2012-07-06. Dissertation on Prejudice
Chicago, US of A, July 6, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Dissertation on Prejudice.”
Received by Valdir Soares.
Prolotheos: “Let us take this opportunity to examine a rather delicate topic: Prejudice. Prejudice is by definition a pre-judgment. It means that you have a previously formed opinion about something, that is, an opinion conceived before the acquisition of actual experiential knowledge. For example, you say that mangos taste bad, but you never ate one. It is from a certain perspective beneficial to human beings to be able to form opinions without actually experiencing certain phenomena. For instance, you don’t need to try walking through a solid wall to know that you can’t do that, and know that if you try it, it will hurt you. The ability of passing judgment on situations without necessarily experiencing them, is a characteristic feature of Personality. However, such judgment is only valid if the information you gathered for such a conclusion, is correct; otherwise it will unfailingly lead you to the wrong conclusion. In that instance, the problem is not your coming to a pre-judgment, but your basing it on wrong, insufficient, or inaccurate information.
“Prejudice is generally about people; and it usually involves reasoning containing all three – wrong, insufficient, and inaccurate information. When you judge people based on appearance or stereotype, you are acting with prejudice towards them. The most common contexts in which prejudice surfaces are: race, color, age, sex, appearance, and socio-economic status. It is wrong to form an opinion of people based exclusively on these aspects, because they cannot give you any information about their character. Conversely, it is impossible for intelligent beings to relate to others without having an opinion about them; everybody you know (collectively or individually) has a standing before you; that helps you to relate to this person or group. However, you should not use this evaluation to judge character (‘judge not’, said the Master, ‘lest you be judged’), but to know people better, and to find ways of loving them better. The problem is not acknowledging that a person is of certain color or age, male or female, obese or skinny, rich or poor. The problem is how you use this information – as a means to a better ministry of love, rather than to spread hatred.
“The Father in heaven is no respecter of persons; meaning: Who or what you are does not make any difference to God, because as far as your identity is concerned, it is enough for the Father to know that you are His son or daughter. Your decisions, choices and actions are that which shows how God’s love is perceived by you. He never stops loving you, even if you stop loving Him. However, God is infinitely perfect. You, on Urantia, are at best only just starting your journey towards perfection. Imperfect beings are capable of showing prejudice because they have limited information and limited capacity for handling this information. Therefore, the cure for prejudice is a process: experiential, progressive and even subject to relapses. Notwithstanding, the antidote for prejudice is well known. It is simply unconditional love. So, love people as you love yourself, and you will treat them as you would like to be treated: without prejudice.
“When love is your aim, there is no room for prejudice. I am Prolotheos, always glad to expand these concepts for you. My love is with you.”