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WDC573- Movement


Woods Cross #573


1Topic: Movement
2Group: Woods Cross TeaM
1Teacher: Abraham, Mary
2TR: Nina


Topic: Movement

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham, Mary

TR: Nina



ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is truly touching to see how you help one another. That brotherly love leads you to give unconditionally. Discussing everyday issues here with each other helps you to put life into perspective and use the tools and gifts Father has granted you. You each do well at making effort to live life spiritually and still remain grounded in a logical reality. It is true for me that you enrich my existence and I can see without a doubt that you also enrich one another’s.

How blessed are we to–for the most part, be unlimited by church dogma. It is a fact that the percentages of people with depression or mindal disturbance increases every day. As students of this universe we are learning how to live our best life and this most definitely increases joy and meaning. People with depression are feeling limited or stunted and this is increasing frustration and an outlook of hopelessness. As we mature in spirit we are learning to find the fullness in life, yes, the satisfaction of being alive.

MARY: I am MARY. Greetings again, friends, how fortunate are we to be able to become one with such beautiful cosmic information. Abraham, you have been a wonderful mentor to me. I so enjoy the lessons. I am in understanding of heaviness in heart and mind. The feelings of having no control over things that should be controllable are so frustrating. The feelings of self-inadequacy are overwhelming. Depression is a hole that only gets deeper unless you can find the fullness in everyday living.


As a child I felt most unwanted, in the way, so to speak. My thought pattern was so deeply ingrained as I became an adult that I was with practically no confidence. This was very limiting indeed. Being a babe in the spirit, I always questioned my worthiness and always thought that others were much closer to Father than I could ever be. Jesus was a most interesting character in the fact that He so enjoyed His work. Crushing criticism never bothered Him. He was taking advantage of each breath He was alive. He saw opportunity in every moment. He saw joy in the past and present.

I recall the Master helping an elderly gentleman who was a bit confused about his whereabouts. He had asked the Master for direction and as Jesus was guiding him, the gentleman began to disagree with the Master’s knowledge of the city. Jesus simply smiled and was not about to argue with the man, in fact He found it somewhat humorous. Even though the Master was due at a speaking engagement, He offered to escort the gentleman to the designated area.

As the Master and the man walked they had a marvelous discussion about gardening, sports and women. They laughed together and totally enjoyed one another’s company. The elderly gentleman was quite surprised the Master’s directions were accurate. Jesus found this little stroll to be with enjoyment and meaning. Certainly this was a much more important engagement than what was waiting for Him at the place He was due to speak. This is a simple event in the life of our Savior, but such a wonderful example of how the Master found the fullness of living.

Can you imagine this event taking place in the world today with other individuals? Everyone is always in such a hurry. There seems to be no time to find the fruit in the harvest of living. This is what creates the feelings of depression and emptiness. Each moment in life is filled with unlimited possibilities, but very few people take advantage of this knowledge. You were meant to have a life and have it abundantly. There is adventure to be had. There is opportunity in the most simplest of moments. This is not a license to be self-indulgent, no, but this is opportunity to find meaning and a reason to strive.


This week let us slow down. Let our emptiness be filled with meaning. Take advantage of simplicity. Enjoy the present moment. Enjoy the so-called ‘average.’ There is fulfillment to be had. There is light to grow on. I have enjoyed my time with you, my fellow sojourners. It feels good to be part of a team. You are my team. It is with great love that I take my leave. From Abraham and myself, we bid you shalom.

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