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WDC640- Honest with Oneself

2008-08-23-Honest with Oneself
Woods Cross #640


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Honest with Oneself
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Honest with Oneself
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Welcome back. It is with great joy for me to be among you once again. I feel our time apart has been productive, in that each one of us has experienced personal growth by learning self-honesty. One can delay lessons when lies are believed and that is acceptable. You, that have committed to the Correcting Time however, must take in these personal lessons to be able to teach and spread the good news.


ABRAHAM:   It is really quite valuable when one learns to face disappointments and handle them with honesty. As truth seekers we must see reality for what it really is and try to become somewhat emotionally unaffected. An individual who is prone to believe in false positive thoughts, then when reality really does strike, depression is all the more devastating and reality seems brutal. Father seems to be out of reach and cruel. If you are willing to face your life with honesty, then are your emotions more likely to stay on an even keel because life is more balanced and the blows of disappointment are not so devastating.

The summer break was somewhat of a spiritual cleansing. I realize after so many years of study we need time for our minds to make sense of the lessons. As mortals you need to be able to apply the spiritual skills you have learned in regular daily living. I believe over our recess we have each learned there is no hurry in attaining spiritual understanding. You have eternity and Father wants your experience to be something you have desire for, not something forced or something you feel you must sacrifice yourself for.

I also believe that we have much more appreciation for one another in our spirit family. You each are in understanding of one another’s beliefs for the most part and accept each other in your most basic selves. I see your experiences as of late and I am also reminded of a group of individuals who served with the Master and came to the same understanding that you have each come to, that is we are seeing how important it is to think of Jesus as the door. He is the potential to actualities. He gives us fresh eyes and opens our capacity to receive insight as it is.


ABRAHAM:   It is touching to see you celebrate His birth year after year and I have taken great joy from such events. I am in gratitude for each one of you, your participation and ability to carry on. Know that we are looking forward to this season of coming spiritual adventures with you. That is all for this evening. Know that I am very much pleased with your presence and Mary and I look forward to more interaction. Until next time, go in peace. Shalom.

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