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WDC637- Responsibility in Relationships

2008-06-09-Responsibility in Relationships
Woods Cross #637


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Responsibility in Relationships
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham, Mary
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Responsibility in Relationship
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham, Mary
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. What a beautiful crowd this evening. I am honored to be counted as one of you, working for the cause of our Brother/Father, Michael. I am always touched by your steadfastness in making this meeting a reality. You help to bring Father a step closer to those who know you. You make Father understandable and set an example of using spiritual skills in everyday living. Well done.

MARY:  I am MARY and also delighted to be with you this evening. I also have been studying various cultures and am becoming enlightened to the world as it is today. I can see each individual as having a role to play in their lives. I am inspired by those who have experienced the worst in mortal life and still are beaming with hope. I am also realizing those who have been bitten by life and are hesitant of fully experiencing it as it is.


MARY:   I can say from my own experience I had such dread of fulfilling certain daily tasks that would require socializing. I had judged people as instantly being critical of me just by the way I looked or acted, when in reality, that was not happening. When misfortune seemed to strike, I had to blame somebody or have some excuse for a reason to continue to be bitter. It would seem as if life’s experiences would bury me with anger and despair.

Listening to the Master’s lessons, I had realized I needed to take responsibility for my own actions, my own thoughts. I realized I would ruin some situation even before I began to experience it just with my negative thinking. The Master made me feel a part of the grand family and I learned that immediate judgment in any situation was a selfish draw of energy. It was to continue being a victim. I seriously admired the Master’s ability to detach from drama or emotion and logically dissect a problem and be open to Father’s solutions.

What a comfort to know that the Father is so close that there is literally nothing to fear, nothing so insurmountable that you can’t view a larger horizon. In improving my connection with the internal Father, I felt empowered to use my spiritual skills in everyday life. That means I could live my beliefs and feel that logic the Master portrayed. It is said, this life is only a day in eternity. Live it well.

I can see how Father works in various situations of life, but that doesn’t mean I will always be blissful. I still feel great emotions and am still learning to take hold of the larger picture and know that somebody very powerful and all inspiring is watching over me. Jesus was all about empowerment and showing how to go into any circumstances in your daily experiences and knowing there were educational messages and depending on your level of spiritual advancement, you would receive what you would need.


MARY:  This week let us ponder on our realization of responsibility we take in this life. Do we answer to our accountability? Do we live to our highest truth? How can we help others who are drowning in victim hood? I would also say that care for the physical body is helpful for the mind and spirit. I believe that you know what to do to take care of the body. Lack of nutrition is harmful to the mind and creates static to receiving spiritual help. I will stop there. I want you to know how my love is growing for each one of you. I really do know you. I have a bond that will last for a long time to come. Abraham agrees and with that we send you with our love and offer to visit with you throughout the week. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.

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