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WDC481- Mortal Life Is Education and Change

2004-11-29.  Mortal Life Is Education and Change

Woods Cross #481

Topic: Mortal Life is Education and Change

Group: Woods Cross TeaM

Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina


ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, I am grateful for being so welcomed into your family group. I am quite enjoying the harmony of the group’s attitude and the willingness to keep moving in a forward motion. Your willingness to stay unified is a wonderful example of all that we have been trying to teach. Some years ago you were all perfect strangers and behold the family structure you have each helped to build. Well done.


We have been discussing change as of late and I appreciate your efforts to absorb the meaning and put it into practice in daily living. Father is so gracious. He is so kind in His educational techniques. He bestows not change on His children all at once. He creates not chaos to shock you into welcoming change, no. Father is gentle in His methods. He is wise to build a strong foundation for everlasting change and/or evolution.

Think back over your short time in the flesh, what has brought you greater wisdom than the small but significant changes? Mortal life is about learning to listen, learning to set aside ego and becoming a responsible citizen of the great universes. How can one serve as an ambassador in our Correcting Time without having made personal correction? How can one set a good example of universe citizenship without a sincere release of ego?

This mortal life is always going to be about education and change. You don’t just suddenly stop learning at certain points in your life, no. Life is forward momentum, it is always progressing, perhaps at times it seems not so productive, but certainly in the mortal struggle will your eyes of faith be made to be expanded with new experience. I realize that most of you have been hard at work on personal change and growth. I would hope to be a light upon your path and not a burden.

You each possess tools that aid you in body, mind and spirit to create harmony, instead of being dragged through this mortal life in chaos. You have the tools of stillness and prayer. I realize you are each quite busy in life, but most definitely you all know that prayer and meditation opens the mind to the Father and to the mind circuits. I know as the stress of life builds it does seem to further separate you from spirit. Prayer is a wonderful return home to receive that nurturing which will carry you in peace through every experience.

To pray is simply to open an arena for a discussion with Father. You talk to Him and you listen to Him, definitely He listens to you. He talks to you. It’s all very simple, and yet many miss this benefit because they are fearful they are not heard or as important as other issues. Each person has God within and He is abundant. He is a part of you that is so close, you at times almost seem as one. What a wonderful light to live by.

Let us simplify life this week by improving our communication with Father and His associates. If you have not the serenity in your life that you desire, ponder your willingness to take a moment each day to have personal time with Father. Are there questions?


Miriam: Abraham, thank you. You heard us all talking before the meeting just how much we love you. If we have harmony it is a lot because of you. We are crazy about you. I was wondering if you had any words for my sister, Elena? She asked me to ask you that.

ABRAHAM: Thank you, Miriam, and I love you. For Elena I can see that you do hold onto some resentment that causes certain fears that provoke some behavior you would not desire. There are times of disappointment when old fears and old habits come to the surface. Have not worry. Old behaviors are presenting themselves so you can wade through them, climb to the top for a better understanding. These are the years when Thought Adjuster turns to Thought Controller. It is simply all preparation. Have not worry. You do well. (Thank you.) You’re welcome. Another question?

Calvin: Abraham, in your lessons you talked about being open to change, not let the hardships keep us in a shell. I know many believe that this group is holding onto the old, not letting go with big change, in particular the new enlightenment that seems to be dominating our Teaching Mission family as a whole out there on the list that we share concerning the coming of the Magisterial Son and the new revelation to come and so forth. Would you care to address that? Do we need to open up in that regard or are you talking about personal change?

ABRAHAM: I speak of personal change as in self-mastery. As your understanding for God grows, you are more likely to release the ego. The ego demands attention. The ego demands to be seen. Like a child who would not understand the unconditional love of a parent, he would learn to act in any manner to gain the parents attention. Much of the Missions activity is simply need for attention. This is all understood and what is real will rise to the top. It will be lasting. It will not be bound by ego or old traditions. It will not be pouring new wine into old skins. I would suggest that everyone who can put Father as their sovereign will find peace and love that they simply cannot get anywhere else. This is not a Mission of mans power, but a Mission of God’s love. Is this helping?

Calvin: Yes. Thank you very much.

ABRAHAM: Another question.

Jesse: Abraham, what do I most need to know right now?

ABRAHAM: I believe you already know that answer and are quite successfully living up to it. I believe you are spiritually driven and making it your first priority in life. Well done. I do see some stress and concern over things material and as you know, a balanced life is the tending to different aspects of life. Keep moving forward with your efforts and have not worry, but remember even the Master had to work from time to time to be able to live. Overall you do well. One more question.

Sarauna: (Inaudible. Best guess—do you have any suggestions how I move forward into this new phase of my life?)

ABRAHAM: Certainly. Have not worry. Your decisions have been well thought out. Do not doubt yourself, your decisions now. Have not worry of what tomorrow brings. Do not rush so quickly into the future. Enjoy the now. Know that you are quite capable of receiving spiritual messages. Take time to listen and journal. Have not fear that you are no longer needing to work for the future. You are living and enjoying the present time. Now that your possibilities are broadening you have opportunity to fulfill your heartfelt desires. Just take it slow and absorb each moment. Have not worry. You do well.


With that I will take my leave. Know that I am growing with affection for you each. I become better with your friendship. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.

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