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WDC641- Pioneering Faith

2008-09-08-Pioneering Faith
Woods Cross #641


• 1 Heading
o 1.1 Topic: Pioneering Faith
o 1.2 Group: Woods Cross TeaM
• 2 Facilitators
o 2.1 Teacher: Abraham
o 2.2 TR: Nina
• 3 Session
o 3.1 Opening
o 3.2 Lesson
o 3.3 Closing

Topic: Pioneering Faith
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina


ABRAHAM:  I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am filled with such comfort to look into your beautiful faces. I have indeed missed you and your discussions on current events and the like. You make my task easy because you keep the spiritual life in perspective with balance of logic, love and laughter. I believe those who know you see you as a light of comfort and peace. You are a wonderful display of spirituality and yet, you are continually growing with common sense. Your open way with others helps them to make sense of what is occurring in the world around them.


ABRAHAM:  It would seem that these times bring us to a place of forced awareness. We are seeing a great many societal issues come into the light and of course, many will make a judgment and take a stand from where their belief system is set. It is important to you as teachers to make your minds clear from time to time. Allow the spirit to minister to you and keep your faith and hope alive. You can become overwhelmed with too many tasks, too much responsibility and of course, when you have let your commitments slip, then self-loathing becomes easy and nothing good can come from that.

In the stillness of the mind Father strengthens you with new ideas, different aspects of ways of life that have become mundane or causing irritation. Perspective is very important to you that try to live a life in the spirit. You can see our Mission as stagnant and never moving into some sort of noticeable action and that is what you will get. Your hope decreases, your connection is not the same. With a negative outlook you cannot be open to receiving new spiritual information. This is why we recommend meditation or stillness.

The Spirit is always fresh and in the moment. The human mind however tends to hold fast to habits. We must see our Mission as cutting through the wilderness, making a new path. Together we are removing fallen logs and boulders, battling thorns and insects. Still we are finding new things to do upon the path, even though it appears to be the same old struggle. Those who are empty vessels will be filled with the new. You know we as a society are overloaded with information and it is well to be learning and growing, but when stress results, then we need to pull back and go within. Find that Fragment who sustains us in all things.

Can you imagine now living without faith? The hopelessness and darkness that would result there from would be completely devastating. Those faithful ones know that there is nothing of value without our Father. I am nothing without my Father. With Father I am endless possibilities and always in a state of becoming more and more.

Mary and I are excited in embarking on this new season with you. Our time apart has not necessarily given us rest, but made us come to life with new realizations, realizations about the world and ourselves. It is easy to become discouraged and that is why we exercise faith. One fine way to do that is to read up on your textbook. What a refreshing feeling to be reminded of the hope that is living inside the Urantia Book. Study is good. Stillness is good. We are buzzing with excitement at the new ideas developing even as we speak.


ABRAHAM:  During our casual conversation let us try to stick to lessons learned in the spirit and help one another to exercise faith. Mary will be here next week with us. This week she sends her love, as do I. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.

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