MAR35- Seek The Way To Go
2005-02-14-Seek The Way To Go Marin #35 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Seek The Way To Go 2Group: Marin TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Nebadonia 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson
2005-02-14-Seek The Way To Go Marin #35 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Seek The Way To Go 2Group: Marin TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Nebadonia 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson
2011-03-17-Mystery of Personality Lightline #299 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Mystery of Personality 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson 2.1Personality 2.2Identity 2.3Defense 2.4Potential
2011-04-11-Time and God’s Will Lightline #303 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Creativity 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Nebadonia 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 1.1Creativity 1.2Stillness 2Dialogue 2.1Self Realization 2.2Origin
2011-04-21-Life Lightline #305 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Life 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 1.1Personality 1.2Sharing 1.3Inner Life 1.4Freedom 2Dialogue 2.1Interdependence 2.2Near Death
2011-05-19-Self Power Lightline #308 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Self-power and Other-power 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson 3Dialogue 4Closing Heading Topic: Self-power and
2011-06-16-Refuse Authoritarian Lightline #312 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Refusing to be Authoritarian. 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 1.1Freedom 1.2Identity 1.3Consciousness 1.4Courage 2Dialogue
2011-07-21-Sharing, Agondonters Lightline #317 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Sharing All 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 1.1Sharing 1.2Confidence 1.3Ideal 2Dialogue 2.1Agondonters 2.2Love 2.3Generosity
2011-09-15-God’s Continuous Gift Lightline #323 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: God’s Continuous Gift 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 1.1Creation 1.2Freedom 1.3Faith 1.4Feeling 1.5Revelation
2011-10-20-Contention and Competition Lightline #328 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Contention and Competition 2Group: Lightline TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session 1Opening 2Lesson 2.1Competition 2.2Cooperation 2.3Mobs 3Dialogue
2005-01-03-Wonders & Adventures In God’s Creation Marin #29 Contents 1Heading 1Topic: Wonders & Adventures In God’s Creation 2Group: Marin TeaM 2Facilitators 1Teacher: Michael 2TR: JL 3Session