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WDC578- Risk & Growth

2007-03-05-Risk & Growth

Woods Cross #578


1Topic: Risk & Growth
2Group: Woods Cross TeaM
1Teacher: Abraham, Mary
2TR: Nina


Topic: Risk & Growth

Group: Woods Cross TeaM


Teacher: Abraham, Mary

TR: Nina



ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I love to visit with you, my faithful. No matter what befalls you, you continue to uphold the plan and purpose of our Brother/Father. Not even death can stop up us. The material life and the spiritual are becoming more blended. It is becoming less important to see with your eyes, hear with your ears, touch with your hands. There is simply an inner knowing that connects us each to the cosmic mind. Here is your refuge; here is your escape and rest. As we gather we find ourselves re-centered and focused on our reason for being.

I often wonder how I would handle myself in this day and age. There is so much distress and distraction. It is a struggle to continue on with mere material difficulties if you have not hope in something more meaningful. It behooves a father to come to the realization that they have spent their whole lives to provide for their children and yet, they have missed how their children have grown. What value is there to be in the presence of the growth of a human being, especially a loved one? Can you receive the benefits of spiritual growth if you have not participated in opportunities that were presented? Have not worry. Our lesson here this evening is on taking risk and having the courage to face growth.


MARY: I am MARY, again, so blessed by your presence. How honored I am to be your sister and participate in this Mission of our Brother/Father. Always must I revert back to my experience so that I can give you somewhat of a memorable picture. In my day, as well as this present day, you were either born into opportunity or simply thriving on luck. I learned early on that I was not born into wealth or good fortune. My mother had died early on in my childhood and I knew her not. I had a few scattered relatives that could give me a few bits of her personality, but she for the most part was an illusion I had chosen to participate in. I had not an idea of who my father was. He also was somewhat of a part of the mystery of my identity.

Everyone in the mortal body must have experience in true meaning. This is how we advance and grow toward being a citizen in the universe. Around the age of six I had then for the most part been on my own. It was required of me to take risks so that I could simply survive. There are times in mortal living where we are feeling in somewhat of a safe area of life, yet it is unfulfilling and stagnant. At some point in our lives we learn to sleep in the bed we have made. We know cause and effect.

It is easy to become focused on the material world and forget the reason for striving. We are at the foot of a huge mountain and there is beauty all around. The climb is our meaning and our effort is the price that we pay. I cannot begin to describe to you what awaits, what adventures will be revealed. Our reason for striving is all about becoming one with that beloved fragment of Father within. Our life is not out in front of us, it is a continuous climb within. Let us remember with each foothold the value of experience and without the courage to continue on, we forego the upcoming beauty and meaning.

As we go into the week, let us ponder our reason for striving. How close are you to living the life you really want? What are those obstacles that keep you from reaching for that next step in the climb? Our courage to take a chance is all about reaching out for our First Source and Center. The material life is secondary to what is our true purpose. To stay stuck in a rut of safety is to lose light, to lose hope. It is to feel we have no choices. You know what to do to gear up for the climb. You have endless options to keep reminding you that the next step is a requirement in your spiritual advancement. Your willingness to allow the mortal and spiritual lives to be blended is about all the equipment you will require.

We stay not in the shadows so that we can be seen, no. We are sojourners in a wonderful adventure and live our lives as an example of hope. I have not regret for my lonely childhood. I have not complaint. I have not sorrow for the past. No. It was indeed training for the life that was to come and yes, I have met and spoke with my earthly parents and all is understood. All is well. Nothing of value is ever lost.


This week, my friends, let us remember why we strive. What brings us hope and how are we a light to others? I know that with each time we meet I am growing more affectionate toward you. I thank you for your open hearts and minds. From Abraham and myself, our love goes with you. We bid you shalom.

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