feb 2009 Maestro: Maestro Ophelius Receptor: Chris Maurus Sí, estoy aquí, el Círculo está aquí,
2008-09-08. Love and Respect Location: Michigan, USA #16 Date: 8 Sep 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Greetings again dear one. It is again a pleasure to be
2008-10-15. Happiness Location: Michigan, USA #18 Date: 15 Oct 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Good evening, we—your teachers, are here with you tonight to present a lesson
2008-10-17. Freedom Location: Michigan, USA #18 Date: 17 Oct 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius, Thought Adjuster Receiver: Chris Maurus Ophelius: Good evening, we are here again with you tonight and
2008-11-09. The Noble Paths Location: Michigan, USA #19 Date: 9 Nov 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Good morning, you asked the question, “what can I do in
2008-11-24. Friendship Location: Michigan, USA #20 Date: 24 Nov 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Good morning dear one. Today’s lesson is on friendship. What is friendship and
2008-11-25. Confirmation Location: Michigan, USA #21 Date: 25 Nov 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Dear one, the desires of your heart have not gone unnoticed, and we
2008-11-26. Perserverance Location: Michigan, USA #22 Date: 26 Nov 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Good morning dear one. Today is your first morning within the Circle and
2008-11-29. A Lesson on Charity Location: Michigan, USA #23 Date: 29 Nov 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Good Morning dear one. Your teachers are with you again
2008-11-30. Service to Others Location: Michigan, USA #24 Date: 30 Nov 2008 Teacher: Teacher Ophelius Receiver: Chris Maurus Good evening dear one, we are glad to have the opportunity