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WDC529- A Few Words on Tradition

2005-11-21.  A Few Words on Tradition

Woods Cross #529

Topic: On Tradition

Group: Woods Cross TeaM

Teacher: Abraham

TR: Nina


ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is apparent that you each put your best foot forward coming to these meetings. You emanate a peaceful attitude, but I am noticing the wisdom you have gained over the years. I enjoy the balance in this group. Not one is above another. Your diversity brings wisdom in all forms. You embrace that part of one another that is mortal and I believe that the Master helped one and all to advance by doing the same.


Every mortal is going to have just as much experience as they will allow. In your youth there was a great deal of excitement and new possibilities. As you grew you realized every mortal must experience certain inevitabilities to advance or pay their dues, so to speak. Peace comes not without some hard work. It is an honor for me to work side by side with those who make a great deal of effort.

I must make clear that I enjoy some traditions, the familiar, mostly because of the love produced therefrom, but this evening I would say a few words on tradition and those who feel trapped into carrying it on. I believe that escape in today’s society has become very popular because there is so much pressure to conform to what society defines acceptable. Escape comes in many forms, as many of you well know. It would appear that the child that conforms is accepted and good, while the child that bends the rules is problematic and in need of discipline.

You that are involved in this Correcting Time still know not of your spiritual freedom. There are remnants of tradition that keep you bound and cause confusion. I believe as you become more spiritual your priorities lie with the Father of all fathers. Acceptance in other forms becomes somewhat meaningless. I realize that I, myself, am a creature of habit and change is a bit difficult, even for me now. As mortals you all have laws you must abide by, of course, but as far as a society, with all it’s culture and status, these traditions do not apply. One needs not feel trapped in certain circumstances because of what they fear societal repercussions may bring.

Urantia is becoming a new world. Mortals are learning to trust their intuition a bit more. You each have power to change small things for the better. Mostly my focus this evening is on feeling unnecessary pressure to live up to someone else’s ideals. Your close connection with Father is a great relief from that pressure. It is acceptable to involve Father in every moment of every day. There is nothing too trivial. This life is a fantastic adventure and with a great deal of value. It should be treasured, not merely endured.

The Master made small changes by ministering as He passed by. He was not pressured to so much conform, but He certainly did abide by the laws of that day. The Master sought not escape at any time and was fully committed to drinking the cup that was offered to Him. Did He make the best of bad situations? He did and He wholly enjoyed it. It was not work. His closeness with His Father did indeed give Him an upper hand with His fellows. He savored life. He knew very well whom He served.


This week I would suggest that we consider those pressures of life that would have us conform to meaninglessness. What is considered a healthy escape for spiritual rest in your life? That is all. Mary will be with us next week, but sends her regards. Know that I am with exceeding love for you each. Until next time, shalom.

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