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WDC605- Faith Through Study of Mind

2007-09-24  Faith Through Study of Mind
Woods Cross #605


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Faith Through Study of Mind
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham, Emulan
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Faith Through Study of Mind
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Emulan
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM: I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It is good to see you discuss everyday issues and possible solutions. As I think about the world as a whole, you are a bright light that is really quite expansive. It is apparent that you each work hard every day for self-correction and service to the Correcting Time. Knowing you each, I see that your intentions are always well and good. Your heart is always in the right place. It is helpful and healing for you to have one another to make spiritual sense out of mortal living.

EMULAN:  I am EMULAN. It has been awhile, my friends. I have missed your kindness and willingness to make our ministry more progressive. For the most part many of you know me and my history. I always refer back to that because it is where my greatest lessons stemmed from. Later in my mortal years I began to study psychiatry and the inner workings of the mortal mind. I have always found the connection of the material brain and the spiritual circuits most fascinating. It is your link to otherness. It is a doorway. Many of life’s experiences can close off that doorway. I am practically an expert on that subject.


EMULAN:   After my most traumatic and heartbreaking experience of losing my wife and daughter to a tragic accident, I was certain that Father had no love for me whatsoever. I was indeed closed off in mind. I cannot begin to tell you the overwhelming experience of loneliness and darkness. I honestly did not want to deal with any part of that void. I was extremely angry and was bent on making somebody pay. It was a mindal trap that had a hold over me. I struggled and still could not break free for quite a few years.

As I began my study of psychiatry, this activity in itself took my mind away from my anger. I found a lot of escape in my studies and yet, at the same time I actually learned a few things. The human mind is at it’s best when life for the most part feels balanced. You are always doing your best to exhaust your human resources and exercising acceptance of what is. You cannot predict Father’s avenues that He may go through to create plan and purpose, response and results. When we know we have done our best, we may run into obstacles that will just not move and that is when we are committed to going forward with what is.

How strange it was when I discovered so much about faith through the study of the mind. I really endeavored to make the spirit a science project. I found that my ever-changing interests in life were acceptable to follow through with, because this helped me to have clarity in mind. It helped me to understand my anger and my loss. I know Father did not want me to sit back and be inactive while life ran over me, no. He wanted me to do all that I could fathom within my own mind to do and know that as I worked—He worked.

Life in the flesh is difficult and yet so necessary and such a blessing in how you learn and how you will live out your eternal career. We find that those who strive to live life with intention feel more a part of the overall ministry. They feel more like a co-creator than a bystander. When you have thought or desire to move forward with a project, it does not hurt to do a little research. If the doors open to further the project, then that is fine, if not, then perhaps the intentions behind it were misaligned with the Father’s will. That is not good or bad. It is simple learning to organize the mind to have receptivity for the spirit. Abraham tells me you each do what you can to maintain your mortal life spiritually and I can say for myself, that is not an easy task. You each are doing well. I am feeling honored and blessed to have visited with you this evening. I shall not wait so long in-between our visits. For now I bid you farewell.


ABRAHAM:  Again, I am ABRAHAM. Thank you, brother and friend. Another wonderful lesson delivered. I thank you too, each one of you, for all the effort you make every day. I can honestly say I appreciate each one of you. Mary sends her greetings and will be here next week. Know that all of us send with you our love. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.

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