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WDC338- Allow Room to Grow

2001-12-10.  Allow Room to Grow

Woods Cross #338

Topic: Reality of Being Human

Group: Woods Cross TeaM

Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina


ABRAHAM: I AM ABRAHAM. Sorry for the delay. I cannot be heard until I am really listened for. There needs to be an allowance, so to speak, a decline in personal will, a type of indifference, if you will. The busier the mind, the more difficult it is to make contact.


Humanity, Growth

For the next few lessons I would like us to focus on the reality of being human. I would us like to find the true spirit of being mortal. Not only are we always in a state of experiencing, we are also always in a state of constant striving. I would ask you for what are you striving?

So many individuals when they are very young constantly strive to become older and more mature because that seems to come with certain benefits. There is a time however in childhood that the child delights in just being a child, in just being shown. For the child it is not about the struggle of striving, but about adventure and the wonder of everyday living. As mortals mature they sometimes make effort towards pushing back time, dreading the inevitability’s that are to come with time–with that thought–follows that energy. The sense of adventure and desire to only be shown the wonders in everyday living is practically lost.

Light and Life

On worlds settled in Light and Life each stage of mortal life is a celebration, yes, a right of passage. Each stage is filled with gratitude for the experience already gained and the experience to come. There is not labels attached with maturity. You are not growing older  and becoming feeble and without ability to be shown, no. Being more mature on these settled worlds is not a higher seat in the Kingdom, as if one has earned seniority, no.There are not limits as you move towards the spirit world. The lines of age are blurred and insignificant. These individuals are in somewhat of a state of continual striving, but that striving is in an attitude of wanting to be shown, enjoying that anticipation and discovery that the next stage of life will bring. How precious it is to watch these older individuals minister to the younger individuals in an attitude of excitement and inspiration, not an attitude of superiority or seniority that says, “I have been there, done that.” There is always one hand reaching forward to be helped up, while the other hand is back pulling up their fellows.

This society is so accustomed to moving into new life stages with foreboding, as if their best days are behind them and that is exactly what they get. Their spirit is stifled and in a fearful state. Mortals become used to being on guard all times so that nothing surprises them, nothing hurts them, but also practically nothing makes them happy.

How easy it is to move from an unpleasant, although educational, ordeal with an attitude of “I survived that. What is next?” There is no internal celebration and joy for the new found learning. There seems to be only dread for its reoccurrence. There is not gratitude for the new tools gained, but more insulation as protection. While the insulation may guard you against pain, it also keeps you from that awesome state of wonder and anticipation of adventure.

As I think back to my life in the flesh, I wish I had more courageously faced those mortal inevitabilities. I wish I would have felt every aspect of emotion, instead of protecting myself. To know the fulfillment of a quenched thirst, you must travel through the desert. To have real spiritual joy, you must define your mortal experiences through a spiritual perspective.


Just as we had difficulty in beginning our lesson this evening, it is all the more difficult to be in touch with that Father-fragment when you are in a state of self-guarding or preoccupied with trivial things. Stillness practice is keeping those lines of communication open. Without this practice it becomes somewhat difficult to be spirit led. A few moments of silence every day increases trust in Father and you feel protected; you feel watched over and cared for. You need not build your own wall of protection that keeps away pain, as well as happiness.


This week journal what you hope to accomplish in this mortal life. What are you striving for? What is consuming your energy? Find a few minutes every day to be quiet, to allow, to rebuild trust and faith. What stage of this mortal life are you at now? What have you learned? What is there to feel that anticipation of adventure for the next stage? Can you be that child who puts not so much effort into the striving, but just open to being shown.

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